(even if you aren't vegan)
Cast (in order of appearence): Aruseus, Alpha Stan, Salesman Guy, Strong Sad
Places: Computer Room, Discount Movies, TLA Living Room
Date: June 21, 2007
Computer: A-Tech 950
ARUSEUS: I'll stop the world to check email...I've seen the crapmail and it's getting dumber, every time.
NAMINE: You could sing those lyrics, and- wait, I know that song!
Hello Aruseus. You have 1 new email.
{Five second Pause}
NAMINE: Biggest waste of five seconds ever.
ARUSEUS: Sorry. {Clicks the email icon}
subject: movie criticDear Aruseus,
I am a film critic from a television show,
"Good Movies Vs. Horrible Movies" and I was
suggesting if you can be a movie critic just
like the others. Then, they'll love you.
Good luck,
Mace Carl Arnold, MOVIE CRITIC Hollywood, CA
NAMINE: Hey, can Hollywood ruin wearing blue hair for Noxigar?
ARUSEUS: {typing} Movie critic? That's sort of a problem...
NAMINE: "I hate Doug Walker and his terrorist friends with a fiery passion"
{Aruseus clears the screen}
ARUSEUS: {typing} Free Country doesn't have much movies...
What about Discount Movies?
NAMINE: "But they're so cheap Coach Z can afford it!"
{Aruseus leaves, Cut to Discount Movies, Aruseus is holding some movies, talking with the Salesman, who looks like 1-Up without a hat and with a blue button-down shirt}
SALESMAN: So you would like to rent these movies?
ARUSEUS: Request from an email. I will rent them and critique them.
SALESMAN: You're Tampo, right?
SALESMAN: Robstar?
SALEASMAN: Strong Bad?
ARUSEUS: NO! I'm Aruseus!
NAMINE: "I mothafukkin' herald ALL these mirthful miracles!"
SALESMAN: Dude! You rule! Can I have your autograph?
NAMINE: I like how initially it was hard to recognize Arceus, and then the Salesman pretends he wasn't an awkward arse.
{Aruseus signs a napkin and hands it to the Salesman}
SALESMAN: Come again!
{Cut to the TLA Living Room, Aruseus and Strong Sad are watching a movie}
STRONG SAD: You managed to snag a copy of Dangeresque 3!?
{the TV screen goes black, and the words: "This movie is not out yet, you just wasted your money" appear onscreen}
ARUSEUS: WHA!? I want a refund! {runs out}
NAMINE: That's the whole point of Dangeresque 3, you realize.
{"Click here to email Aruseus" appears on the TV screen}
STRONG SAD: Whatever happened to Alpha Stan?
NAMINE: He's either dead or going through Soap Opera Syndrome.
Fun Facts
NAMINE: I wish this was taken seriously.