(even if you aren't vegan)
Aruseus Emails/killer
Cast {in order of appearance}: Aruseus, Roy Jr, Bubs
Places: Computer Room, The Field, Bubs' Concession Stand
Computer: E-Mach 1000
Date: July 18th, 2007
ARUSEUS: Check check check, all you do is flippin' check and ya' know how to check e-mail! {clicks the email icon}
Subject:Roy Jr's Revenge!!!!Aruseus,
I heard that Roy Jr. is trying to kill you. Really. DO SOMETHING!!!!
ARUSEUS: {typing} Look, Stimpy84. Roy Jr. and I are the closest pals. He would never kill me. I can think of all of the good times together we had...
{Flashback to triplemail3}
ARUSEUS: Get down from there!
ROY JR: Never!
ARUSEUS: {voiceover} And then...
{Cut to the Field, Aruseus is holding Roy Jr. by the tail, he raises him up}
ARUSEUS: Who wants this dog?
ROY JR: Hey!
ARUSEUS: {voiceover} And there was also...
{Cut to Bubs' Concession Stand, Roy Jr. is peeking from behind the Sign}
ARUSEUS: Get your blue butt down here, NOW.
ROY JR: Make me.
{Aruseus changes into Fire form and shoots a Fire Blast at the sign, burning it, along with Roy Jr, who becomes charred}
BUBS: You're paying for that.
{Cut back to E-Mach}
ARUSEUS: {typing} Ok...maybe not such good times, but still...we had times! Now, go away!
{Aruseus sends the email and walks out, suddenly, a giant tomahawk blade swings from the ceiling}
ROY JR: {offscreen} Shoot!
{Cut to TLA Kitchen, Aruseus is looking through the fridge, Roy Jr. peeks through the doorway}
ROY JR: {quietly} I hope he takes the milk...
ARUSEUS: Hmm...I'm in a craving for milk...
ROY JR: {quietly} Yes!
ARUSEUS: ...based products! I do like a bit of gorgonzola! {takes out a block of cheese}
{Cut back to the Computer Room, Aruseus is nibbling the cheese}
ARUSEUS: Mmm...cheese.
{Roy Jr. comes in with an axe and slices Aruseus}
{Aruseus' upper half slids off the chair}
ROY JR: ARGH! I thought that would kill you!
ARUSEUS: Get the glue gun now.
ROY JR: Why?
ARUSEUS: 'Cuz if you don't, I'll blast you to next email.
ROY JR: Uh...leaving!
{Roy Jr. runs out, The Paper Comes down}
Fun Facts
- "I do like a bit of gorgonzola!" is somthing HST says alot.