(even if you aren't vegan)
Thatkidsam.muffin/chocolate WMDs
Thatkidsam Email #62
Part #1 In Shadow Retribution
Icreature shows us some of his Chocolate Nukes and tells us how to use them to terrorize the city. Thatkidsam doesn't have a clue.
Cast (in order of appearance): Brent, Icreature, Bubs, Thatkidsam, Mysterious Silhouette, Ian Stretcheye, President Bill Jackson, Fashionmore Henchman
Places: Bubs' Concession Stand, Icreature Fortress, The Slightly Non-Straight-Edged Rectangle Office
Computer: Gameslayer
Date: September 18, 2005
Lines: 90
{Brent and Icreature are in the VirtualCopter, surrounded by orange helicopters armed with tons of weapons.}
BUBS DEFENSE HELICOPTERS: Unarm yourself or be obliterated. We have armed ourself with the lethal Chocolate Drill-Laser.
BRENT: That's no match for our DARK Chocolate Drill-Laser! Icreature, let's do this!
{They both eject, and energy starts to gather around Icreature, and...}
A low budget later...
{Cut to Bubs' Concession Stand, where Brent and Icreature walk (and float) in. Bubs immidiately notices them and presses a button under the counter.}
BUBS: You! You're the two that defied my security in a cool, high-budget sequence involving a chocolate drill! Bring in the MegaTanks!
{Thatkidsam runs up the stairs, apparently tired.}
THATKIDSAM: {Groggily} Bubs, why are you activating the MegaTank so early in the- {Notices Brent and Icreature} Oh, hey, Brent! Nice to see you! What happened?
{The far wall opens up and a gigantic red tank rolls out and charges up a blast. Brent fails to notice.}
BRENT: I think Icreature did something, and then we got stranded on a secret government island developing a bio-weapon project "Dyphus Beta" and-
BUBS: Uhh, Thatkidsam? Tell me if these are innocent. I think the MegaTank is going to fire.
THATKIDSAM: Innocent, innocent! ...Well, maybe Icreature's guilty, but...
{Bubs waves frantically at the MegaTank and it cancels its huge charge-up blast. It rolls back into the wall and disappears.}
BRENT: -Sucked into a time portal, and the black hole atoms and Red Vortex ions collided-
THATKIDSAM: Shut up. Anyway, yeah, Bubs, don't call your newly-found security peoples on my friends.
BUBS: How was I supposed to know? That helicopter was equipped with air-to-surface black hole lasers! I had no choice!
THATKIDSAM: Whatever. We got Bubs' Gameslayer, and I can check email on it.
ICREATURE: Heh heh...
{Cut to the Gameslayer.}
{The Gameslayer logo appears on the screen, and a black figure labeled "Omni" runs across the screen with a banner reading "Version: SNOWCONEMANIAC.WORM" Then, two icons appear: "Omni-Mail" and "Add New File".}
THATKIDSAM: How'd you like this email, Gameslayer?
{The Thatkidsam Omni runs over to the "Omni-Mail" icon and taps it. The screen transitions to an email that pops up.}
Dear Thatkidsam
The man
Do you own chocolate nukes?
I hear they're prety good.
Nice work
THATKIDSAM: What? Chocolate nukes? The government confiscated those years ago! I guess the world just isn't ready to be destroyed by waves of dark chocolate. {Calling out to Bubs} Hey, Bubs! You have any Chocolate WMDs?
BUBS: {From above} No! I used to have me some o' those Chocolate MegaTanks, and then they found my giant stockpile of them hidden in South Africa. Stupid government! And no, I don't know where to get them. Yeah. Don't ask me. I don't know. {Cough}
THATKIDSAM: Well, that isn't very good. Well, there's no way to end an email now, so I'm just going to go to bed. Someone else finish this. {Yawns and leaves}
ICREATURE: {Sly voice} So, Brent... Why don't you go out and... Buy some... Furniture? Yeah, furniture.
BRENT: Can do! {Leaves}
ICREATURE: ...Good. Hah... {Gets on the Gameslayer} I, on the other hand, DO have chocolate nukes!
{Cut to an undisclosed location where Icreature is standing in front of a large stockpile of brown neuclear weapons.}
ICREATURE: You see, Chocolate WMDs are notorious for including... Certain ingredients other than chocolate. Like... {Text appears above his head for every ingredient} "Atomizing caramel." "Fusion peanuts." And, of course, {Scary voice} "Aaaancient dinosaurs!" {Normal voice, text no longer appears} And since the Fusion Peanuts fall out of orbit and are launched out of the cloud, you have to know exactly when to-
{A silhouetted figure with spiky hair appears in the background and talks in a strange, low voice.}
SILHOUETTE: Icreature. I was wondering when you would come. Where were you? I thought you would come as soon as we had accomplished the stockpiling.
ICREATURE: {Stops talking, notices the silhouette} Ah! Master Th- {Edited speech replaces whatever he was about to say} MASTER. I had some detours to take with Project D- POODLE and some br- STAPLERS in the l- BUTT.
