(even if you aren't vegan)
Thatkidsam.muffin/not icreature land mk2
Thatkidsam E-Mail #44
Thatkidsam creates a very possessed city, Dimensitonia.
Cast (in order of appearance): Thatkidsam, Alternate Dimension Thatkidsam, Alternate Dimension Icreature, ThatkidSamus
Places: CompyFCUSA, Dimensitonia
Date: May 3rd, 2005
Lines: 43
{Thatkidsam is in a CompyFCUSA, a computer store. He is at a system-sampling booth, screwing with the N-Gage QD.}
THATKIDSAM: Just a few more adjustments... There! Now, I can check email at the store. {Holds the system up to his ear, like a phone, and starts talking into it} Scrolling everywhere- I mean, checking everywhere I go, there’s sure to be an email that I like!
{A voice is on the other end of the phone, and it talks.}
VOICE: Dear Thatkidsam, what would your dream city be? Make it, or I will own you at Demikids. From, Sebbly Pretty.
THATKIDSAM: Sebbly... Sebbly Petty. That's it? {Pauses} That's the best name you can think up? I don't even have to make fun of your name to make you look sad!
VOICE: {Sad} It's true!
THATKIDSAM: So, uh, my dream city, eh? Well, I've beaten every sim game in the market today, so I won't have any problem with designing a city. So, the first part is to...
{The screen turns white, at Thatkidsam's command. His changes happen to it as he says them.}
THATKIDSAM: Add some buildings... Maybe some little peasant houses, then a huge Mayor's house {A huge, futuristic castle appears}, then add a town hall, then put it teetering on a mountain, then make it fall off, then move it to an island on the ocean... Wait, scratch that last few parts. {The city appears on regular land.} Then, you give it a weird name, like "Dimensitonia" or something like that. Then, add the major tourist's delight: A device that transports the people into an alternate dimension every few seconds! {A black hole appears in the town, but doesn't suck anything up}
{Every three seconds, the town changes into a different town, including the townspeople. Thatkidsam walks into the town, and Icreature follows.}
ICREATURE: (Town...)
YEOLDESAM: Cometh...
PARROT THATKIDSAM: Making! Making!...
{Cut to Thatkidsam telling some more about the town.}
THATKIDSAM: And because of all the weird dimensions colliding in this town, some guy would turn evil.
{A generic silhouette of some evil guy with his eyes glowing is holding his hands over the town in a generic position.}
THATKIDSAM: And, unlike every game, he would actually be hard to defeat.
{ThatkidSamus is now trying to destroy the evil guy.}
THATKIDSAMUS: I'm going to stop you!
EVIL GUY: TO HECK WITH YOU!!! {A laser comes from his finger and zaps ThatkidSamus}
THATKIDSAMUS: ACK!! {Falls over}
EVIL GUY: HAHAHAHA, I WILL RULE THE CITY! {Puts his hand over the black hole, and gets completely sucked in}
{Cut back to Thatkidsam at the sampling station.}
THATKIDSAM: Well, I hope that answers your question, Sebbly Petty... Heh. That still cracks me up. My dream city would be one that tortures its inhabitants.
{A plain sheet of metal comes down with the message "Click here to email Thatkidsam @ thatkidsam@thatkidsam.muffin}
Easter Eggs
- Wait around 15 seconds to see a line building up extremely quickly.
- Click on the N-Gage QD to see him play something.
{Thatkidsam is playing Dungeon Venturer.}
THATKIDSAM: Yeah, I almost beat the purple dragon of purpleness! All I have to do is do the Up-Right, Down-Left, Down-Left combo!
{The combo produces the text "911" and "Calling...}
THATKIDSAM: No! No! Stop! Don't call them! They want to break my legs from the last time I did that!
Fun Facts
- This is the first appearance of the N-Gage QD since this email's original version, not icreature land.
- CompyFCUSA is a reference to CompUSA, a computer "superstore".
- The Keyboard-Head Thatkidsam is a variant of Keyboard Strong Bad.
Author's Comments
- Rating: B-
- This was one of my better MK2 emails. It ruled with randomness, and the dimension-warping was kind of weird.
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