(even if you aren't vegan)
Thatkidsam E-Mail #9
Thatkidsam's computer getting a virus? Oh, no!
Cast (in order of appearance): Thatkidsam, Icreature, Bonk, KristIcreature, Lawson
Places: Masdiktaht Jet
Computer: Turbo Grafx
Date: March 13th, 2005
Lines: 39
THATKIDSAM: Oh, why can't people think of anything original these days?
Email From: MarkieV101@aol.com
-And BurninatorBoombox as well
Hey TKS!
Is it really redundant for people to have all these
'virus'-esque e-mail parodies spinning offa the SB?
To me, it is.
-Markie the Yoshi
THATKIDSAM: I know! Emails are getting so repetitive these days! I mean...
ICREATURE: (Hey, Thatkidsam! I just ate all of your mushroom tops!)
THATKIDSAM: NOOOOO! Anyway, I agree with you, Marxine. Let's keep a-checking.
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THATKIDSAM: Ert plus! Y 7 6 P! 'Olu 8 jykee... What? Is this some kinda virus? I know how to deal with this! {Takes off the back of the Turbo Grafx and inserts another system, the Turbo CD, into it} Behold, the Turbo CD! I'll just put in my own virus-sweeping program... Behold! Virus Bonker 32!
{A title screen of "Virus Bonker 32" appears, with Bonk on it. It skips to the loading screen, where Bonk attempts to climb a hill with his teeth. When he gets to the top, a sign saying "No viruses found." appears next to Bonk.}
THATKIDSAM: Well, that's a relief. Now is my intention to sit down and play Bonk's Revenge for several hours. {Takes out the Turbo CD, replaces the back, and inserts the Bonk's Revenge card.} Doo doo doo doo doo, yay! I beat the first level! Now, I have to... What!?
{An enemy carrying a sign appears. That sign says... "ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO LAWRENCE!"}
THATKIDSAM: Well, if my virus bonker didn't say anything, there's no virus! Just have to beat this eggshell-headed person... dragon... giant... AAAAH!!!
{Every character on the screen mutates to 20X6, then 1936, then current-day, and over and over again until the Blue Screen of Death appears.}
THATKIDSAM: Maybe there really is a virus!
{The TV suddenly turns off, and a large crack appears in the screen. The Turbo Grafx suddenly starts bouncing around. It lands in an air duct and explodes, sending debris throughout the house. The Turbo is ruined!}
THATKIDSAM: No! My Turbo!! I pine for you! {A long while passes, Thatkidsam grieves} Oh, wait... Don't I have, like, 50 extras in my vault? Right! {Runs away, then returns with a new widescreen TV and Turbo Grafx} Now, let's get to checkin'!
Dear Thatkidsam,
what is kristicreature's deal?
THATKIDSAM: We're live with a live interview by Icreature! Live! Did I mention it's live? I guess I didn't! This is a live interview with KristIcreature! Now, please start the interview, Icreature.
ICREATURE: So, Kristi. Where did you come from?
KRISTICREATURE: Well, like all Icreatures, I developed inside a human being and devoured them from the inside out over the years. Then, I was sold to a butler. Here he is! Hi, Lawson!
LAWSON: Hello, everyone. You might know me better as the father of Lawrence!
ICREATURE: Next question: Why did you... Hey! The lights are out!
MYSTERIOUS VOICE: MUAHAHAHAHAHA, primitive beings! My virus has spread, and I have infected your world! If you wish to continue your foolish lives, toss all of your master's Turbo Grafxs and Turbo CDs outside the window! Don't forget his e-mail game!
ICREATURE: Awesome! Kristi, help me load the systems onto the dump truck.
{Many hours later, Thatkidsam walks in and finds that there is no Turbo Grafx in front of the TV.}
THATKIDSAM: Hey, where's that computer I had? Hey, where are all the systems filed under T in my vault? ...NOOOOOOO!!!
{Several badly-drawn paper Turbo Grafx U-Cards line up at the top of the screen displaying the message "Click Here to E-Mail Thatkidsam @ thatkidsam@thatkidsam.muffin"}
Easter Eggs
- Click on the imprint of the Turbo Grafx on the carpet to see Thatkidsam pondering his next system.
THATKIDSAM: Well, I could go with Turbo CD, but I'd need a Turbo Grafx for that... I could use CD-i, but I already sold that... My WonderSwan is outta batteries... I would never use a popular system... I can't code Intellivision and Colecovision games-
Fun Facts
- "ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO LAWRENCE" is a reference to the All Your Base craze.
- When Thatkidsam mentions "eggshell-headed person" he is making a reference to the super-commonly found enemies in the Bonk series.
Author's Comments
- Rating: D-
- Except for the repeated attempts at answering an email and poking fun at all of the Other Character Email / Wiki User Email virus duplicates, there was nothing in this that I liked.
Author Commentary
SUPER SONIC X: Hey, everybody. Welcome to the commentary for virus. Thatkidsam edition.
THATKIDSAM: Yeah. I like it when editions are named after me. I think... Yeah... I'm kinda tired... Anyway, welcome to the commentary. ...This email was a parody of all the sbemails that find their way into my inbox.
SSX: I agree with you completely. Like, this one time, I got an email that had...um...well, it had something unoriginal. Really unoriginal.
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