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Everybody! Everybody! Welcome to your doom! Welcome to the only place in a world where forgotten consoles can be used as high-tech computers. That's right, you'll be seeing the Neo-Geo and the CD-i and the Wonderswan again! Please post your emails in the discussion section.

Thatkidsam E-Mails

Actual Emails (Including Holiday Emails)

25. behind the scenes (INCOMPLETE)
24. hiatusbreak
23. the stick
22. robot rebellion
21. custom parts
20. dsaltines
19. pong movie
18. electric stuff

17. gossip
16. trapper & keeper
15. green
14. battle royale
13. not icreature land
12. clip show
11. muffin
10. old timey

9. virus!?
8. spacewarrior
7. rival
6. wardrobe
5. documentary
4. dreamail
3. 1337ness
2. sandwich
1. ebay

Not Quite Emails

Holiday Emails

DVD Emails

  • Coming Soon!

Page Titles

  • E-Mails 1-4, 6-8: Turbo Grafx 016!!
  • E-Mail 4.5: Rockabilly Paradise!!
  • E-Mail 5: What a Wonderswan Touched!!
  • E-Mail 9: Turbo Grafx 016??
  • E-Mail 10: Sega Makes A Comeback!!
  • E-Mails 11-14, 16-20: Swirly Goodness!! So Awesome A Console!!
  • E-Mail 15: Top o' the Mornin' To Ya!
  • E-Mail 21: The Ugly Swan of the Pack!!

Scroll Button Raps

CURRENT: It has been my dream to be around for so long. Swirlyscrolls, happy 25th anniversary.


  • E-Mails 1-5: Hooray for Turbo Grafx! Neck is the best!
  • E-Mails 6-9: Why don't you all come on down and see where my scrollies are headin' 'round!
  • E-Mails 10-14: THATKIDSAM: Due to a minor problem, we no longer have scroll buttons.

ICREATURE: (I never knew I could eat a program!)

  • E-Mails 15-18: Scrolla, scrolla, scrolla! Why can't I controlla!?
  • E-Mails 19-24: You just can't get enough of my swirly scrollies! Too bad they aren't so tollies! {Whispering} Oh, man... That was terrible...

Thatkidsam's Computers

Primary Computers

Turbo-Grafx 16 & Turbo CD

File:Turbo Grafx.gif
16-Bit Fun!! Only from NEC!!
Ol' Faithful U-Cards
  • This awesome computer stores all of its games in these little cartridges, and even has an E-Mail U-Card! Thatkidsam likes to play Air Zonk and various Bonk games on it. He even creates his own games on it, such as SimSandwich! But this is no normal Turbo Grafx. Thatkidsam has tinkered with it to turn the control pad into a keyboard! With... um... turbo... buttons. It also has an add-on attatchment, the Turbo CD. (Emails: 1-4, 6-9)
  • Known Games:
    • E-Mail (Every email from ebay to virus!?)
    • SimSandwich (sandwich)
    • Air Sam: Turbo Enforcer (dreamail and the game of the same name)
    • Zonk's Punk Rockin' Super Extreme Photo Editor (spacewarrior)
    • Trapper & Keeper (Not released)
    • Keith Courage in the Alpha Zones (Mentioned in rival)
    • Virus Bonker 32 (Turbo CD, virus!?)
  • The U-Cards: These game cards line up at the top of the screen displaying the message "Click Here to E-Mail Thatkidsam @ thatkidsam@thatkidsam.muffin". They are very similar in name and appearance to Hu-Cards, but they hold slightly more memory. They are made up of the games "JJ & Jeff", "China Warrior", "CraterMaze", and "Victory Run". In the email virus!?, they were replaced by poor drawings of each U-Card.

Sega Dreamcast

Swirly swirly swirly...
  • The Sega Dreamcast was Sega's last console. It had many great games, but was overshadowed by the PlayStation 2. Thatkidsam thinks the cursor is tedious, so he bought the keyboard for it. It apparently had an e-mail client disc that came in the box. (Emails: 10-20, 22-Present)
  • The Dream Swirl: This red Dreamcast swirl appears at the end of every email and unrolls into the message "Click Here to E-Mail Thatkidsam @ thatkidsam@thatkidsam.muffin".

Secondary Computers

PlayStation 832

  • This is ThatkidSamus' computer, very similar to the first PlayStation. Its qualities are very similar to the Compy 386 and the Dreamcast, it has good graphics, but the controller design definintely needs some work. Not much has been revealed about it since ThatkidSamus has only used it in two emails. (Emails: 14, 21)

Wonderswan Touched

  • Thatkidsam made this handheld computer from a WonderSwan Color and added a touch screen, improved its graphics, and allowed it to play movies. It has two D-Pads on the left side, with buttons on the right. It made a comeback in custom parts, where Thatkidsam used it on the fly to check email in an abandoned building close to the cops. Right now, it can only check email and play the movie Get Me A Drink. (Emails: 5, 21)

N-Gage QD

  • This handheld console was the successor to the N-Gage from Nokia. It has a better look and feels "rounder" in your hands. Thatkidsam apparently has one, and plays Demikids on it. All else is unknown about this system, but it has a built-in phone. It was featured in an easter egg in the email not icreature land. (Emails: 13)

Brent's DS

  • The Nintendo DS is a double-screened, touch-sensitive system that Brent uses. It is popular, and the game cards are often mistaken for DSaltines, Brent and Thatkidsam's favorite snacks. Brent uses a program called PictioChat to do his email, and his email forwarding device takes several months to transfer. (Emails: 20)


Main Characters

Present-Day Supporting Characters

Spacewarrior 7838

Disco 1976