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Thatkidsam.muffin/behind the scenes

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Thatkidsam E-Mail #25

Thatkidsam shows us a behind-the-scenes look on the series.

Cast (in order of appearance): Thatkidsam, Icreature, The Announcer, Brent, Lawrence, Disco Sam, Fashionmore Henchman, Carrot Guy, Rogue Redd, Thatladsamuel, Ekul, cheatachu72, witchesbrew82. Homeschool Winner, Dijjery-Doo, Strong Glad

Places: Masdiktaht Jet

Computer: Sega Dreamcast

Date: April 1st, 2005

Lines: 63


THATKIDSAM: I check the email every day until it crashes! {The entire picture becomes negative, and flashes back and forth between it and positive} ...Woah, that was cool! Who did that?

ICREATURE: (Oh, that? I bought new ultraviolet lightbulbs for the whole house.)

THATKIDSAM: Wow, you're useful.

ICREATURE: (Don't count on it. Just look at your rack of games.)

THATKIDSAM: {The camera shifts to show that Thatkidsam's rack is empty} Icreature!? If you want to chew on something, use that chewing rack I made for you!

ICREATURE: (Meh...) {Leaves}

THATKIDSAM: Oh, well... I can just use this ray The Leet lent me. {Picks up a retro-futuristic ray gun and fires it at the rack, which is restored to its game-filled state} Man... It helped me restore the archives, my statue, and my files! I'm gonna have to actually pay The Leet for this. {Inserts E-Mail disc}

Dear Thatkidsam,
Your vision of 1976 blew!
Can you show us some prototypes
of stuff kind of like that, like
maybe some characters that weren't?


THATKIDSAM: Well, it's not like I was actually around in 1976, so I didn't know what it was! Well, to answer your question, Dorkays, um... I don't know exactly what you're talking about. We all hate 1976, but, uh... I assume you want to see some stuff that didn't make it into the cartoon. Well, this thing will have everything you want! Exactly everything! And it'll have some thatkidsam.muffin history, as well. Cue video clip.

ANNOUNCER: Nobody in the entire wiki payed attention to this debutant email answerer.

{Cut to Thatkidsam answering another email on the Astrocade.}

THATKIDSAM: 404, Email Rap Not Found!

THATKIDSAM: Well, I’ll be funny by eating ketchup! {Drinks a bottle of ketchup and falls over onto the Astrocade, which explodes} NOOOO! My Astro!!!

ANNOUNCER: After several makeovers {Cut to several very different Thatkidsams in a split screen} Thatkidsam was still very unpopular... Until one day he met up with a strange species called Icreature.

{Cut to a snapshot of Thatkidsam and Icreature.}

ANNOUNCER: He had been kicked out of the sure-to-be-hit movie "Island of the Icreatures", and he was looking for a job.

ICREATURE: (I was going to play the main character in that movie if it weren’t for those show-biz types! They made my whole career into a scandal, and... They kicked me out.)

ANNOUNCER: Icreature ate Thatkidsam’s mushroom tops into the hearts of the watchers in his debut email, "ebay".

{A clip of “ebay” plays, with the episode name “ebay, season twelve” at the bottom.}

THATKIDSAM: Oh, let’s see if Marzipan likes that fake baby I sold her!

ICREATURE: (She never got it. I ate it.)

{Cut back to The Announcer.}

ANNOUNCER: The ratings for "thatkidsam.muffin" soared, and millions of actors flocked to the tryouts stage.

{Cut to many actors giving their story.}

BRENT: For some reason, they cast me as Thatkidsam’s brother... Why? I wanted to be Strong Sad’s twin, but they never picked me.

LAWRENCE: Thatkidsam was a good friend o’ mine in high school. But then, something happened and I became glued to my GameCube after a while. That’s where it all went wrong.

DISCO SAM: Disco Sam never made it past one email, oh yeah!

FASHIONMORE HENCHMAN: {In a very calm, bubbly voice} They may have cast me as a henchman, but I just love being in a mall in nearly every episode!

CARROT MAN: {Strange noises}

ROGUE REDD: I can’t believe I never made it into the cast! This makes me so mad... All I got was a lousy fanfiction and a game!

