(even if you aren't vegan)
Cast {in order of appearance}: Aruseus, Alpha Stan, Gunhaver, 1-Up, Tampo, DarknessLord,
NOXIGAR: Oh, I remember DarknessLord! He was a pretty cool guy! I wonder what happened to him?
NAMINE: I don't quite know. Hopefully, we get an explanation of his presence in this email.
Ert Plus, Cyrus, Zippy, Devon
Places: Computer Room,
Computer: Intell 600
Date: April 22nd, 2007 [edit] Transcript
{Cut to the Computer Room}
ARUSEUS: E-e-e-e-e-e-e-mail!
Hello Aruseus. You have 7 new emails.
NAMINE: Good, this can have some length for once.
ARUSEUS: Am I really that popular? WOW!
subject: TACO!
Fang & Aruseus! Can we eat a taco?
Mr. Meh!
ARUSEUS: Uh...this is crap. And what's with the "Fang and Aruseus"? Fang stopped checking 4 emails ago. Ah well. Time to be DELETED!
NAMINE: Thankfully, padding is still beneath Aruseus even though he kind of needs a little of it.
ARUSEUS: Now that that worthless piece of crap is gone, time for another.
subject: Pie
To Aruseus: Can you bake me a pie? From Homestar Runner?
ARUSEUS: Hey! I got this at email 10! What's with the weird coloring? Guys, when emailing me, use "blockquote class= aruseus", please! No, I will not bake you a pie, I will DELETE you a pie!
NAMINE: Just bake the pie already! You could solve your problems and never get that email again.
ARUSEUS: Alright. On to the real email.
NAMINE: 2 out of 7 emails completed, and it hasn't even been a whole minute.
subject: MEH.
Aruseus? How do you type with boxing gloves on?
A fan
ARUSEUS: What!? I got this one already! DELETED!
NAMINE: Okay, 3 out of 7.
ARUSEUS: Hmph! Next one.
subject: troggie!
aruseus, can you draw trogdor again
ARUSEUS: Come on! This one even sucks at grammar!
NAMINE: You're one to talk.
NAMINE: 4 out of 7. Where's the substance? The jokes? The things that make Strong Bad Email still enjoyable to this day?
ARUSEUS: This time, it better be good.
subject: jlammy
aruseus i dare you to say jlammy 500 times! JLAMMY MAN
ARUSEUS: {mockingly} Ok! I'll say jlammy 500 times! Jlammy Jlammy Jlammy Jlammy Jlammy DELETED!
NAMINE: 5 out of 7, and he didn't even say Jlammy ten times.
ARUSEUS: Come on! This is getting too crazy!
subject: MEH.
Aruseus? How do you type without boxing gloves on?
A fan
NAMINE: 6 out of 7. This last email actually better be good.
ARUSEUS: Ok. Seventh email, this better be good.
subject: rip off
Your show is a ripoff of Strong Bad Emails and it sucks.
{silence for about 5 seconds, a whoos is heard}
ARUSEUS: Grrrr............AAAAAAAAH!!!! {pounds keyboard repeatedly}
NAMINE: You could've picked better emails, you know. That'd save you the trouble of having to conjure this train wreck.
DELETED!(ow, ow, ow, ow, ow)
ARUSEUS: My email show is not a freakin' ripoff! Everybody checks emails nowadays!
{several characters walk in, including Gunhaver, 1-Up, Tampo, DarknessLord, Ert Plus, Cyrus, Zippy, and Devon.}
DEVON: I check emails!
TAMPO: My show's quite popular.
GUNHAVER: I've got alot of emails!
1-UP: I have more than you!
DARKNESSLORD: My show's crazy!
ERT PLUS: I think Aruseus' friend, Jerry Kyubickyoulus sent me one.
ZIPPY: That wasn't even close.
CYRUS: Still working on my first email!
ARUSEUS: You see, Anonymous? My show doesn't suck...
ARUSEUS: ...and it is not a ripoff!
NAMINE: So... they're just satellite characters who shill Aruseus in order to justify this show not being a shameless Strong Bad ripoff?
NAMINE: This episode could've been better if you just deleted those emails without answering them and picked an email that would allow you substance and depth to go with the style
{The Paper comes down} [edit] Easter Eggs
* Click on each person to hear them say something.
DEVON: I got that same email!
TAMPO: One of mine was made into a Text Adventure and won FOTM.
GUNHAVER: I used to have an Alpha Stan like yours, Aruseus!
1-UP: I want pudding!
ERT PLUS: His name is Jason Kyubireno!
ZIPPY: It's James Kyubii, idiot!
CYRUS: Still working on it...
ARUSEUS: Aru-mail forever! [edit] Fun Facts
Meh, I'll do 'em.
NAMINE: Why oh why are these emails still formatted poorly?