(even if you aren't vegan)
Cast {in order of appearance}: Aruseus, Fang, Homestar, Teen Fang
Places: Computer Room, Random Therapy Office, Floating Isle
Computer: E-Mach 1000
Date: June 21st, 2008
ARUSEUS: Well, It's great to have you back on the show, Fang. You made everything funnier.
NAMINE: A damnable lie if ever I heard one.
FANG: Thanks.
ARUSEUS: Hey, why don't I let you check an email?
FANG: Great! I'll grab my NightPilot!
ARUSEUS: About that...after your death...I sold it.
NAMINE: Misspelling "what" stopped being funny after 2010, thankfully.
ARUSEUS: I'll let you use the E-Mach! DON'T KILL ME!
NAMINE: That's such a nonchalant reaction to the selling of Fang's NightPilot, even if it's technologically superior to anything Arceus has or will ever have.
{Fang clicks the email icon}
Subject: how?Fang,
How do you do...the...thing?
Curious in Canada
NAMINE: These emails keep getting worse and worse by the episode chronology. I only hope that this wasn't intentionally directed at Fang for this episode.
FANG: {typing} Hm...what do you mean by the thing? Oh. You mean this? {Fang takes his arm off} This?
ARUSEUS: I think that's it. C'mon, explain it!
FANG: It's kind of tough...but ok. I will.
{Cut to Fang in a therapy chair}
NAMINE: Look, if you're going to try to give a character depth through them telling the story, at least have the story be meaningful.
FANG: It happened long ago, when I used to live at the homeland of my people, the Floating Isle. I was nothing more than a teenager at the time.
{Cut to a view of Homestar in a yellow cap}
{Cut to a view of Teenage Fang and several other Fang-like people standing among the isle}
FANG: {voiceover} I had been...average...until and accident happened, where I fell into a...erm...woodchipper.
{Teen Fang falls off of a cliff into a woodchipper}
NAMINE: Woodchipper? Why would they have a woodchipper on the Floating Ise?
ARUSEUS: Ouch...
FANG: The people had no choice but to repair me, but better. They had given me robotic implants that would keep me alive even if I had become dismembered again.
NAMINE: I don't get why Homestar would be interested in this story at all, considering it's going to turn out boring.
FANG: And I'm now capable of what I do now.
FANG: Homestar, that's it.
HOMESTAR: Well then, what the heck? {holds up a money bag and throws it at Fang, knocking him over}
ARUSEUS: Go to Youtube to find out that reference!
NAMINE: No, because I don't want to know why throwing a money bag at Fang was even remotely close to funny.
NAMINE: Also, forcing people to look up stuff in order to get jokes kind of ruins them.
{The Paper}
Fun Facts
- Go to Dan's Youtube page to find out the reference to the whole Homestar part.