(even if you aren't vegan)
Thatkidsam E-Mail #6
Thatkidsam and Icreature get makeovers, and Teen Girl Squad has a mini-issue!
Cast (in order of appearance): Thatkidsam, Icreature, Fashionmore Henchman, So And So, Cheerleader, The Ugly One, What's Her Face, Homestar Runner, Marzipan, Strong Bad, KristIcreature, Icreature Waiter (easter egg)
Places: Masdiktaht Jet, Fashionmore
Computer: Turbo Grafx
Date: March 12th, 2005
Lines: 57
THATKIDSAM: And the email comes in the NIIIIIIIGHT!!!
Dear that,
No Name
Dear kid,
Dear sam,
I've heard that ugly brown cloaks are going out of style this year!
You should get a new wardrobe, and mayeb Icreature, too.
THATKIDSAM: Ugh! Why don't you people sign your names!? Now, I have nothing to call you! And second of all, I don't even wear a brown cloak! Just look at me! IT'S RED!! Anyway, {Clears screen} This cloak really IS getting a bit old and torn, and cold for this season. Luckly for me, a new clothing store has opened in this place! It's exactly the 5,500th chain of FashionMore they built! Let me just drive {types "fly", but quickly erases} to the parking lot of the huge mall...
{A close-up of a car. A huge mechanical leg crushes it. The leg turns out to be stairs, and Thatkidsam, with Icreature stuck to his arm, slides down it.}
ICREATURE: (Are we going to Fashionmore? I have someone to meet!)
THATKIDSAM: Well, you're not going anywhere if you're stuck to my arm! We're just stopping in to get me a new cloak, then we're leaving.
{Cut to in front of the mall. A huge sign in grey letters says "FASHIONMORE- WHERE WE SHOVE FASHION DOWN YOUR THROAT" over the entrance. Several people that look like henchmen walk out of the door.}
FASHIONMORE HENCHMAN: We heard you were coming. Come inside and we will get rid of that ugly thing around your neck.
THATKIDSAM: H-How'd you know?
FASHIONMORE HENCHMAN: We were watching your email.
{Cut to inside the store. The members of Teen Girl Squad, in their full flesh, are trying on some SPRING FASHIONS!!!!}
THE UGLY ONE: I can't believe we had to work at that brain mech factory for seven years just to get these Kissyboots outfits!
SO AND SO: It's worth it, because these look...
WHAT'S HER FACE: I think we should wear mideval helmets!!
{A mace, a sword, an axe, and a spear all attack her.}
CHEERLEADER: Ooo! That clerk looks prooty hot! I'm gonna ask if he has any plans for dating me. {Walks up to a henchman}
FASHIONMORE HENCHMAN: Hidoyouwantmetofindanitemforyou.
{The speech balloon wobbles and, being too heavy, crushes Cheerleader.}
THE UGLY ONE: Man, our lives are jokes. How do we reappear in each comic?
NARRARATOR: Hey! You're not supposed to...
{A white-out pen appears. It erases The Ugly One.}
SO AND SO: Hey, where is everybody? We need to rehearse our new song!
{A huge hammer whacks So and So out of the store.}
{Cut to Thatkidsam at the Cloak Section.}
FASHIONMORE HENCHMAN: Why do you wear two belts!? That's just stupid.
THATKIDSAM: Um... Yeah. I wonder why. {Holds up a blue cloak.} Ooh! A cloak that says "Crush The Cube"! I'll take it.
{Cut to Homestar, Marzipan, and Strong Bad in the Shirts section.}
HOMESTAR: {Picks out the Duckie Shirt} Alwight! A ducky shirt! This brings out memories.
MARZIPAN: Homestar, if you buy that, I'm gonna...
STRONG BAD: Ugh! I can't stand this! All of their shirts look like crap on me! {Walks in wearing a ducky shirt}
MARZIPAN: Why don't you wear that truck shirt?
STRONG BAD: Do I look like a kid, or what?
HOMESTAR: Wight, Kid Stwongy! Heaw, I got this shirt fow you. {Holds up a white shirt with crayon scribblings on it saying "Homestarmy"}
STRONG BAD: That's it. I'm outta here! {Runs out of the store. A henchman notices him.}
FASHIONMORE HENCHMAN: The hunt is on. {Follows him, carrying a shotgun.}
{A completely different Thatkidsam is walking to the exit, a henchman following him.}
THATKIDSAM: So, you died my hair blue, you made it longer, you sold one of my belts, you gave me a new cloak, and you got me SuperShoes?
FASHIONMORE HENCHMAN: Don't forget that I sold your throwing knives and took your other belt when you weren't looking!
THATKIDSAM: Thanks for everything! Time to go, Icreature! ...Icreature? Ugh, I hate it when this happens.
{Cut to a very, very classy-looking Icreature on a date at Club Igooddinners. He is wearing a circular tuxedo, and his girlfriend has a pink dress on.}
ICREATURE: (So then, I locked him in the couch and ate all of his mushroom tops!)
KRISTICREATURE: (Ha ha ha ha! I wish I had such an easily-trapped master. Mine is just a butler.)
{Both Icreatures devour their food by shooting it with lasers. Icreature accidentally burns through the table and the plate.}
ICREATURE: (Whoops, that was a bit too strong.)
{Several Turbo Grafx U-Cards line up at the top of the screen displaying the message "Click Here to E-Mail Thatkidsam @ thatkidsam@thatkidsam.muffin"}
Easter Eggs
- After 10 seconds, an Icreature waiter will walk by, levitating a plate with mushroom tops.
