(even if you aren't vegan)
RiffText/AruseusEmails/video game
Aruseus creates a game.
NAMINE: "I saw Strong Bad do it, so I thought I'd try to do this for myself!"
Cast {in order of appearance}: Aruseus, Tom, Strong Bad, Bubs, Tampo, Stlunko
Places: Computer Room, Gray Field, Tom's Room, Biz Caz Fri Office
Computer: Intell 600
Date: Febuary 8th, 2007
ARUSEUS: This email is brought to you by...nothing.
subject: game!Dear Aruseus,
If you hads yourself a video
game, what would it be like?
Don't say Pokemon,
{Aruseus says Pokemon as "polka-man"}
NAMINE: Ha! The phonetic similarities of the two words was brought to light at last!
ARUSEUS: {typing} Zippy, you are correct. It would NOT be about the Polka-man. {clears screen}
ARUSEUS: {typing} A video game? I don't really know! It could be one of those games where you have to get to the exit. Basic format...
{A gray background appears with a black dot}
ARUSEUS {voiceover} ...but with stuff like walls...
{Red squares fall from the sky}
ARUSEUS {voiceover} ...and mines...
{Some mines appear}
ARUSEUS {voiceover} ...and big red, green, and blue...spheres...that kill you when you touch 'em.
{A ball of each color appears, the blue ones go horizontal, the green ones vertical, and the red ones diagonal, ricocheting off the walls}
{Cut back to Intell}
ARUSEUS: {typing} An awesome game it would be. Everyone would play it till the cows come home! In fact... {leaves}
NAMINE: Hey, this scene didn't completely bore me! Already an improvement from the last episode!
{Cut to Tom's room, he is working on something at his computer.}
ARUSEUS: How's the production going?
TOM: Would it kill you to contibute?
ARUSEUS: Yes. Now is there anything you added to make it better?
TOM: Yeah. There are moving exits, rubber walls, and even teddy bears-
TOM: -that annoy you to no end when you touch them.
TOM: Also I added some killer background music!
{The music plays, Aruseus moves his head to the beat}
ARUSEUS: Niiiiiiiiiiiiiice...
TOM: I know.
{Cut to the Office, the same background music is playing}
ARUSEUS: Then we test to see if our games are a success.
STRONG BAD: Aw, man! This game is rigged! I keep running into freakin' bears!
ARUSEUS: Uh...that happenes to everyone.
BUBS: What level you on, Strong Bad?
BUBS: Haha! I'm almost to the end!
NAMINE: I thought it'd be Bubs getting stuck, and Strong Bad would be near the final area. I guess I had my character interpretations mixed up or something.
{Aruseus walks over to a computer, Tampo and Stlunko are playing}
ARUSEUS: Who are you guys?
TAMPO: Alright, Stlunko. Left. Right. Up! Watch out for that ball!
{The Paper comes down}
NAMINE: That's The Paper, not a ball.
Easter Eggs
- Wait five seconds for something to happen.
Easter Egg Transcript
TAMPO: Yes! New world champ!
STLUNKO: High five.
TAMPO: Uhh...
Fun Facts
- I put Tampo and Stlunko in this because I like Tampo Emails.
NAMINE: So... they otherwise had no place? I guess the same applies to the Homestar Runner characters. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if people threw in a Homestuck character in their works because they like Homestuck so much.
- Stlunko attempting to high-five Tampo made him realize Tampo has no hands. (he's a floating brain.)
- The game mentioned is a game I made in Game Maker 6. It is finished and you might be able to download it.
NAMINE: Cool, not going to download it because I'll probably be occupied with other games I've attained recently.
- "Don't say Pokemon" is actually funny because Aruseus is, in fact, a Pokemon.
{Namine golf claps}