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Thatkidsam E-Mail #5

Thatkidsam films a documentary about Bubs. Chaos ensues.

Cast (in order of appearance): Thatkidsam, Icreature, Bubs, Thatkidsam Stunt Double, Homestar Runner, Coach Z

Places: The Field, Bubs' Concession Stand

Computer: WonderSwan Touched

Date: March 11th, 2005

Lines: 41


{Thatkidsam is standing in a field with Icreature. Thatkidsam is throwing knives at him, and he is dodging them.}

THATKIDSAM: {Sighs} Man, this is boring. Okay fine, Icreature, I don't have perfect accuaracy.

ICREATURE: (Why do you throw knives at stuff anyway?)

THATKIDSAM: Well, I have a perfectly good reason! It, um... It makes me act like I look!

ICREATURE: (Yeah, you do look pretty weird, MIDEVAL BOY! Ha ha ha ha!)

THATKIDSAM: I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that. Anyway, let's get to checking email! {Takes a strange handheld system out from his pocket} Dun dun DUN! It's the...

ICREATURE: (WonderSwan Color?)

THATKIDSAM: No, it's the WonderSwan Touched! It has a touch screen, see? {Inserts E-Mail cartridge} Email is the only way to survive! Check it tonight!

Dear Thatkidsam,
Direct a documentary!

From pleaz,

THATKIDSAM: {Writing on the touch screen} Well, Comma Boy, I already HAVE directed a documentary! You know, the one where someone only eats Bubs' food for 2 months? Well, I'm in it. Wanna see it? You can just watch it on my WonderSwan Touched!

{The WonderSwan fills up the screen. Everything is incredibly pixellated, and a 16-bit song plays as a logo for "Get Me A Drink" appears.}

THATKIDSAM: Have you ever wondered what would happen if Bubs' food was the only food we could ever eat? Expereince how life would be if all we ever ate was food from Bubs' Concession Stand. Here, we have Thatkidsam, ready for his first meal.

THATKIDSAM STUNT DOUBLE: I'd like a SuperBurgerFunWich with extra cheese, please.

BUBS: What's with the cameras! I ain't letting no flash photography and videotaping ruin my stand!

THATKIDSAM STUNT DOUBLE: Do you want publicity for your restaurant, or what? I want a SuperBurgerFunWich, extra cheese!

BUBS: Okay. That'll be five dollars! {Hands over a slimy bag}

THATKIDSAM STUNT DOUBLE: The government says we don't have to pay! This is a movie! Hand it over!

BUBS: Oh, no! This isn't one o' those movies where the owner of the stand gets bad publicity, is it?


BUBS: Noooooo!

{A sign labeled "FOUR HOURS LATER..." appears.}

THATKIDSAM: Now, we have his 1,916,920,137,887th visit! Now that he is so fat, will he be able to keep eating?

{A very, very round Thatkidsam Stunt Double waits in line behind Homestar and Coach Z.}

HOMESTAR: Hurry up! I need my drinks, or the thing in the bag will fly away!

BUBS: I can't give them to ya, Homestar. I have to set a trap for Fatkidsam over there!

COACH Z: Whaddaya have agoirnst this guy anyway, Bubs?

BUBS: He's ruining my stand! I'm gonna have to close up if he visits one more time!

THATKIDSAM STUNT DOUBLE: I'd like 670 WatchaMaBubsBurgerFryThings, please.

BUBS: I'm not gonna lie to you, Fatkidsam. I only have one. {Hands one over in a greasy bag}

THATKIDSAM STUNT DOUBLE: {Eats and explodes on the spot}

THATKIDSAM: If that was not the best movie you've ever seen, I will politely ask you to go eat at Bubs' and leave yourself for dead.

{Several Turbo Grafx U-Cards line up at the top of the screen displaying the message "Click Here to E-Mail Thatkidsam @ thatkidsam@thatkidsam.muffin"}

Easter Eggs

  • Click on one of the D-Pads on the WonderSwan Touched to show you Bubs' menu.
    • SuperBurgerFunWich - $5.00
    • Old Pizza - $3.2D
    • SewageSandwich - Original: $5.99, Crusty: Add $3.99
    • Bubbles 'N Cheese - $5.99
    • WatchaMaBubsBurgerFryThing - $11.99

Fun Facts

Author's Comments

  • Rating: C-
  • This was pretty average. It's another case of me making a parody into a ripoff. Actually, I've never seen Super Size Me, I just saw the DVD cover at Blockbuster the other day and it gave me an idea.

Author Commentary

JESTY: Hello, audience, and welcome to the "documentary" commentary. I'm your guest, Lunar Jesters, working with thatkidsam.

THATKIDSAM: Hubba-wha? Oh. Hi, LJ.

JESTY: This is a pretty good early email. I liked it. If you ever make a thatkidsam.muffin game, make sure there's a level where you throw knives at Icreature.

THATKIDSAM: Yeah. A giant Icreature formed by the morphing of him and many others. Actually, you'd throw knives all the time. Hey, I could make this with Game Maker! Or I could make an RPG. Let's hope it isn't as glitchy as Trapper & Keeper.

JESTY: Of course, if throwing knives makes you act how you look, and you look different after wardrobe, then it would be pointless now. Did you make this email up?

THATKIDSAM: I did make a LOT of my emails up at this point, but this was from my friend Colin. He sent me a lot of other ones under the name Discreet Boar.

JESTY: Heh. I've seen Super Size Me, and there are, um, some select differences.

THATKIDSAM: I've never seen Super Size Me. That's why it turned out so bad and weird.

JESTY: I didn't think it was that bad. Still, what was up with that stunt double? I mean, even Strong Bad didn't decide to narrate as Strong Sad did the stunts.

THATKIDSAM: He's too scared to admit he used a stunt double. And Dangeresque didn't need to be narrarated.

JESTY: Yeah, that's true. Heh, if you did take 1,916,920,137,887 visits, you would visit several thousand times a second.

THATKIDSAM: Okay, so I exaggerated.

JESTY: Fatkidsam... that name stuck from Bubs. Everyone seems to make a name stick early.

THATKIDSAM: Well, Dinoshaur mentioned something about Ratkidsam. He had someone come up to the microphone and do an impression of me. Hm. Well, it looks like we're out of time for today. See ya!