(even if you aren't vegan)

NOXIGAR: Yo, Namine. I've got another thing for you to riff.
NAMINE: Is it any better than JCMovies? That thing had spark only during the latter half of it.
NAMINE: Anyway, I'll give this a glance.
NOXIGAR: Yeah. It's made by another user who used a character from something else.
NAMINE: So it's only apt that I riff this email show?
NOXIGAR: Yup. The plan cannot backfire.
NAMINE: Speaking of Aruseus, would you recommend Ghost Plate or Extremekiller?
NOXIGAR: Probs Ghost Plate. Extremekiller's done to death.
NAMINE: Okay. Just making sure we're on the same page here.
NOXIGAR: Alright. Well, if you need any snacks, you know where to find me.
{Noxigar leaves}
NAMINE: The premise, for anyone who doesn't quite get it, is that a user does an email show with a character not from Homestar, but from Pokemon instead. I do something similar with the RiffText variant, since I am after all a Kingdom Hearts character who Noxigar likes to roleplay as on here from time to time. No reason, really, although I have no objections to it since - most of the time - his imitation of me is spot-on. Other times, I have to tell him when he could use some work. At any rate, in order to accurately get into the groove of Aruseus Emails proper, I riff it instead of Noxigar.
NAMINE: I don't think this premise is good either. But I go along with it since Noxigar gives me good amusement, and is nowhere near as awful as some of the other people who I've hung out with in the past. {cough}DiZ{cough}
subject: Arumail.exeNAMINE: That is a really nice-looking banner.
Season 1
Lappy 486
Emails: 1 - 9
This is Aruseus' first computer. It comes with e-mail function and good graphics. 5-minute battery life! Yay!
NAMINE: Oh, copying straight from Strong Bad Emails. At least he's accurate.
subject: Arumail.exeThe Lappy's Interface looks like this.
Unfortunately, the Lappy died in email 9, due to an overload of E's.
NAMINE: Different headcanon, different results of the Lappy's demise. I still think nuking it would do it better homage, honestly.
T-Comp 400X
Email: 10, 45
Tom's computer. Can check emails.
NAMINE: At least some of Aruseus Emails is original.
The T-Comp's interface looks like this.
The T-Comp 400X died in email 45, when Aruseus tries to re-install Alpha Stan using an infected disc.
NAMINE: Ouch. What was it infected with? Guess I better find out!
Intell 600
Emails: 11-19 1/2, 25-30
This is Aruseus' second computer. It is better than the first but works the same.
subject: Arumail.exeThe Intell's interface looks like this.
NAMINE: That color scheme is p. good.
Sadly, the Intell 600 got hammered after getting a virus.
NAMINE: Oh my. I wonder how many of Aruseus' computers got virus'd.
Fang's NightPilot
Emails: 19 1/2 - 23
Aruseus goes on vacation and leaves Fang to run his email show.
NAMINE: Not bad, not bad. I think the vacation idea was Strong Bad-ified already, but I'll give him props for having a substitute while he was gone.
Fang checks Aruseus' email on this.
subject: Arumail.exeThe NightPilot's interface looks like this.
NAMINE: Good color scheme, but a tad hard to read.
Fang died, so the NightPilot was sold on eStrong.
NAMINE: Ouch. I figured Fang'd last longer than that.
Season 2
A-Tech 950
Emails: 31-38, 40-45
Aruseus' third computer, bought after the Intell got hammer'd.
subject: Arumail.exeThe A-Tech's interface looks like this.
The A-Tech died in email 45, due to a virus.
NAMINE: Are viruses just a main problem for Aruseus?
NAMINE: This is actually kind of a problem with the writing. There has to be a better way to end the lives of each computer other than "got a virus, it no longer works." With how antivirus programs are, viruses are turning into less prominent threats.
Taily 400
Email: 39
This is Kyubii's computer.
subject: Arumail.exeThe Taily's interface looks like this.
Season 3
E-Mach 1000
Emails: 45 1/2-85
This is Aruseus' 4th computer. Yet again, it's another laptop. It technically came in Season 2, but it's back for more.
subject: Arumail.exeThe E-Mach's interface looks like this.
Aruseus blew the E-Mach up somehow in a fit of rage.
NAMINE: Heh, at least it didn't die of a virus, or an infection of some sort otherwise.
Emails: 86 - ?
The SkyPod is a white PDA that Aruseus recieved from Sky Shaymin.
NAMINE: Yo, Nox!
