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Thatkidsam E-Mail #15

Icreature tries to convince Thatkidsam that green is a good color... Why?

Cast (in order of appearance): Thatkidsam, Lawrence, Icreature, The Videlectrix Guys, Fashionmore Henchman, Brent, Homestar Runner

Places: Masdiktaht Jet, Videlectrix Sale Area

Computer: Sega Dreamcast

Date: March 17th, 2005

Lines: 28


THATKIDSAM: {Singing} I'm an email, he's an email, she's an email, we're an email, would you like to be an email too?

Dear Thatkidsam!!
Do you like the color green?

From Bell Peppers.

THATKIDSAM: Green!? Why in the world would I like green!? Everything bad is green! First of all, there's grass. {Thatkidsam appears on the grass and starts itching.} And there's nature! {Shudders} And finally, there's something even worse: Lawrence on the third Thursday of March! {A picture of Lawrence appears with a bright green vest on.} Ugh... Why would you ask me this question? Now I have a shiny Lawrence stuck in my mind!

{Icreature busts in wearing a camo shirt.}

ICREATURE: (Why do you hate green so much? You like neon stuff, right?)

THATKIDSAM: Neon gives me seizures!

ICREATURE: (Thatkidsam, I think you should wear green.)

THATKIDSAM: Why? I don't even have a green shirt! Remember the bonfire last year?

{Flashback. Thatkidsam is collecting several green items from the house, including a green GameBoy Advance.}

THATKIDSAM: Ready for the explosion? Let's go! {Pulls a long, black ACME Lighter and torches the box.} Take that, Hex Code #7C5C00!

{Cut back to present day.}

ICREATURE: (Well, I guess you'll have to come to the mall with me wearing your normal cloak, okay? You don't have to wear green... (Heh heh heh...))

THATKIDSAM: Yeah! I want to get some more Dreamcast games from the Videlectrix sale in front.

{The two walk and hover to the mall. Thatkidsam goes to a carnival tent in front.}

THATKIDSAM: I'd like some games, please.

THE VIDELECTRIX GUYS: Here's a big sack of games, loyal customer! Dreamcast, right? You have some Frequent Buyer points, so you can get this sack free! {Hands over a huge sack of games}

{Thatkidsam exits the store and is immidiately tackled by Icreature, 4 Fashionmore Henchmen, Brent, and Homestar.}

ICREATURE: (Pinch, pinch, pinch! Hah, that's what you get for not obeying the rules of Leprechaun Day!)

HOMESTAR: Pinch! That was the best $200 dollars I've ever spent on a green shirt so I don't get pinched!

{A Dreamcast swirl unrolls a message reading "Click Here to E-Mail Thatkidsam @ thatkidsam@thatkidsam.muffin".}

Easter Eggs

  • Click on Homestar to see Thatkidsam's sack of games.

THATKIDSAM: {Opens the sack, all of the gem cases have the same cover} Rats! I can't believe they sold me 2,056 copies of the same game!

Fun Facts

  • The Videlectrix Sale might be a reference to Videlectrix & Compy Inc. Supa Sale!!
  • This is the first holiday email.
  • This email's intro is a reference to an old Dr. Pepper commercial, "I'm a Pepper".
  • In the easter egg, judging by the covers of the gem cases, Thatkidsam got 2,056 copies of Duck Guardian 2.

Author's Comments

  • Rating: C-
  • I got the idea for this cartoon from experiencing it myself... My Coach Z shirt I wanted to wear to school was in the dryer, and that was the only green shirt I had, so I got pinched at school a lot. I just liked Homestar in a green shirt... That would make me want to gouge my eyes out...

Author Commentary

THATKIDSAM: WELCOME TO TEH COMMENTARY!!!!! ...Sorry. I've been playing online games a lot lately.

EINOO: Hello, welcome all, and I'm Einoo, the voice of Einoo. And that over there is Icreature, the voice of Thatkidsam. Sorry, I've been watching The Simpsons commentaries lately.

THATKIDSAM: I saw one o' them Simpsons commentaries once. Anyway, that stupid Dr. Pepper song was stuck in my head. This was when I was 10 years old, so naturally I had to somehow insert it into my email show.

EINOO: You were only ten? Huh?..... Sorry. For some reason I've always pictured you as being perpetually eleven. Anyway, I picked this email to comment on because green is my favorite color.

THATKIDSAM: My second. I like greyish blue. I'm weird.

EINOO: Whoa. Even back then, Icreature hated you.

THATKIDSAM: He sure did. Why'd I buy him? ...I don't even think they make green GBA's. That would be cool. I mean, for the people that don't... Hate that system... I admit it. I like it.

EINOO: Wow, you have the worst luck, Thatkidsam. 2,057 copies of the same game! Anyway, I guess the email's over now. Sam, thanks for letting me.... commentate. Bye everyone!