(even if you aren't vegan)
Thatkidsam.muffin/secret agent
Thatkidsam E-Mail #48
Thatkidsam shows some spies with the Sitcom Reactor's spin-off function.
Cast (in order of appearance): Thatkidsam, Omni, Brent, Spy Spin-Offs, Fashionmore Henchman, The King of Town, Trogdor (easter egg)
Places: Unknown House, The Field
Computer: Sega Dreamcast
Date: May 12th, 2005
Lines: 37
{The Gameslayer logo appears on the screen, and a black figure labeled "Omni" runs across the screen with a banner reading "Version: EVIDLDUEYO PORPLEMAN" Then, five icons appear: "Feathered Serpent", "Omni-Mail", "Strong Badgar: Sbemail Finder", "Skies of Arcadia (Gameslayer Ripoff Edition)", and "Add New Game".}
THATKIDSAM: Aaah. Email. Could it get any more time-consuming?
{The Thatkidsam Omni runs over to the "Omni-Mail" icon and taps it. The screen transitions to an email that pops up.}
Dear Thatakidsam
Kyves, Lukatia
Have you ever considered being a secret agent?
THATKIDSAM: {Reads "Kyves" as "Kivv-vess"} A secret agent, eh? Well, I don't really like the secretive type. But I do have a great machine that Brent fixed me up. Let's go see it!
{Cut to Brent at a futuristic-looking chamber, fixing something with a screwdriver.}
BRENT: Hey, Thatkidsam! Ready to try out the Sitcom Reactor? It can do spin-off simulations now!
THATKIDSAM: That's exactly what I need. So, is it fixed from my attempt to envision a dragon destroying it?
BRENT: {Sigh} Yes...
THATKIDSAM: Okay, let me use it! {Jumps into the machine and puts on a visor}
{Cut to The Field, where a baby Icreature is floating. The text "The Tattletale" appears on the screen. Thatkidsam commentates.}
THATKIDSAM: Okay, so this is Icreature. As a baby. The Tattletale will tell on anyone suspicious. The only bad thing is that they cannot get any information from their foes at all.
{The King of Town's silhouette sneaks by in the background. Icreature notices him.}
THE TATTLETALE: (Waaaah!! He's stealing stuff!)
{Tons of Fashionmore Henchmen in police uniforms jump out of the sky and arrest The King of Town, dressed as The Hamburglar.}
FASHIONMORE HENCHMAN: Good work, Tattletale 770.
THE KING OF TOWN: No! I'm just the Hamburglar! You can't arrest me!
{Cut to an action movie-like scene with Lawrence in a tuxedo. The text "Generic British Spy" appears. Thatkidsam commentates some more.}
THATKIDSAM: And, of course, the most generic secret agent in the world has to have a British accent and work for MI6.
GENERIC BRITISH SPY: Now, to use my gadgets to get out of this prison and into my tea-filled house!
{A Matrix-style view shifts around as Generic British Spy uses a piton gun to escape.}
THATKIDSAM: Ugh, I can't stand this shifty camera! I think I'm gonna hurl. Let's change the channel.
{Cut to Nocturne wearing a suit of crackly tinfoil clinging to the ceiling of an evil silhouette's room. The text "Spy That Wants Attention" appears. Thatkidsam commentates.}
THATKIDSAM: Nocturne, as I envision it, would be the worst spy ever. See the shiny tinfoil? And hear all the noise that it's making? Well, Nocturne would do anything to get the attention of enemies, then get killed.
{Nocturne jumps down from the ceiling and the silhouette turns around.}
NOCTURNE: I'm a spy-
{Another shadow of a knife appears in the silhouette's hand, and a disturbing message appears, covering the screen.}
{Cut to a very strange, glitched area. The words "A BOOK" are on the screen. Thatkidsam attempts to commentate.}
THATKIDSAM: And then, there's the coolest frame-by-frame battle in the world! Eh- Hey, the stupid thing's broken!
{Everything shuts down, and the screen turns black.}
{Omni runs across the screen, leaving a banner with the message "Click Here to E-Mail Thatkidsam @ thatkidsam@thatkidsam.muffin".}
Easter Eggs
- Click on dragon to see Thatkidsam's first wish with the Sitcom Reactor.
{Trogdor bursts into the house.}
THATKIDSAM: ACCCK!! This can't be happening! Uhh, I also have a sword in this scene! {A saber appears in his hand, and he attempts to destroy Trogdor but the sword is just a hologram} What? The sword is fake?
BRENT: Everything the Sitcom Reactor makes is just an illusion. Except for Trogdor.
THATKIDSAM: Then how is Trogdor-
{Trogdor burninates the house.}
Fun Facts
- The concept and name of the Sitcom Reactor is a reference to Bonus Stage.
- "A BOOK" is from virus.
- "Tattletale 770" is a reference to grapefruit overlord.
Author's Comments
- Rating: C+
- This was kind of rushed and too much like garage sale. Stupid Sitcom Reactor. I could have given it ANY name, but I just had to give it a Bonus Stage name! Ugh.
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