(even if you aren't vegan)
Thatkidsam.muffin/star wars
Thatkidsam E-Mail #43
A day of Star Wars nerds is brutal, trust me.
Cast (in order of appearance): Thatkidsam, Icreature, Fashionmore Henchman, Brent
Places: Fashionmore, Generic High School, Unknown House
Computer: Wonderswan Touched
Date: May 1st, 2005
Lines: 39
{Thatkidsam is waiting in line with Icreature for Kentucky Fried Rat. He is between several Fashionmore Henchmen.}
THATKIDSAM: Man, this line is so long! And I don't even want to eat here!
ICREATURE: (Eat it or I turn my laser's setting to full power and give you a little free eye surgery.)
THATKIDSAM: {Raises one eyebrow} Woah! Okay, okay, I'll stay here.
{A long while passes.}
THATKIDSAM: Man, I need to check some email. {Pulls out the WonderSwan Touched and taps the E-Mail icon}
Dear Thatkidsam,
Do you like Star Wars? I gave you some tickets!
THATKIDSAM: {Reads "YodaSkoda394" as "Stupid Star Wars name"} Hm... Star Wars tickets? I bet that's completely worthwhile, using those tickets to watch a movie. Completely! Especially when I'm at eye-surgerypoint at a Kentucky Fried Rat in a maximum security mall. And then there's the fact that I absolutely hate Star Wars, anyone that likes Star Wars, and anything to do with Star Wars at all! So that's why I'm completely considering this email to answer! TRASHED!
{TRASH COMPLETE shows up on the screen.}
THATKIDSAM: Well, now all I have to do is survive May 19th.
{The screen fades. The text "May 19th, 2005" appears on the screen. Thatkidsam is now at school, being lectured by Mrs. Regibliss.}
MRS. REGIBLISS: ...And then you got a Θ on your history test! {Incomprehendable whining} And then the cows shall descend on you, the cow-pocalypse! And you-
THATKIDSAM: {Pretending to listen} Yeah. Uh-huh. I understand. Completely, yeah. Yeah.
MRS. REGIBLISS: You do? Oh, good. You may leave.
{Thatkidsam leaves and overhears a ton of people talking.}
NERD #1: So, then I told my baby brother "Jake, I am your father" and he didn't get the reference! Tee hee!
{A ton of geeky laughing.}
NERD #2: Hilarious, that is! Become a stand-up comedian among everyone and become a great guy and have everyone love you you will!
NERD #1: Oh, it isn't so funny. You know what's really sad? The guy who plays Wookiee #239 is leaving!
NERD #3: I thought it was Wookiee #329!
NERD #1: No, I confirmed it on an Internet forum. It's #239.
THATKIDSAM: Ugh! I can't take this anymore!
{Thatkidsam runs away. Cut to Thatkidsam in Brent's room.
BRENT: Hey, Thatkidsam! You want to know what game I'm playing?
THATKIDSAM: It'd better not be Star Wars!
BRENT: Um... This is the Lego Star Wars video game, and it's completely different.
THATKIDSAM: WHAT!? Just because something is made of bricks doesn't make it more fun! Like, if I chucked a brick at you, it wouldn't be any more fun than throwing a balloon- Well, actually that would be more fun.
BRENT: Uh... I'm going to ignore that last bit.
THATKIDSAM: Well, nothing can get worse.
BRENT: Oh, and I wallpapered your room. Wanna see it?
THATKIDSAM: I have a strange urge to stay far, far away from my room. ...Wait, since when do we have a house?
BRENT: I stole it back from the compound.
{The room lifts, and Thatkidsam sees Lawson III outside the window with a crane, holding the house.}
{A plain piece of metal slides into view with engraved letters, "Click Here to E-Mail Thatkidsam @ thatkidsam@thatkidsam.muffin".}
Easter Eggs
- Wait around for 5 seconds to see Thatkidsam's room.
{Thatkidsam's room is completely normal and blue.}
THATKIDSAM: Phew! I thought it was, like, covered in Yoda fat or something.
{Thatkidsam leans up against the wall and it uncovers a poster underneath the paint. It's a Star Wars poster. Cut to outside the house.}
THATKIDSAM: {Extremely low, echoing voice, travelling everywhere} NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
- Click on Star Wars to see the new Fluffy Puff Marshmallows.
MARSHIE: Now, buy the new Dark Side Fluffy Puff Marshmallows! They turn your tongue black! Be Darth Vader, somehow, with this tasty new treat!
THATKIDSAM: Wow. Even the big-shot manufacturers of Fluffy Puff have stooped to low heights.
Fun Facts
- May 19th is when Star Wars Episode III comes out, obviously.
- Brent must have ordered the house one email before this (in spin-offs) because the house was visible then.
- This is another case of the Cow-Pocalypse.
Author's Comments
- Rating: C
- Man, this was pretty short. But I liked it, and it solved the rumor of where Thatkidsam's house came from in the last email. That's important.
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