SILHOUETTE: Ah. But did you forget about our plan? Our master plan?
{Cut to Bubs' Concession Stand.}
THATKIDSAM: {Yawn} Hm. There HAS to be a good email now!
{Thatkidsam walks over to the Gameslayer and sees an email already pulled up. It is heavily censored.}
Dear **********,
So, is opertion QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKL;ZXCVBNM a go? Also, if this
isn't ***********.*******, please forward it.
THATKIDSAM: {Reads both groups of asterisks as "Sea of asterisks"} What? This email is both incomprehensible and censored! Stupid plotlines... Also, stupid internet providers... Stupid alarm clock... {Leaves the screen}
{Cut to a top news story where Ian Stretcheye is reporting.}
IAN STRETCHEYE: This just in, a rather large fortress is flying above Free Country, and its silhouetted leader, {Edited voice} SILHOUETTE MAN, reportedly has a large stockpile of atomic cocoa. Our beloved president, Bill Jackson, will attend to this subject.
{Cut to the Slightly Non-Straight-Edged Rectangle Office.}
BILL JACKSON: If you haven't heard the news, I'm the president! Isn't that great? {A picture of a dead King of Town appears in the corner. It soon disappears.} So, anyway, {Two pictures of The Silhouette and Bubs appear.} we are going to search this man for his abundant neuclear weapons! We have to! {Points to Bubs and not the Silhouette} He obviously also has ties to the large attack on Free Country, but we don't have any proof, but you trust me, right? Right??
{Cut back to the news story.}
IAN STRETCHEYE: But, Mr. President, we just said that it was that ominously shadowy figure! We even have footage!
{Cut back to the Slightly Non-Straight-Edged Rectangle Office.}
BILL JACKSON: You shall be arrested for questioning me!
{Cut to the news story again.}
IAN STRETCHEYE: What? You can't arrest me! There's the free speech law! It's in the constitution! ...Or the Bill of Rights. I forgot.
{Cut yet again to the Slightly Non-Straight-Edged Rectangle Office.}
BILL JACKSON: Hah! Me and my team of robotic Supreme Court Judges and robotic representatives have declared the entire constitution UNCONSTITUTIONAL! {Starts laughing evilly, then stops} You can stop recording now.
{Cut to Bubs' Conession Stand. A huge truck appears and several Fashionmore Henchmen pour out into the entrance. One politely knocks on the door, and the rest raise their machine guns. Bubs opens the door, holding a large time bomb, then quickly throws it behind his back.}
BUBS: What'll ya have?
FASHIONMORE SQUAD LEADER: Oh, we'll get some deep-fired coke. And, can we search your house for nukes?
BUBS: That'll be five dollars. And yeah, you won't find anything... {Whispering} Yet.
{Cut to Ian Stretcheye, reporting from his jail cell.}
IAN STRETCHEYE: It appears that we have lost thousands of soldiers in the battlefront of Bubs' Concession Stand and haven't found any neuclear weapons. That's because you DIDN'T GO WITH MY ADVICE, PRESIDENT!
{Several jail officers are heard talking.}
JAIL OFFICER #1: He just questioned the president's great judgement again! Give him the Box of Tasers!
{A door opens above Ian Stretcheye's head and millions of tazers drop down and shock him.}
IAN STRETCHEYE: AAAAAAAAUUUUGH!!! {Twitches} Is this legal punishment?
{Cut to Icreature's Fortress.}
SILHOUETTE: Ready? Phase two begins now. We must destroy the place that forgot us!
ICREATURE: Heh heh heh... Let's do this!
{Icreature taps a button with his claw, and everything goes black.}
PERSON #1: Crap, we're out of film!
PERSON #2: Don't worry, I've got the rest of the email already taped. {Fumbling sound, and a picture appears};;
{Cut to Markie at the Bluey.}
MARKIE: {Breaks down sobbing} Dear Jesus! WHY DID THIS E-MAIL MAKE ME CRY?! Waaaaaaa-hahahah-haaaaaaah! Booo ho ho hoooooo! The pain! The misery! The badly drawn "Will Work for Food" signs! Ohohohohoooooo!!!
{The screen goes blank again.}
PERSON #1: For God's sakes, why do you keep that reel in here?
{Omni runs across the screen, leaving a banner with the message "Click Here to E-Mail Thatkidsam @ thatkidsam@thatkidsam.muffin".}
Easter Eggs
- Click on the top-right corner of the screen to see Thatkidsam get up yet again.
THATKIDSAM: It's been 5 minutes... There HAS to be a good email now!
Inbox empty.
THATKIDSAM: Whoops, I forgot this isn't as oftenly emailed as Strong Bad.
Fun Facts
- MegaTanks are from Advance Wars.
- "Ancient Dinosaurs" are a reference to cancelled which was referencing the Poopsmith Email, commercial.
- Bill Jackson was shown in a painting in program.
- The scene with Markie is from jerk?, also shown in red vortex mk2.
Author's Comments
- Rating: B+
- I just love those cameramen. Will they ever get along? And the reason this email never ended because I was tired when making it. Oh well.
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