(even if you aren't vegan)
Aruseus Emails/oddities
Cast {in order of appearance}: Aruseus, Pter, Foxx, Homestar, Kyubii, Fang
Places: Computer Room, Projector Room, Strong Badia
Computer: Intell 600
Date: March 24th, 2007 [edit] Transcript
ARUSEUS: Umm...Meh meh meh email! {types run_arumail.exe}
subject: Hey you!
Do you like pizza? You gotta like pizzas.
Your dude, That guy from a bus and on the plane!
ARUSEUS: {typing} Yea...I like pizza. Pizza is good with a nice topping of...pepperoni...and meatball...and sausage... and DELETED!
ARUSEUS: Alright. On to the real email.
subject: MEH.
Aruseus? How do you type with boxing gloves on?
A fan
ARUSEUS: What!? Am I getting crapmail today! DELETED!
ARUSEUS: Ok. Let's hope for a good email this time...
subject: weird things
Aruseus, Is there anything weird or odd about your hometown or friends? Mike
ARUSEUS: {typing} Oddities, eh? Well, Mike, allow me to give you the tour. {leaves}
{Cut to a Projector Room, a picture of Pter comes up}
ARUSEUS: Let's start with Pter. Well, first of all, and probably the only thing, he lacks the visiblity of legs. Don't know how, must be something with his DNA.
{Aruseus circles the blank space between the bottom of Pter's body and the ground with a blue marker. A picture of Foxx comes up}
ARUSEUS: Next is Foxx. He may look normal, but he is pretty odd. First of all...
{Aruseus circles Foxx's torso}
ARUSEUS: His body is pretty hunched. Also, shouldn't he be all red, not red and blue? Whatever.
{A picture of Homestar comes up}
ARUSEUS: Next up is ol' McDorkle...or Homestar. Unlike Pter, he has legs, but no arms.
{A picture of Homestar holding a spoon comes up}
ARUSEUS: See that spoon? How does he do it?
{A picture of Kyubii comes up}
ARUSEUS: Kyubii is next. He has nine tails. Nine tails. I only have one. Most tailed animal...things...should have one, three maximum.
{A picture of Aruseus comes up}
ARUSEUS: Now a lot of people have asked what I am. People have mistaken me for a fox, horse, deer, you name it. But I am an Aruseus. Yes, an Aruseus. I'm named after my own species.
{Cut back to Intell}
ARUSEUS: {typing} But the most oddest of them all, has got to be the new guy, Fang Wolf. {leaves}
{Cut to Strong Badia, Fang is standing there}
FANG: Sup, Aruseus?
ARUSEUS: Hey. I'm showing Mike here the oddities of our homeland. Now hold still.
{Aruseus grabs Fang's right arm, and somehow, pulls it off, making a pop noise}
ARUSEUS: See? Detachable limbs. No pain, wound, just came off like a refridgerator magnet.
FANG: Pretty odd, huh, Mike? Watch this.
{Fang wiggles the arm that had just been pulled off of his body}
FANG: You ain't seen nothin' yet!
{The arm hops out of Aruseus' hand and pulls off Fang's other arm, plus his legs}
FANG: And for the grand finale...
{Fang's parts reattach, and then he pulls his own head off}
FANG: Ta-dah!
ARUSEUS: Ok. That's enough.
{Cut back to Intell}
ARUSEUS: {typing} Well, what'd I tell ya? Fang's odd. Ok, The Paper, take it away!
{The Paper comes down} [edit] Easter Eggs
none [edit] Fun Facts
I'm feelin' lazy, might do them.