(even if you aren't vegan)
Cast (in order of appearence): Aruseus, Alpha Stan, Zippy, Strong Bad, The Cheat, The Polka-man, Cyrus, Ghost of the Intell 600, Strong Sad
Places: Computer Room, Zippy's House
Date: June 22, 2007
Computer: A-Tech 950
Hello Aruseus. You have 1 new email.
ARUSEUS: Let's open it. {Clicks the email icon}
NAMINE: I wish Alpha Stan died.
subject:noneDear Aruseus,
For a long time, I've been wondering....
Do you watch any horror movies? Like the Freddy Kruger kind?
-Santa the Turkey Rabbit
NAMINE: "Naw mang, I'm not a rabbit. I'm a bunny
ARUSEUS: {typing} Woah, woah, woah. No subject? Dude, the subject should be horror movies! That's what the email is all about!
NAMINE: Horror movies are literally all terrible.
{Aruseus clears the screen}
ARUSEUS: {typing} Secondish, a turkey rabbit? Named SANTA? Eyugh...that's gonna give me the jibblies. That's gotta be like...I can't think about it.
NAMINE: Dreamworks Animated made a mediocre film about a bunch of holidays crossing over, which is apparently based off a book. Ingrain that this came before by at least half a decade.
{Aruseus winces a little, then clears the screen}
ARUSEUS: {typing} And thirdly, I has no freakin' idea who this Freddy Cooper
NAMINE: Your ignorance astonishes me.
guy you are talking about. But yes, I've watched some horror movies.
{Flashback to Zippymail: scary movies}
MAN ON TV: I think that truck is alive... {engine roars} It's trying to kill me!
ARUSEUS: Woah, haha! Woah! It almost got him there! Man, Zippy, you know how to throw a Movie Night!
NAMINE: "Man, Zippy, you do know how to turn me on with these movies!"
ZIPPY: Thanks! Now, pass the popcorn!
{Aruseus passes Zippy the popcorn, and Strong Bad takes a sip of his cola.}
NAMINE: Because shoehorning Homestar Runner characters for no good reason was hip and happenin' back then
MAN ON TV: That's the same truck that tried to kill my dad... {engine roars} AAH!
{Cut back to A-Tech}
ARUSEUS: {typing} But those were the Intell's first days. Man that computer sucked. Well, Dinkum, I will say that my life has been filled with many horrific things. Like that one time...
{Flashback to Arumail: worst thing}
POLKA-MAN: Yello there! I'd love to dance for you!
NAMINE: I still don't get how the hell this is considered funny. I thought Polka-Man buggered off long ago.
ARUSEUS: {voiceover} And then...
{Flashback to Arumail: death}
CYRUS: You hog too much attention. Tom will take over.
ARUSEUS: Cyrus, please! Don't kill me!
NOXIGAR: I could really go for some Arceus/Zippy slash fiction.
{Namine blinks}
NAMINE: what
{Cut back to A-Tech}
ARUSEUS: {typing} But those days were long gone. So as I said, see ya next week and the Intell sucks-
{A Ghost version of the Intell 600 floats near Aruseus, displaying an orange pixelated skull}
NAMINE: Couldn't resist ripping off Strong Bad some more, huh?
Hold on.
{Alpha Stan zaps the ghost, causing it to fade}
ARUSEUS: How the crap?
Never mind. Click here to...you get the point.
STRONG SAD: Finally!
NAMINE: This could stand to be longer.
Fun Facts
NOXIGAR: {singing} I got a fun fact, nyeh. I got a fun fact, wheh. I got a fun fact, it's a fun fact, it involves reading my edit summaries.
NAMINE: {looks annoyed} Cyrus was only there for less than five seconds.