THATLADSAMUEL: This show is the cat’s pajamas! Acting for this show is the bee’s knees!

ANNOUNCER: It all went well until one day... March 20th, 2005, to be precise. Thatkidsam, the creator of "thatkidsam.muffin," was sued for ripping off another email!

EKUL: I... I can’t believe he did it. He was my friend, and he ust answered an email that someone sent me, and he answered it as me! I sued him, and... Someone threw a full wine bottle at his head. He was in a coma for a week and a day... I regret that. I wanted to see an email in those days!

ANNOUNCER: But when he came back, {Cut to a picture of Thatkidsam very happy in a hospital bed} he immediately released one of the highest-rated emails ever released: "custom parts"! It got an author’s rating of 5/5, and a consumer’s rating of 4/5. The only other email that got this rating was the email "wardrobe". Since then, Thatkidsam has been cranking out emails, good and bad, nearly every day. In fact, Thatkidsam is about to celebrate his one month anniversary!

THATKIDSAM: On April 8th, I will have put out about 30 emails, and there’s only one person I could thank for doing this. His name backwards is his name in real life, and he has given me more emails than anyone. I’d like to thank... Myself. My name in real life is, of course, Masdiktaht. Thank you, Masiktaht!

ANNOUNCER: Coming up next on Wiki Icons.. We will be interviewing the ex-troll, Cheatachu72!

CHEATACHU72: I am WitchesBrew82’s sister!

WITCHESBREW82: {Whispering} Okay! Now tell us the link to your contributions page.

{Cut back to the Dreamcast.}

THATKIDSAM: Man, that Wiki Icons sure is a good show! Well, I'ma go watch the Cheatachu72 episode so I can learn her address. That tomato-throwing envelope invention can’t go to waste! {Gets up.}

{A Dreamcast swirl unrolls a message reading "Click Here to E-Mail Thatkidsam @ thatkidsam@thatkidsam.muffin".}

Easter Eggs

  • Click on tomato-throwing to see this scene:

{Brent is programming something on his DS.}

BRENT: Okay, just a little tweaking... {Taps the screen} Okay! I’m ready to show you my new popup, Icreature.

ICREATURE: (What’s it do?)

{Lots of popups come up, and one has an envelope. Brent taps it and a tomato flies through the screen and lands on Icreature’s eye.}

ICREATURE: (Great... Yeah, that’s a great popup.)

  • Click on address to see some more Wiki Icons.

ANNOUNCER: Although they tried, Homeschool Winner, Strong Glad and Diery-Doo never made it onto the show.

{Cut to a very misshapen Homeschool holding Dijery-Doo next to Strong Glad.}

HOMESCHOOL: Please... Hire me! I need a job!

DIJJERY-DOO: {Makes sad noise}

STRONG GLAD: Strong Glad cannot be glad without Homeschool having a job!

  • Click on Wiki Icons to see an episode guide.
Funtime Info Interviews B.T.S!!
Monday Marathon April 4th:
Noon: thatkidsam.muffin – Behind The Grain
12:30: Cheatachu72 – A Troll Refined?
1:00: Lunar Jesters – You Got SERVED!
1:30: Markie&BurnBox – What A Yoshi Does
2:00: Ekul – Ekul Revealed
2:30: Mitchell00 – The First Wiki User Email

Fun Facts

  • This email is parodying Icons and Wikipedia:Behind The Music.
  • Ekul never actually sued Thatkidsam, and I didn’t rip off his email. No hard feelings!
  • This is the first time another Wiki user has actually appeared to say something.
  • Thatkidsam wasn’t actually in a coma (obviously), he just didn’t put out any emails then.
  • The carrot guy, Dijjery-Doo, and Srong Glad are from the Museum. Homeschool Winner was an abandoned character seen in Dancin’ Bubs and Character Cards.

Author's Comments

  • Rating: B+
  • I loved doing this email, I typed it at school. I saw that "Behind The Laughter" thing about a week ago, so I knew how to do my thing. I also received some complaints about not having a 1938 version, so I worked it in here.