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Thatkidsam Email #55

Part #1 in Finding Stinko

While Thatkidsam is at camp, Icreature does the checking.

Cast (in order of appearance): Icreature, Omni, Einoo, Thatkidsam, Josh, Harrison

Places: Gruffy Guff Mushrooms Blimp, Computer Camp

Computer: Gameslayer

Date: July 14th, 2005

Lines: 61


{Several seconds pass, and Icreature slowly floats towards the screen.}

ICREATURE: Hey, you guys looking for an email? Well, TOO BAD! Thatkidsam's busy making stupid games at his stupid computer camp! So... No email. Only he can make them. Hey... I'll be right back with something better.

{Several more seconds pass, and Icreature floats away and comes back with an iPod.}

ICREATURE: Now you can stop waiting. Behold, the iPod! It has an I in front of it, so it must be made for Icreatures! Just let me turn it on... {Pokes the screen and it breaks} Grr... Lousy human technology! I'll teach them!

{Yet again, Icreature floats off the screen mumbling something about "new technology". The screen cuts to the Gameslayer. Icreature is manipulating rubber gloves to type.}

{The Gameslayer logo appears on the screen, and a black figure labeled "Omni" runs across the screen with a banner reading "Version: BZZT-GLORK-GRAGH-H" Then, three icons appear: "Omni-Mail", "Games Folder", and "Add New File".}

ICREATURE: Well, it doesn't seem like you will settle for anything other than an email. Oh, well.

GAMESLAYER COMPUTER VOICE: Error mapping body. Your body is a non-human form. Reverting to first original body map.

{The Omni figure fades and returns as the figure of Einoo with an enlarged head.}

ICREATURE: Since when is Einoo so popular?

{The Thatkidsam Omni runs over to the "Omni-Mail" icon and taps it. The screen transitions to an email that pops up.}

If you could have any superpower,
what would you have?

That Guy Named TheCheese

ICREATURE: {Reads "TheCheese" extremely quickly.} Hm... Superpowers, huh? Well, there's always the ability to fly.

{Icreature floats around for a second.}

ICREATURE: Argh, I already have that! And laservision is always good.

{Icreature fires his purple laser at the TV, which suddenly bounces off and drills through the ceiling, revealing the sky.}

ICREATURE: I have that one, too! And now Thatkidsam's going to kill me... This blimp is going to crash now! But, then again, I can just blast him... Hey, this is going to be fun! I'm going to go obliterate Thatkidsam at his camp.

{Icreature presses his claws to his body and a glowing, blue shell of energy encases him. Spikes appear on the rim of the ball, and he bursts another hole in the floor and falls through. Cut to the Computer Camp cafeteria, where Thatkidsam is sitting with some friends, including Einoo, Harrison, and Josh.}

THATKIDSAM: Ugh, this food is really greasy.

HARRISON: Not to mention the quality of their vegetables! Eww.

JOSH: I'd rather be eating Naruto.

THATKIDSAM: You can eat an anime show?

JOSH: Yeah!

THATKIDSAM: Sure, whatever. So, uh... Harrison, could you please do that cricket thing again?

HARRISON: How many times do I have to do it to make you happy?

EINOO: Haven't WE heard it enough? I mean, it's gotten as annoying as hearing about pree-sure washers.

THATKIDSAM: As many times as I made Josh do his baby imitation.

JOSH: Don't remind me!! I never want to do that again!

HARRISON: Fine. {Does something with his throat that sounds exactly like a cricket}

THATKIDSAM: YAAAAAAY!!!! Keep doing it!!!

{Icreature falls through the ceiling and climbs out of the shell.}

ICREATURE: I hear crickets! They must be in your stomach. {Shoots a laser at Harrison and he stops making the cricket noise}

HARRISON: AUGH!! {Falls over}

THATKIDSAM: Icreature... How'd you get here? And why'd you obliterate my friend?

ICREATURE: I had a tracking device on you. You should have been able to feel it. It drips water on everything you touch with your right hand, because I spilled water on it when programming it?

THATKIDSAM: Crap! Now I have to pay for all those computer mice I scrambled!

{Cut to a computer room. Several mice are smoking. Sparks come out of one and another explodes with a puff of smoke. Cut back to Thatkidsam and his friends.}

THATKIDSAM: On the other hand, you are grounded for the rest of eternity for breaking two holes in my blimp and breaking a hole in Harrison.

ICREATURE: How'd you know?

THATKIDSAM: Cameras. I have screens in my cloak, just like always. I guess you've never found out.



THATKIDSAM: I must be going. See you, Icreature! {Leaves}

ICREATURE: Crappity crappity crap...

{Tons of counselors pile onto Icreature. The screen fades to black. Cut to a destroyed lab where Icreature, with locks on his claws, is floating happily.}

ICREATURE: This lab was too easy to destroy. I guess they forgot to disable my laser function by poking my eye! Well, I guess I'm done here.

{Omni runs across the screen, leaving a banner with the message "Click Here to E-Mail Thatkidsam @ thatkidsam@thatkidsam.muffin".}

Easter Eggs

  • Click on Icreature to see what he sent to the Headquarters of All Human Technology.

{A large building with a sign that says "The Conveniently Located Headquarters of All Human Technology" is on the camera.}

VOICE: We got a package. {Wrapper-opening sound} Cool, it's an alien! But it's not moving... And it's made of plastic.

ROBOTIC VOICE: 3... 2... 1...

{The place explodes.}

Fun Facts

  • This email was originally titled "restaurant" but was scrapped due to lack of content and inspiration.
  • This email suggests that Brent actually stole the Gameslayer from Einoo to give to Thatkidsam.

Author's Comments

  • Rating: C
  • This was good, especially for the first email in two months. It's hard to come up with these things after such a long break! The easter egg wasn't very good, though.

Author Commentary

DINOSHAUR: Uh, hello. Thatkidsam is late today, so I got Ekul to do the commentary with me. Ekul, your thoughts?

EKUL: I think that this email spawned some diffent emails. Such as that one email Limoman sent me.

DINOSHAUR: Yeah. This one's pretty cool. My favourite part is where Icreature is flying. That guy, does not suck.

EKUL: That's true, but don't let Thatkidsam hear you.

THATKIDSAM: {Walks in} Hey, guys. Sorry I'm late. What were you saying?

DINOSHAUR: Apparently Ekul hates Icreature.

THATKIDSAM: Good boy! Have a fish. And a DSaltine.

EKUL: Hey thanks! Here's the wierd einoo guy. Where is he nowadays, anyway?

DINOSHAUR: But Icreature rules! Anyways, The Gruffy Puffy Blimp is one of the coolest places, so minus five points to Icreature.

THATKIDSAM: I think Einoo's still on, he just isn't that active. And... DID YOU JUST SAY GRUFFY PUFFY??? AND ICREATURE RULES??? {Lengthens daggers}

EKUL: My pwnage senses are tingling.

DINOSHAUR: Ahem, I'll be eating a few Narutos... Gee, this Email is short.

THATKIDSAM: My friends at camp really COULD do that cricket thing. And Josh could do the baby crying thing.

EKUL: I don't know if I'd like to witness the crying part.

THATKIDSAM: It's actually pretty funny.

EKUL: Well, I guess I'd have to witness it to know. Agh! PA systems scare me. They rarely give warning. "Armed hostage taker inside the camp. Please remain calm and do not attempt to leave the building."

THATKIDSAM: Yeah. They'd probably implant a false molar inside you that rumbles, creating words, instead of announcing it over the PA. That was just stupid. ...I think this is over.