(even if you aren't vegan)
Thatkidsam E-Mail #26
Thatkidsam sends the world into a panic with his deadly program... Then his Dreamcast gets infected... What will happen?
Cast (in order of appearance): Thatkidsam, Brent, Ian Stretcheyerus, President Smith, Presidential Bodyguards, Strong Bad, What's Her Face
Places: Masdiktaht Jet, The White House, The Computer Room
Computer: Sega Dreamcast
Date: April 3rd, 2005
Lines: 62
THATKIDSAM: {Electric guitar music starts playing, and Thatkidsam sings} I got to email you! I got to email everyone! Woah, that was awesome!
Dear thatkidsam
Do you like codes?
If you have a code,
Pleas show.
Your friend
THATKIDSAM: {Reads "Pleas" as "Pléas" or "Place", and reads as far as "Your friend".} You know what, Ekul? I already used up all of my nicknames for you. I'mo call you somethin' else. {Moves cursor up and replaces "Ekul" with "Jack Mumblerson", then clears screen} Well, Jack Mummera, I once had a pretty cool program... or code, as you call it... And I sent it around the world. Everybody got it. That was the best part... Giving people programs...
{Cut to Brent playing his DS.}
BRENT: Come on! Must... beat... generic... Pokemon... racing game... Aw rats, I lost! {Game over music plays. The camera zooms in on the DS' screen. A message comes up saying "Incoming message from IAN STRETCHEYE..."} Ooh, a message! {A very strange, glitched Homeschool Winner pops up on the screen and his words appear in captions... backwards}
IAN STRETCHEYRUS: {Extremely high voice} Mee hee hee hee! {Helicopter sounds, and his voice changes to Arnold Schwartzenegger} All your base are belong to us. You will die in seven days! {Extremely high voice} HIYA!! I like TOTALLY like shopping! {Helicopter sounds, long pause, Arnold S. voice} You will DIE!!
BRENT: Hm... I can't decide whether to go shopping or prepare the bomb shelter. Meh, I'll go shopping. {Leaves}
{Cut to the Oval Office, where President Smith and two bodyguards are standing. Smith is doing something on a laptop.}
BODYGUARD #1: So... What do you think of those new chips?
BODYGUARD #2: Meh, they're okay.
{Someone's cell phone starts ringing. Bodyguard #1 answers.}
BODYGUARD #1: Yeah? {The voice says something.} Aw, I never get any calls! {Passes the phone to Bodyguard #2.}
BODYGUARD #2: Hello? {A familliar voice answers.}
IAN STRETCHEYRUS: {Extremely high voice} Mee hee hee hee! {Helicopter sounds, and his voice changes to Arnold Schwartzenegger} All your base are belong to us. You will die in seven days! {Extremely high voice} HIYA!! I like TOTALLY like shopping! {Helicopter sounds, long pause, Arnold S. voice} You will DIE!!
BODYGUARD #2: Hello? Hello? {Long pause} I guess he hung up.
BODYGUARD #1: Dude, you really need to turn your volume down. I already know that you'll die April 9th, if that guy was right.
BODYGUARD #2: That can't be good.
PRESIDENT SMITH: Ooh, there's a new movie on the Newgrounds portal! {Clicks on something, and the same high-pitched voice plays}
IAN STRETCHEYRUS: {Extremely high voice} Mee hee hee hee! {Helicopter sounds, and his voice changes to Arnold Schwartzenegger} All your base are belong to us. You will die in seven days! {Extremely high voice} HIYA!! I like TOTALLY like shopping! {Helicopter sounds, long pause, Arnold S. voice} You will DIE!!
PRESIDENT SMITH: You know what that means, nameless bodyguards. It's time for Plan Y 1/2.
BODYGUARDS #1 & #2: You sure?
PRESIDENT SMITH: Deploy the fake Earth pod!