{Noxigar arrives.}
NOXIGAR: Thanks.
NAMINE: Can I bring Axel along for the SkyPod portions of this riff?
NOXIGAR: I don't see why not. He probably changed his name to "Lea" not long after, and got a Keyblade, but as long as he doesn't hit me with it I'm good.
NAMINE: I've got it memorized, before you ask!
subject: Arumail.exeThe SkyPod's interface looks like this.
NAMINE: "The SkyPod died when the author lost interest in this Email show, propagated by declining interest not long after Strong Bad Emails stopped updating, thereby halting the Email show trend altogether."
Scroll Button Songs
101-105: Checkin emails from college...send me your questions and I'll answer theeeem!
100: Well, I'm off to college. Happy 100th email everyone.
90: Home...I'm scrollin' at home again...
86-89: Well, Shaymin sent me the SkyPod, Fang's joined us, could it get any better down here?
76-85: Blue skies, white sand, seizure-inducing arcade games, I'm down the shore!
71-75: Hoo! Hah! Huh! I'm back in white! Don't start a fight! Trust me everything's gonna be alright!
70: I'm going to the Wiki User Wiki. Meet me there!
61-69: Aruseus Emails. Where there's smoke, they pinch back!
60: Ooh. Scrolling on Decemberween.
56-59: I love all my emails. I love scroll buttons more!
55: Gonna scroooooooll...check emails...and save the world.
51-54: Livin' large with scroll buttons...
50: Yay for 50 emails! This one's animated. {scrolls arrow over "demented"}
48: Woah! One email over Tampo!
46-47, 49: A-scrolla scrolla. Skuk-Skuh-Skuh-roll buttons.
45 1/2: Check-check-check it out! The E-Mach is here!
45: {sigh} Still trying to find one... {there is no computer, but a note with the email titles}
38-44: {rapping} Kids don't play wit 2 many scroll buttons! C'mon C'mon!
34-36: Email is shweet! Email is awexome! So is scrolling too!
31-33: Yet again, another new compy.
26-30: ARGBLBLBLBLBL............email is cool.
25: This scroll song goes out to my 25th email!
20-24: {The Intell 600 sits on the desk with a note saying, "Aruseus is on vacation. He has left Fang to run his show."}
- Wait 10 seconds and Foxx will walk by.
FOXX: {reads note} This cannot end well. {leaves}
14-19: Emails can be awesome, but some just aren't.
11-13: Ahahaha!!! A new computer! A new scroll button too!
9-10: *sigh* I'll miss you, Lappy 486!
6-9: Ooh. Scrolly...and buttony.
1-6: I don't have a sroll button, cuz I just STARTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED!
NAMINE: All these scroll button songs and one-liners are actually pretty good. Only a few of them are worth noting on their mediocrity, like the one used for 26-30 as an example among three of them. There are a few typoes in some of the others but I'll leave them be.
Page Titles
Lappy 486! (1-8)
Farewell, Lappy. (9)
T-Comp 400X!!! (10)
Lappy 486? Nope. (11)
Intell 600! (12-19) (24-29)
NightPilot Time! (191/2-23)
?!006 lletnI (30)
NAMINE: If there's anything I learned from Lightning Guy, it's to not flagrantly abuse backwards words.
No more Intell, I'm afraid. (31)
A-Tech 950! (32-38) (41-44)
A-Tech 950 is a little broke now. (39)
A-Tech rides again! (40)
A-Tech 950!? Alpha Stan!? T-Comp 400X!? What's going on!? (45)
A-Tech 950 Replaced (451/2)
E-Mach 1000! (46-70)
The new age of Arumail! (71-84)
Action 52 SUCKS! (85)
SkyPod! (86-?)
Emails and stuff!
NAMINE: Actually I just read through all of those titles in that list and almost all of them are pretty good. Hardly a wonder this won a Fanstuff of the Fortnight Award, honestly.
Big emails, meaing ones with epic battles or serious stuff, are italicised.
subject: Arumail.exe menuEmails
Season 1: The Epic Beginning
1. variations
2. jlammy
3. band
4. worst thing
5. catchphrase
6. blorf
7. adventure
8. cereal
9. lappy's end???
10. jokes
11. shoe
12. video game
13. news progrum
14. nemesis
15. evil
16. triple mail!
