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Thatkidsam E-Mail #42

ThatkidSamus experiments with several different spin-off games.

Cast (in order of appearance): ThatkidSamus, thatkidsam, Darkmoon, Ultrama, Dark Lawrence, The Leet2, Brash, Pegabubs, Stickly Man

Places: MMO-RPG, Unknown House

Computer: Playstation 832

Date: April 28th, 2005

Lines: 31


THATKIDSAMUS: My name is not Thatkidsam, ooh aah. So please don't call me Thatkidsam, ooh aah.

Dearest Kid Samus,
Since you're a character in a video game,
you should make a bunch of spin-offs
of your video game!

-Discreet Boar

THATKIDSAMUS: {Follows "Dearest Kid Samus" with a sarcastic "Awwwww..."} What!? Since when am I a character in a video game?

{The camera zooms out slightly to show that he IS in a video game that Thatkidsam is playing, Email Checker 2003.}

THATKIDSAM: Yeah! I've checked four 7838 emails so far! A new record!

{The camera zooms back in.}

THATKIDSAMUS: Well... Although I'm not actually a character in a video game, I'll try something.

{Cut to an advertisement for ThatkidSamus Game Studios.}

ANNOUNCER: You've controlled ThatkidSamus every day for the past years trying to destroy the evil Spirii... You've more than likely succeeded. What are you going to do until 7841, when Ketroid 2 comes out? Why, play tennis, of course!

THATKIDSAMUS: I have to win this match!

{ThatkidSamus is in a match against Darkmoon.}

THATKIDSAMUS: You're not going to beat me! {Serves and a blue glow emanates from the ball}

DARKMOON: I will beat you, no matter what it takes! {Does a really dramatic return, draining all light from the outside and blasting the ball with it}

THATKIDSAMUS: No!!! You have 15 points!!! I'm going to lose the match! I hate this game! My soul is at stake!

ANNOUNCER: Or maybe you'd like to play a happy party game?

{There are headshots of ThatkidSamus, Ultrama, Dark Lawrence, and The Leet2 in the corners of a board game-like screen.}

THATKIDSAMUS: {Unenthusiastically} I rolled a 2. I move two spaces.

DARK LAWRENCE: Can we play something remotely fun?

THE LEET2: (We're in an advertisement! We have to stay awake!)

ANNOUNCER: Don't leave now! You can also play a go-kart racing game!

{Unusually happy music plays as ThatkidSamus, Brash, Pegabubs, and Stickly Man race around a circular track.}

THATKIDSAMUS: Man, this is so exciting!


PEGABUBS: I have an unstoppable urge to turn this lightning bolt on you, ThatkidSamus. {Holds up a cube with a lightning bolt in it}

ANNOUNCER: This legendary collection is all together in the ThatkidSamus Spin-Off Collection! Call now and you'll get this Epsi-Clean, the cleaner with the blocking power of Runescape! Block the dust from ever coming in your house!

{The logo for Epsi-Clean appears as the song plays.}

SPOKESMAN: Our spray will burn off all of your dirt, and make fun of popular MMORPG's while it's at it!

{Cut back to ThatkidSamus.}

THATKIDSAMUS: Well... Those games didn't turn out as good as I hoped. Oh well, I can always sit here and play my copy of Greedy Brash's Super Macrogames.

{A plain piece of metal slides into view with engraved letters, "Click Here to E-Mail Thatkidsam @ thatkidsam@thatkidsam.muffin".}

Easter Eggs

  • Click on Greedy Brash's Super Macrogames to see him play.

{ThatkidSamus starts playing. A hot dog appears.}

THATKIDSAMUS: Okay, so it's a hot dog... What do I do with it?

{Four seconds pass, and a message saying "YOU LOSE!" appears.}

THATKIDSAMUS: How could I lose!? They ought to include some sort of instruction booklet with this.

{ThatkidSamus pulls up a little piece of paper.}

Do thing tells yuo.
On emails instruktoins for ay!

Fun Facts

Author's Comments

  • Rating: B
  • This email was short but sweet. It was kind of odd with the super-dramatic tennis thing, and then there was the WarioWare thing. Those things can be hard if you don't know what to do.

Author Commentary

THATKIDSAM: Finally, I'm early for a commentary! Okay, let's do this thang!

THE NOID: Dang. I'm still winning though. So, this was a good email, eh?

THATKIDSAM: Well, it was funny, but short.

THE NOID: Short, yet sweet. And packed with Mario refrences.

THATKIDSAM: ...Email Checker 2003. I'd get the '06 version. It'd be so fun... But I could just get Gmail: The Game. Go figure.

THE NOID: Don't forget about that DoreauxgardEmailsGame that comes out in a year. Anyways, this email is....short. Really short.

THATKIDSAM: Ketroid 2 is, I think, a reference to stinkoman's userspace. Or Color Printer's. I forgot. ...I like that Darkmoon person. I'm not sure who he/she is. I think she's the 7838 Nocturne. And that return was based off of Zelda: Ocarina of Time during the Ganon fight.

THE NOID: Eh, I'm pretty sure Dark Moon was a mega man boss lkke, Twice. Or it had a similar name.

THATKIDSAM: Probably on that Mega Man 5 for the Super Game Boy I never got, where the bosses were named after the planets.

THE NOID: Wow, he actually is named that. Anyways,...I don't have much to say. I know, a shocker.

THATKIDSAM: Yeah. This email wasn't very memorable.