(even if you aren't vegan)
Thatkidsam E-Mail #24
Thatkidsam finally shows us the Lost Toon, Spacewarrior 7838: Dread of the Spirii! Is there a catch? Of course not! Heh... fools...
Cast (in order of appearance): Thatkidsam, ThatkidSamus, Icreature, Spiris
Places: Masdiktaht Jet, CHOO-CHOO-666
Computer: Sega Dreamcast
Date: April 1st, 2005
Lines: 23
THATKIDSAM: {Singing while inserting the E-Mail disc} Email! Power, power? Never. I mean, always.
It's so annoying that you threw away that DVD of Spacewarrior 7838!!
I wanna see it, now!
THATKIDSAM: Heh... Clockwerk... That name is so bad, I don't even know how to make fun of it! And to answer your question, I actually do have that episode of Spacewarrior! Well, assuming you want to see Spacewarrior 7838: Dread of the Spirii, I have it right here! Now, I'll just run the preview here while I go get some cold-heated eggs... {Inserts a disc labeled "SPreview"}
{The logo of Spacewarrior 7838 flashes up onto the screen, and ThatkidSamus and Dark Lawrence start firing cel-shaded power shots at eachother in an incredible fight scene.}
SPOKESMAN: ThatkidSamus, in his most exciting adventure yet, must find a way to destroy the Queen Spiris and save the world from a deadly meteor! Coming to theaters April 1st... It's Spacewarrior 7838: Dread of the Spirii!
{Thatkidsam gets back and puts the cassette into the TV. A logo for "SPACEWARRIOR 7838" appears, with a very small "Revised Edition" under it. A very bubbly theme song plays. The camera zooms in on the planet CHOO-CHOO-666.}
THATKIDSAMUS: Whee! These swings are fun!!! {Starts swinging on the playground swings, made of pink wood}
THATKIDSAM: Isn't this the best movie ever? So, anyway, it goes like this for two hours, so I'ma fast forward it. {Presses a button on the VCR, and it fast-forwards all the way to the end.}
ICREATURE: (Hey! That blew! You didn't even manage to work in Spiris there!)
THATKIDSAM: Oh, he's in there somewhere. {Rewinds, and plays}
THATKIDSAMUS: Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! {Sees a Spiris} Oh, hi Spris. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...
ICREATURE: (Man, this is lowering my impression of TV in general.) {Leaves}
THATKIDSAM: Well, APRIL FOOL'S!! Here in my hand I hold the actual Japanese version, which is exactly like that preview I just showed you. Now, let's just watch it... {Puts the tape in}
VCR: Ha ha ha! Tape deleted. {An explosion is heard} Happy April Fool's day, I hope that tape wasn't important!
THATKIDSAM: What the... {Makes frustrated angry noise}
{A Dreamcast swirl unrolls a message reading "Click Here to E-Mail Thatkidsam @ thatkidsam@thatkidsam.muffin".}
Easter Eggs
- Click on the smoke billowing from the VCR to see the other April Fool's jokes Thatkidsam's furniture has played on him.
{Cut to the System Archives room, where all of the systems are rearranged and have big holes through them.}
{Cut to outside the plane, which is smoking and nose-down in the ground, it apparently crashed.}
{Cut to the big inflatable Bonk balloon in the den. A pin falls from the ceiling and pops the head.}
CEILING: ... {The ceiling spells out "APRIL FOOL'S" with dust.}
{Cut to the TV, with Skies of Arcadia playing on it. A message saying "All save files deleted" appears.}
SKIES OF ARCADIA GUY: Aheh, April Fool's!
Fun Facts
- This toon's intro is a reference to the Daft Punk song, "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger". Although the song's lyrics are "hour" and "our" instead of "power" twice, it is often heard that way. Oh, and it's "More than" instead of "Email".
- The reason the episode is so happy and bubbly is because it is the "4Kids" version of Spacewarrior 7838 shown in spacewarrior.
- The "Lost Toon" was a short that was linked to but never shown on the Main Page for eight days, but never released.
Author's Comments
- Rating: B-
- Well, here it is... The April Fool's email. I noticed that except for in "spacewarrior", the 4Kids version had never been released. Due to my laziness, the Spacewarrior episode that I planned was never made, and since it was April Fool's day, I decided to show the 4Kids version in this email! This is also pretty short.
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