17. aruseus of town
18. oddities
19. funny stuff
20. Japanese cartoon
21. blue feet
22. world's end
23. music video
24. death
25. kyubii - pic included
26. crapmail
27. hatred of fang
28. movie
29. triple mail part deuce
30. virus
Season 2: Viruses Won't Stop The Aruman
31. made-up letter
32. time machine
33. squids
34. The Legend of Kraxario: A Trip to 30X2
35. danestar
36. puppet show ideas
37. triple mail three
38. plates
39. different body
40. Pter Vs. Fang
41. coffee
42. movie critics
43. horror movies
44. triple mail four
45. Virus Reloaded
46. boredom
47. randomocity
48. the 5th triplemail
49. Killer Riolu
50. demented <- download it to watch it.
NAMINE: I'm going to skip this episode, since there's no real reason for me to download it.51. summer plans
52. bike theif
53. systems of gaming
54. school daze
55. ultimatum
56. inbox cleaning
57. slumber party times <- Badstar doin this one
58. movie night
59. pizza joint
60. decemberween TV
61. year of the wolf
62. triplet care
63. tahu
64. starring aruseus
65. Kilroy
66. Among the Brawlers
67. Many Questions, and a Long Email
68. I'll grab my stuff!
69. three emails for the sixth time
70. The Strike
Season 3: Ryan and the New Gang
71. IOU
72. yearbooks
73. robbery
74. end-of-spring cleaning
75. Battle For Your Soul
76. Fang's Email
77. summer 2008
78. life or death?
80. deoxys hunt
81. le show
82. dumb plans
83. It's A Football! I chisled it!
84. pokemanz
85. action 52
86. girlfriend
87. Wolf's Pokemon
88. tragedies
89. Airman?
90. homecoming
91. magic trickery
92. asian foods
93. questing
94. inbox cleaning 2
95. birthday
96. grandpa
97. Lucas' brother?!
98. Megaman
99. Guess what this is number seven
Season 4: Aruseus University
101.Back To School?!
102.summer camp
103.murder she wrote
104.murder she wrote 2: courtroom drama
105.murder she wrote 3: the return
106.gender swap
107.spring break
108.more effing questions
109.vore fest <- new
110.armageddon <- Oh {bleep}.
Not Quite Emails19 1/2: vacation - Aruseus goes on vacation until after email 24 and entrusts Fang with his email show.
36 1/2: most emails - Aruseus' show becomes the show with the most emails!
45 1/2: new compy - Aruseus gets a new computer.
68 1/2: Brawling - Aruseus waits for SSBB.
74 1/2: Brawling 2 - Aruseus shows us some snapshots in Fan Costumes 'X6 Style.
105 1/2: Baby - The chops have been busted. The ripoff artist gets ripped off.
107 1/2: armageddon preview - Get a look at the next upcoming email.
RINGER Music Vids NEW!
1. Programmed to Fight - Programmed to Fight is a song done by The Megas. It is a remake of the music of CrashMan's stage in MM2, with added words.
- REDIRECT User:Lucian Summers/sig
Other Stuff
NAMINE: I'd comment more about the music vids, but with the blockquote images Aruseus Emails has my commentary would probably sting someone's eyes.
Rock Opera of sorts
Includes some Not Quites and Bonus Emails.
subject: Rock opera in progressHow can't we surprise a date down Bluecubes error? Sweet carp! Watch a potato kick me, untill I fall away! Robot friends Suudsu butt Laser bust. YEAH! Hear plans, Astromund, there obey floats Roundy-man. Father comedy sky-high drive kids fiery to kicking walls. Whatever horrific aerodynamic peas used brew forces to kill your BROTHA! Painful Chimp-icide choco-choco-chip! Best chewing be suckiest dish, Y'all! Algernon solo! BLEEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRFFFFFF! Brawlers add ein Aura housebroken fairy. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!? STARSTORM! Sorry. Bendy straw runner-up ponder. Ow! Oof! Orf! Skidoosh. WUT?! Mario flat bailed cookie... Parker! Dangerous landing Pokemon scares breath Mudkip method. EEP. Just beef purely gotten over trashed. YAHOO! Grizzled GREYSKULL! Doughnuts? HA! Okkusenman! Okkusenman! Live on...right? Total sleuths! GOTCHA! Shinguard
NAMINE: Considering how this rock opera's a little too long, I don't think it should still be in progress. I mean, I already kind of get a good idea of what he likes and doesn't like just from this.
Want to email him? Click here.
NAMINE: Maybe later, when you actually resume this. That is, if it isn't already complete.