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Aruseus Emails/lifeordeath

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Cast {in order of appearance}: Aruseus, Wolf, Roy Jr.

Places: The Boardwalk

Computer: E-Mach 1000

Date: June 28th, 2008


ARUSEUS: Sure was nice of Dan to let us stay at his shorehouse.

WOLF: Yep.

ARUSEUS: Isn't this great? No more threats from Strong Bad, no more Depressio, and no more King of Town!

WOLF: And you know what? Now that I'm out of here, listen to what I have to say!


WOLF: Damn straight!

ARUSEUS: They changed that too? Sweet.

WOLF: So...what do you want to do?

ARUSEUS: Well, I've got email to check. Good thing there's this bench.

WOLF: And good thing you can somehow get wireless connection here.

ARUSEUS: {singing} Checking emails down the shore, I want more, I want more!

{Aruseus clicks the email icon}

subject: Tree

Dear asuseus,
I am skydiving, and my parachute isnt working. have you ever been in a life-or-death experience?
(P.S. I wouldnt go into your living room for the next 37 seaconds)

ARUSEUS: {typing} Wait, how could you be typing this email while skydiving? Whatever. Yes, Zoo. I've been in many life or death experiences, or LODEs. It's called driving. Ever wonder why Roy Jr's not on this show anymore?


ARUSEUS: {sigh} Yes.

{flashback to two years, Aruseus is on the road with Roy Jr. in the passengers seat}

ARUSEUS: Ok, and we just make the next turn and we'll be-

{Sputtering noise}

ARUSEUS: Crap. I got a flat. Hold on.

{flashforward to today}

WOLF: Wait, he didn't die or get injured?

ARUSEUS: No. I got a flat tire and he came to his dad's deli late.

WOLF: That's not a life-or-death experience!

ARUSEUS: It was for him. Did you see how pissed Roy was?

WOLF: You sure we could say that?

ARUSEUS: Damn, pissed, it's all pre-teen talk.


ARUSEUS: {typing} So in your response, Zoo, if you want to see an LODE, go to either email 24, 45, 55, or 70. Oh, and 75.

{The Paper}

Fun Facts