(even if you aren't vegan)
Thatkidsam E-Mail #4
Muahaha, Thatkidsam goes crazy and destroys EVERY popular system in the world!
Cast (in order of appearance): Thatkidsam, Icreature, Air Zonk, Vintage Video Game Dealer
Places: Masdiktaht Jet, Toxy Land
Computer: Turbo Grafx
Date: March 10th, 2005
Lines: 27
THATKIDSAM: {Inserts the E-Mail card and turns it on} The email, the email, must check it! Mm, chicken.
Dear Thatkidsam,
I wish to aid you on your quest
to make sure underrated systems
stay #1! Here, just check the
THATKIDSAM: Awesome! {Clicks on the attatchment}
{A large gun appears out of nowhere and lands on Thatkidsam's head.}
THATKIDSAM: Oof! Now, let's go! {Sunglasses fall from nowhere and land on Thatkidsam. The screen flashes and he turns half-mechanical. He flies out of the room by going through a small window. Icreature follows.}
{Cut to a scrolling shooter-style game where Thatkidsam is flying and shooting next-generation systems with his gun. Air Zonk comes from the other side of the screen and shoots a bear trap out of his mouth at Thatkidsam.}
AIR ZONK: That's for ripping off my game! {Flies away}
THATKIDSAM: 29, {Zap} 30, {Zap} 31, {Zap} 32...
{Thatkidsam keeps destroying more next-gen systems.}
THATKIDSAM: Man, this is boring.
{A HUGE GameCube flies from the right side of the screen. The background changes as well as the music. The Vintage Video Game Dealer pops out of the disc holder.}
VINTAGE VIDEO GAME DEALER: Bwa ha ha! I don't sell vintage video games anymore! Take this! {Closes the hatch and fires missiles out of the controller ports}
THATKIDSAM: You're dead. {Zaps the GameCube with his laser}
VINTAGE VIDEO GAME DEALER: Noooooo! {The GameCube explodes}
{Victory music plays. Cut back to Thatkidsam answering the email.}
ICREATURE: (Next time, let ME do some of the shooting!)
THATKIDSAM: No. And thanks, Foo Goo Man! Now every popular system in the world is destroyed! MUA HA HA!!
{Something happens, and all of Thatkidsam's furniture falls toward the wall. Thatkidsam gets stuck inside his closed couch.}
THATKIDSAM: {Muffled} Uh, a little help here, Icreature?
{Several Turbo Grafx U-Cards line up at the top of the screen displaying the message "Click Here to E-Mail Thatkidsam @ thatkidsam@thatkidsam.muffin"}
Easter Eggs
- Wait for 5 seconds, and the following scene will occur.
THATKIDSAM: Man, that was pretty fun! I'ma go make that game. {Gets up and runs away}
- You will then be taken to Air Sam: Turbo Enforcer!
Fun Facts
- The entire shooter-style segment was a parody of Air Zonk. One of Zonk's weapons was used, the Bear Trap Gun.
- The type of program in the attachment, ".guncon", is a reference to the Guncon series of light guns.
Author's Comments
- Rating: D
- One of the main problems with my earlier emails that are a parody of something is that they are too much of a parody, they start to be a ripoff. I tried to just make smaller parodies (i.e. custom parts).
Author Commentary
H*R 700: Hello, and welcome to the commentary for the very 4th email! Hosted by me, H*R 700 and Thatkidsam! Start us thatkidsam.
THATKIDSAM: I really didn't like this one. First of all, nobody would understand this entire Zonk reference. They'd just think I was weird, which I am.
H*R 700: The special effects for when you turned into a cyborg type guy were kind of cool. I liked that part.
THATKIDSAM: Not very special... Just a flash... But the bear trap-gun is cool.
H*R 700: Whoa, that is one freaking huge gamecube! I want one! I want pudding!
THATKIDSAM: Yeah. I'd just ride around in it, destroying things. Wait a minute, WHAT AM I SAYING? I DON'T WANT A GAMECUBE! ...I got that idea in a really, really weird dream.
H*R 700: NOOOO!! This isn't much of a dremail. More of a destructionmail. Wait, destructionmail can be a new type of email! What do you think?
THATKIDSAM: Heh. I still think it's a dreamail, because of the rampant destruction being my dream.
H*R 700: Here comes my favorite part. Ah! You were stuck in a couch! How did that feel?
THATKIDSAM: Plasticky. Anyway, yeah. Say it again, crowd:
thatkidsam.muffin |
ebay | sandwich | 1337ness | dreamail | documentary | wardrobe | rival | spacewarrior | virus!? | old timey | muffin | clip show | not icreature land | battle royale | green | trapper & keeper | gossip | electric stuff | pong movie | dsaltines | custom parts | robot rebellion | the stick | hiatusbreak | behind the scenes | program | time travel | assassination | brain damage | cartoon violence | attempted coolness | stealing | research | ebay mk2 | grapefruit overlord | VQ | aile zéro | senior citizen squad | electric stuff mk2 | campfire | financial difficulties | spin-offs | star wars | not icreature land mk2 | undead | president | strong bad email | secret agent | videlectrix | cancelled | reality show | taco | schoolteacher | jealous | superpower | stinkoman k | sidekick | prize | red vortex mk2 | milkman | convention | chocolate WMDs | universal principal | jango who? | most your base | 66th email |