BODYGUARD #2: {Nods and peels the wallpaper, revealing a bunch of tiles. He spins each corner tile, and a switch is revealed. He presses it, and the walls explode, revealing a giant snow globe containing a beach and a laptop.}
PRESIDENT SMITH: Now, to leave this world for good! {The snow globe opens, and he hops in. It closes and launches off into space.}
{A long pause occurs. The first bodyguard blinks.}
BODYGUARD #1: So... Are we going to eat something, or... What?
BODYGUARD #2: Yeah. I hear the donut prices are down over at Fat Al's Lard Station.
BODYGUARD #1: Yeah, let's go. {Both leave}
{Cut to Strong Bad at the Lappy 486, who apparently has the Ian Stretcheyerus.}
STRONG BAD: Yeah, oka- Wait... {Lappy explodes} Noooooooooo!!! I liked that computer...
{Cut to What's Her Face answering an email.}
WHAT'S HER FACE: Oooh, I got an email!
IAN STRETCHEYERUS: {Strong Bad attempts to imitate the Arnold S. voice} You will DIE!
WHAT'S HER FACE: That's nice!
{The computer implodes, and What's Her Face gets sucked into the implosion.}
NARRARATOR STRONG BAD: Exploooooooooooded!
{Cut back to Thatkidsam answering an email, presumably the next day.}
THATKIDSAM: Gotta check all emails tonight! Sittin' in a Saturn and feelin' alright, I gotta check all emails tonight!
Dear Thatkidsam
Can you help me. I can't get
this thing off. It's like they
took satin and put him in a cardboard tube
THATKIDSAM: Well, I don't know what you're talking about- What? {A message saying "Incoming transmission from IAN STRETCHEYE..." appears, and the familliar message appears} Wait a minute... Oh, no! It's my program! I don't want my Dreamcast to die!!
IAN STRETCHEYRUS: {Extremely high voice} Mee hee hee hee! {Helicopter sounds, and his voice changes to Arnold Schwartzenegger} All your base are belong to us. You will die in seven days! {Extremely high voice} HIYA!! I like TOTALLY like shopping! {Helicopter sounds, long pause, Arnold S. voice} You will DIE!!
{The Dreamcast explodes and the screen dies.}
{A very glitched, black Dreamcast swirl unrolls a message reading "Click Here to E-Mail Thatkidsam @ thatkidsam@thatkidsam.muffin".}
Easter Eggs
- After 15 seconds, Thatkidsam stops grieving.
THATKIDSAM: Wait a minute... Don't I have, like, sixty other Dreamcasts? I'mo go get a replacement. {Gets up and comes back five seconds later with a shiny new Dreamcast} I should do this before I start crying like that. Behold, the Dreamcast 1.00001! {The Dreamcast swirl fixes itself.
- After that, click on the TV screen to see the Ian Stretcheyerus however many times you want.
IAN STRETCHEYRUS: {Extremely high voice} Mee hee hee hee! {Helicopter sounds, and his voice changes to Arnold Schwartzenegger} All your base are belong to us. You will die in seven days! {Extremely high voice} HIYA!! I like TOTALLY like shopping! {Helicopter sounds, long pause, Arnold S. voice} You will DIE!!
Fun Facts
- The song in the intro movie is from the flash cartoon Hyperboy.
- It appears that Presidential Bodyguard #1 has the Stinkoman K 20X6 theme as his ringtone.
- "The Newgrounds Portal" is an obvious reference to Newgrounds, a popular Flash cartoon website.
- Fat Al's Lard Station is a reference to Fat Albert.
- The second intro is a revised version of Today is Alright 4 2Nite.
- Brent was presumably playing the generic DS racing game, Pokemon Dash.
Author's Comments
- Rating: B+
- This was much better than "virus!?", because it is more glitched, and President (Insert Generic Last Name Here) gets to be pretty important later. I was going to wait until "president" to have them, but I couldn't wait. Generic food-loving bodyguards are also pretty good to have.
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