(even if you aren't vegan)
Thatkidsam E-Mail #40
Thatkidsam and company tell scary stories around a campfire. Really scary ones. I swear, I'm not lying.
Cast (in order of appearance): Thatkidsam, Icreature, Hyperma, Brent, Lawrence (easter egg)
Places: Masdiktaht Jet, Lawrence's House (easter egg)
Computer: Sega Dreamcast
Date: April 24th, 2005
Lines: 40
THATKIDSAM: {Clears throat} Emails and the Dreamcast, the bond will last! How you ever learn to chiggly check so fast?
Dear Thatkidsam,
Have you ever told ghost stories? I bet you'd
be really good at them!
THATKIDSAM: {Pronounces "From, FromageMeister" as "From-From AgeMeister".} As a matter of fact, From-From, I wouldn't bet on anything because you probably need to save your social security money! {Clears screen} Well... I stopped going on them Boy Scout campouts about twelve years ago, or pretty much anything to do with Boy Scouts, and I lost all of my supplies because of that stupid nerd, but a name-brand Kitchen Kampfire will do just the trick! We can tell ghost stories around a big, electric lamp instead of a flaming pile of maggot-infested branches! I'ma go get some supplies. {Gets up}
{Thatkidsam and Icreature are sitting around the kitchen table, with a buzzing lamp in the center.}
THATKIDSAM: ...And then the cows descended on him, and then it was the cow-pocalypse!
ICREATURE: (Thatkidsam... That's not scary. You've been telling me that story for years, and I have practically memorized it by now.)
THATKIDSAM: Oh yeah? Well, let's see if you can do better!
ICREATURE: (Okay. There was this bear... And he was possessed... And he snuck up on the people who weren't at a real campfire and-)
{A fake- looking bear with a top hat sneaks up the two.}
THATKIDSAM: What, was that supposed to be a bear? Icreature, you need to work on this. Hire better people!
ICREATURE: (I didn't hire that guy! Why is he in our house?)
THATKIDSAM: This is my house, not yours.
{The bear takes off his top hat and starts to speak.}
BEAR COSTUME GUY: Hello, I'm a member of Bear Scarers Inc. Would you like to hire my services as a scary bear to scare someone?
THATKIDSAM: WHAT!? Icreature, you hired this guy!
ICREATURE: (No, for once in my life, I'm telling the truth. I didn't hire this guy.)
THATKIDSAM: Yeah, uh, we'd like to hire you for one cent. Go spook Lawrence.
BEAR COSTUME GUY: Yes! My crappy jobs finally pay off!
THATKIDSAM: Wait a minute... I know that voice! {Pulls off Bear Costume Guy's mask, revealing Hyperma} I knew it, Hyperma!
HYPERMA: Aw, geez, I just wanted some money!
THATKIDSAM: I thought you already had a job as a bomb insurance guy!
HYPERMA: I wanted some action scaring people.
THATKIDSAM: But you scare all of us with your creepy costumes!
HYPERMA: Um... I'm going to go do what you want me to do. {Runs off}
ICREATURE: (Well, that brought this campfire to a screeching halt. I'll go get the age-old campfire food.)
THATKIDSAM: Yeah, and for once in my life, I agree with you. Hyperma is annoying!
ICREATURE: (But not as annoying as me! Mee hee hee!) {Quickly gets something from the fridge and etches "Thatkidsam sucks" with his laser}
THATKIDSAM: You got a TV dinner for our campfire!? And the name brand says I suck!? From now on, I'm getting the groceries. I'm not eating this crap!
ICREATURE: (Well, it isn't as bad as YOUR cooking!)
THATKIDSAM: Despite the fact that it is corrosive to your skin, I baked it with love!
{Brent walks in.}
BRENT: What's going on here? And why does the table smell like bears and catfood?
THATKIDSAM: Well, you see, I found out that our cat isn't actually stuffed, and-
BRENT: If you want to have a campfire, have one! Get out of my house! {Punts Icreature out of the door}
ICREATURE: (What did I ever do to you...)
THATKIDSAM: Aww, why'd you have to mess up our electric campout?
BRENT: Well, there's the fact that you used my snail's shell as a lampshade.
THATKIDSAM: But... How'd you know?
{A Dreamcast swirl unrolls a message reading "Click Here to E-Mail Thatkidsam @ thatkidsam@thatkidsam.muffin".}
Easter Eggs
- Click on the lampshade to see Hyperma's job.
BEAR COSTUME GUY: {Sneaks up on Lawrence at the Tandy 800} Roar.
{A real bear comes up.}
BEAR: Roar!
LAWRENCE: Oh, hi, Hyperma.
Fun Facts
- This email's intro is a re-wording of an older email rap.
- Thatkidsam's first ghost story about the cow-pocalypse is a reference to Bonus Stage.
Author's Comments
- Rating: C+
- Ah, TV dinners. The most campfire-y food on the planet. Well, not really, but this email was just plain weird. I liked the part about Thatkidsam's cooking.
Author Commentary
THATKIDSAM: Hey guys! Welcome to the campfire commentary by Thatkidsam and Teh Almighty Noid...e.
THE NOID: Hello, and this is thatkidsam email...what is this? 40?
THAKIDSAM: Something like that. Anyway, I was on vacation in New York when I made this, and I was just getting home, and I forgot that my laptop lost its internet connection. Long story short, it took me a couple days to transfer the text file to one with internet access.
THE NOID: Hey, I live in New York. Didja go to the City?
THATKIDSAM: Yeah. I saw the Statue of Liberty, I went to some museum, and... I saw this really weird parking lot slash field slash... GIR slash GAZ. I mean, yeah. Take out the GIR slash GAZ part.
THE NOID: Oh. I live in western. Anyways, lets get off the subject of New York and on the subject of campfire. This is a good one.
THATKIDSAM: Yeah, I liked this. The indoor campfire has been a family joke. It wasn't that funny until I made this and showed it to my five siblings. The three youngest (14, 17, 17) liked it.
THE NOID: Yaeh, indoor campfire is proody funny. I liked the Cow-opalypse thing too. But I prefer "Apocolypse Cow".
THATKIDSAM: Apocalypse Cow, eh? Yeah. Don't punch those.
THE NOID: Hah, Wiki Running gags. I need to put that in one of my emails...
THATKIDSAM: Running Gags are pretty important, alright... I like my Pwnage the best.
THE NOID: {writes PWNAGE down on scrap paper} I have a few myself...the meaning of life one and that one where they refrence the eightees a lot. I guess thats not a running gag, though.
THATKIDSAM: Isn't that "the meaning of life" thing a reference to something? Because it's pretty funny, and it sounds like something from The Simpsons or something.
THE NOIOD: To tell the truth I'm not sure. I just thought it woulrd be funny to that. And yeah, I guess it IS a refrence. Webcomics like PvP hve done that before (in fact, I got the idea from there)
THATKIDSAM: Heh. I knew it. Anyway, this ends one of the most toastpaint commentaries EVER.
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