WAITER: (Who ordered the mushroom tops?)
ICREATURE: (Me! Me!) {Quickly lasers the mushroom tops off the waiter's tray}
- After that scene, click on the empty tray to see the sign for Club Igooddinners.
{A buzzing sign with "Club Igooddinners" in cursive, neon letters is in the food court. A sign under it says "The Cheat's Lightswitch Rave: 3 AM FRIDAY".}
- Click on the hole in the table to see the following scene:
{Icreature and KristIcreature are "eating" their spaghetti. They both eat the same strand. They both eat it to the center, then there is none left. They acccidentally laser eachother.}
Fun Facts
- This is the first email featuring the current animation style.
- This is the first time Thatkidsam ever clears the screen.
- This is the first time Teen Girl Squad has appeared in the real world (with the exception of virus, because that was actually another H*R character in the TGS world).
- The quote "I'm gonna go see if he has any plans for dating me" was taken from Teen Girl Squad Issue 4.
- "Prooty hot" is from dreamail.
- Strong Bad's truck shirt was worn when he was little, and in origins.
- The duckie shirts are from flashback.
- Homestarmy was Homestar's army in army.
- The easter egg showing both Icreatures eating spaghetti and meeting in the middle of the same strand is a reference to Lady And The Tramp, the 1955 Disney movie.
- This is the only actual appearance of The Food Court.
- Icreature is telling KristIcreature about an easter egg in onethousandthreehundredthirtysevenness.
- The sign in the easter egg (The Cheat's Lightswitch Rave) is a reference to a DVD easter egg for techno.
Author's Comments
- Rating: A+
- I really liked making this email, it was really fun to do a Teen Girl Squad thing. I like putting several different events, and sometimes several different characters' events all happening. And this is also the first email where Thatkidsam is dressed up as Corma rather than Chad, and I like Corma better anyways.
Author Commentary
SHIM-SHAM-SAM: Yeah, but, you're not alone. Everyone forgets the lyrics to that song, so they always improvise. That's what Strong Bad did in flashback, I think. Either that, or I just improvised the explanation. Oh well.
THATKIDSAM: I think it's "I'll never forget the way it was GRRL" or something.
SHIM-SHAM-SAM: Maybe it is. Anyway, we're at the beginning. So, do no name emails really annoy you? I can just make use of the no name as a gimmick. But first, I need a no name email, and the emails I get have names on them.
THATKIDSAM: I don't think they're THAT annoying. I mean, there's really nothing wrong with them except you can't make fun of the sender's name.
SHIM-SHAM-SAM: Yeah, but you can always make up a name and make fun of that, but yeah, it's not that fun to make fun of your imagination's product. Anyway, I found the part with the mechanical leg crushing the car as we think that thatkidsam, or you, drive pretty funny. How about you?
THATKIDSAM: I don't think I was driving that. Trust me: Flying a plane is hard. I tried to drive one once... After that, Hyperma became a medic. And that mechanical leg crushing the car, then zooming out to show it was a plane: That's a Futurama reference, if anyone got that.
SHIM-SHAM-SAM: About the driving the plane comment, ouch. About your comment to end your comment, I didn't get that. Anyway, I wonder how painful it is to have fashion shoved down your throat.
THATKIDSAM: I guess it's like them re-painting your esophagus, or something. Yeah.
SHIM-SHAM-SAM: Ooh... that's harsh. Anyway, here's the part where we see Teen Girl Squad, in the FLESH!!! I wonder how they would look like. I mean, Cheerleader would be depicted by a stereotypical college or high school cheerleader. So and So would be an average girl. I think What's Her Face would be a Goth. But as for The Ugly One, I can't imagine that horror.
THATKIDSAM: Yes, quite scary. I almost wish I hadn't made TGS in the flesh for this email.
SHIM-SHAM-SAM: Nice way to kill Teen Girl Squad, although I never imagined them to complain about their way of life. Anyway, here's the part with Homestar and Marzipan, based on the old version of flashback.
THATKIDSAM: Actually, it wasn't based on it, it was just based on the whole duckshirt deal. I like the part when Homestar gives Strong Bad the Homestarmy shirt. Heh... And now comes the Fashionmore guy...
SHIM-SHAM-SAM: I feel sorry for Strong Bad. Now he's going to die, I guess.
THATKIDSAM: The hunt is on. Heh, I think that's from The Simpsons, where Lenny steals McBain's basketball, or something.
SHIM-SHAM-SAM: Anyway, now Thatkidsam looks like that blue Fire Emblem guy. Sorry, the only game I have that's related to Fire Emblem is Super Smash Bros. Melee. And if it makes you feel better, Marth and Roy are two of my best characters.
THATKIDSAM: The worst thing is, they ruined his name in the translation. I think "Corma" sounds a lot better than "Colm". It rolls off your tongue easier.
SHIM-SHAM-SAM: Hey, the no name dude wanted Icreature to get a new design, and he didn't. Of course, he did run away. I wonder how a bit of glass and wood taste like. Probably bad. Anyway, my favorite part is the Easter egg where the two Icreatures shoot each other in the eye while doing a Lady and Tramp thing.
THATKIDSAM: Yeah, that was classic. But Icreature did get a redesign a long time later, in email 54.
SHIM-SHAM-SAM: Anyway, it's been fun commentating my favorite thatkidsam.muffin email with you.
THATKIDSAM: No problem. It's my favorite, too.
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