(even if you aren't vegan)
Thatkidsam.muffin/clip show
Thatkidsam E-Mail #12
That Hockey friend returns to ask Thatkidsam his favoirite emails!
Cast (in order of appearance): Thatkidsam, Bonk-Bats, Vintage Video Game Dealer, The Ugly One, So and So, Icreature, KristIcreature, Lawrence
Places: Masdiktaht Jet, Fashionmore, Unnessescary Spiked Room, The Field (easter egg)
Computer: Sega Dreamcast
Date: March 14th, 2005
Lines: 29
THATKIDSAM: I checked my email in the morning light!
Hey Thatkidsam,
You have done so many of these
e-mails which one would you say is
the best, or your personal favorite.
{Reads "HockeymanJ05" as "Hocky...HockyJockydude Joh."}
THATKIDSAM: Well, I certainly have a lot of favorites! There's that one where my Bonk-Bats got rid of that pesky video game dealer...
{Cut to the Bonk-Bats headbutting the Vintage Video Game Dealer into oblivion.}
THATKIDSAM: And, there's that one where the clerks at Fashionmore killed all of Teen Girl Squad...
THE UGLY ONE: Man, our lives are jokes. How do we reappear in each comic?
NARRARATOR: Hey! You're not supposed to...
{A white-out pen appears. It erases The Ugly One.}
SO AND SO: Hey, where is everybody? We need to rehearse our new song!
{A huge hammer whacks So and So out of the store.}
THATKIDSAM: And there's that one that got censored...
{Thatkidsam is answering an email on his }
Dear Thatkidsam.
-le cheet
What do you think of Pokemon?
THATKIDSAM: Oh, I'll TELL you what I think of Pokemon! {Several bleeping noises are heard and Thatkidsam's typing is blurred}
ICREATURE: (Gasp!) {Faints and melts on the ground}
{A newspaper with the headline "Banned in the USA and Japan!" appears on the screen.}
THATKIDSAM: And how about that email where Icreature got dumped?
{A typed letter from KristIcreature appears.}
Dear Icreature,
Love, KristIcreature
You are an Icreature and I am another Icreature.
Therefore, I think we should break up. I hope
we can still be friends.
THATKIDSAM: And how about that email where I destroyed all of those X-Boxes?
{Cut to Thatkidsam in a large room with a spiked floor. He is holding a sledgehammer. Millions of X-Boxes are standing on their sides next to eachother. Thatkidsam smashes the first X-Box with his hammer, and creates a domino effect. Every X-Box lands on the spikes and is impaled.}
THATKIDSAM: Man, those emails were good... I just hope I can do the same with every PS2 and Gamecube.
{A Dreamcast swirl unrolls a message reading "Click Here to E-Mail Thatkidsam @ thatkidsam@thatkidsam.muffin".}
Easter Eggs
- Click on good to see some more clips.
Clip 1
THATKIDSAM: And there's that one where I locked Lawrence in the room fulla bear traps...
{Cut to Lawrence in a dark room. Only his eyes and part of his torso are visible.}
LAWRENCE: Hey, {Clank} GAH! That- GAH! Kid- GAH! {Clank} I'll {Clank} get you {Clank} GAH! for this... {Snap} OW! I don't think that was supposed to happen...
Clip 2
THATKIDSAM: And there's the one where Homestar got the fondue pot stuck on his foot...
{Cut to The Field. Homestar is having trouble getting the fondue pots off of his feet.}
HOMESTAR: Ow! Can somebody help me? {Starts walking around and gets his feet stuck in shoeboxes} Ow! {Gets shoeboxes stuck in two Shotgunned Compies} Ow!
Fun Facts
- The clips are from these emails (in order of appearance):
- onethousandthreehundredthirtysevenness
- wardrobe
- "pokemon" (Unreleased)
- gossip
- "new game" (Unreleased)
- The easter egg ones:
- cartoon violence
- "fondue" (Unreleased)
- This is obviously a parody of personal favorites.
- The scene where KristIcreature breaks up is a reference to 2 years.
Author's Comments
- Rating: C
- I really hate clip shows, but it isn't really considered a clip show if most of the clips are made up. Like the Strong Bad Email "personal favorites", this was okay. I just love pushing the point that my character hates popular systems. (I actually do like them outside of my emails.)
Author Commentary
THATKIDSAM: This is Thatkidsam and Color Printer, getting ready for another KAH-RAAAZY email commentary!
COLOR PRINTER: This e-mail was good. Better than what you rated it. I would have liked to see Pokemon.
THATKIDSAM: Ehh, I just thought it was too much of a ripoff of "personal favorites". And, since I know Poopsmith Zed and Michelle are Pokemon fans, I decided to use the ol' sb_email22 joke again. It got kinda stale after that, though... Like that old sandwich I made in email 2.
COLOR PRINTER: If you still have that thing, it's time to throw it away.
THATKIDSAM: {Laughs} ...THE SANDWICH WILL NEVER BE THROWN AWAY!!! {Threatens with a shish kabob}
COLOR PRINTER: Calm down. Anyway...I hate X-Boxes too.
THATKIDSAM: {Breathing heavily} Yeah, you're right. It's just that Icreature ran away the other day and I haven't had anyone to threaten. Yeah, sledgehammers are your friend.
COLOR PRINTER: I think he's the reason why my turnips keep disappearing. Think he listened to our previous commentary?
THATKIDSAM: Crap, he was the reason our first commentary didn't work! He turned into my microphone! He'll be expecting another few days in the cage.
COLOR PRINTER: Okay. {long pause} Why do you hate popular systems so much?
THATKIDSAM: Eh... Well... About that... {Cough} They bask in the light as other games get ignored. THAT'S WHY THEY DIDN'T MAKE A SKIES OF ARCADIA SEQUEL!!! Ugh... Yeah. I can't wait until Icreature comes back. {Breathes heavily again}
COLOR PRINTER: I think we better end this commentary before something potentialy bad happens.
thatkidsam.muffin |
ebay | sandwich | 1337ness | dreamail | documentary | wardrobe | rival | spacewarrior | virus!? | old timey | muffin | clip show | not icreature land | battle royale | green | trapper & keeper | gossip | electric stuff | pong movie | dsaltines | custom parts | robot rebellion | the stick | hiatusbreak | behind the scenes | program | time travel | assassination | brain damage | cartoon violence | attempted coolness | stealing | research | ebay mk2 | grapefruit overlord | VQ | aile zéro | senior citizen squad | electric stuff mk2 | campfire | financial difficulties | spin-offs | star wars | not icreature land mk2 | undead | president | strong bad email | secret agent | videlectrix | cancelled | reality show | taco | schoolteacher | jealous | superpower | stinkoman k | sidekick | prize | red vortex mk2 | milkman | convention | chocolate WMDs | universal principal | jango who? | most your base | 66th email |