(even if you aren't vegan)
Thatkidsam.muffin/old timey
Thatkidsam E-Mail #10
Thatkidsam's idea of "old-timey" really isn't what the others think...
Cast (in order of appearance): Thatkidsam, Icreature, Disco Sam, HippIcreature, The Hippies, 1976 Bubs, 1976 Coach Z, Fashionmore Henchman, 1976 Lawrence
Places: Masdiktaht Jet, Club Discochocolate
Computer: Sega Dreamcast
Date: March 13th, 2005
Lines: 31
{Thatkidsam walks into the TV room, carrying a white box.}
THATKIDSAM: Icreature? I'm home! ...You better not have dumped the rest of my systems out of the window.
ICREATURE: (What, you still wanted them?)
THATKIDSAM: Ge- Ar- Okay, I'll spare your life one last time! Good thing I got this new computer... Behold! {Opens the box and pulls out a system} The Sega Dreamcast! And it came with a free E-Mail client and Skies of Arcadia! Man, that game is awesome! Now, let's start checkin' email! {Singing} If I had a golden email, I wouldn't trade it for a Sbemail! {Inserts the E-Mail disc}
Dear Shim-Sham-Sam,
Jamie Ruskel
What would you look like
as old timey
THATKIDSAM: {A cursor appears, and Thatkidsam uses the control stick to move it and select letters to press} J...A...M...I... Aw, heck with it. I'll just use a keyboard. {Yanks out the controller and inserts a Dreamcast keyboard and starts typing} Jamie, do you mean, like... A 1936 cartoon, or a '70s cartoon? You probably mean the '70s cartoon, so let's see...
{Thatkidsam shuts the system down and puts in another disc. A title screen labeled "Artsy Fartsy Foto Editor" appears with a background of green mountains.}
THATKIDSAM: {His changes happen to the drawing as he says them} Well, I'd have brown dreadlocks, and a long beard, maybe one o' them tie-died shirts and disco pants... And we'd finish it all off by giving me a peace sign necklace. Don't forget the shades and guitar. Then, you just put me on a stage, and make me play psychadelic rock!
{Disco Sam is put on a stage in Club Discochocolate with spotlights on him, and among the audience are the Hippies and 1976 Coach Z, with hair. An Icreature with an afro and a beard is flying next to Disco Sam as 1976 Bubs (with hair) dances in the background.}
DISCO SAM: {30 second solo} Thank you, Potamia! Our next stop will be in Unknown Lands, don't miss us!
HIPPIES: Dude, those party crashers are totally ruining this concert! Let's show them flower power!
{Cut back to Thatkidsam answering the email.}
THATKIDSAM: Oh, man... That didn't turn out very well... Anyway, I'm gonna just play some Skies of Arcadia. {Takes out the E-Mail disc and inserts the Skies of Arcadia.} Alright! I'm about to fight the boss! WHAT!? How could I die already!? Oh, that's right. I can't play this with the keyboard.
{A Dreamcast swirl unrolls a message reading "Click Here to E-Mail Thatkidsam @ thatkidsam@thatkidsam.muffin".}
Easter Eggs
- Click on well to see how Fashionmore became so soldier-themed.
{Cut to Vietnam. Several short clerks of Fashionmore are walking forward with machine guns.}
FASHIONMORE HENCHMAN: People! We have to retreat, or the clothing made in Vietnam will not be made anymore! We wouldn't want to risk that!
Fun Facts
- Potamia and Unknown Lands were both in In Search of the Yello Dello.
- Skies of Arcadia is a real game.
Author's Comments
- Rating: F-
- I really hated this email, because I really don't know what the '70s were like. I wasn't around then, and I didn't watch any '70s movies. Despite what the Disco 1976 page says, there will not be any more entirely 1976-focused emails. Maybe just a little 5-second scene, but that's it.
Author Commentary
THATKIDSAM: Hello, and welcome to the old timey commentary. In this commentary, you will find the most-wanted answer to a question in the email show: Why this email sucks!
JOSHUA: Yep. This is one of the only two emails to get a 1/5 rating, the worst possible. It is also one of the only ones I've read, because of its horrible-itude. Now... this seems to be the beginning of a new "computer."
THATKIDSAM: I WAS going to have him have a normal computer at the start, but I couldn't get my camera to work, and I wanted it to be different than other shows.
JOSHUA: It's definitely different. Although I don't really understand the concept too well. Anyway, this computer got a bad start. And look, there you get confused with another Sam.
THATKIDSAM: Heh, he still read it as "Thatkidsam" though.
JOSHUA: Hmm... well, that's a little bit of trivia not mentioned in the email. You know, you probably should have stuck with the whole 1936 idea.
THATKIDSAM: Upon recollection, yeah. 1976 was a really, really bad idea. I just wasn't alive in the 70's, and I only know about it from The Simpsons. The curse of being 11.
JOSHUA: You can never trust cartoons. Trust me. Nowadays knowing what "old-timey" means is a no-brainer, because it's the official name. Now, here you pretty much just changed yourself into the basic hippie you see in cartoons all the time.
THATKIDSAM: These were the days when I wouldn't revise my emails. {Shudder} You should have seen the OLD version of electric stuff! And it still sucked in the final revision!
JOSHUA: It's kind of nice how you stuck Coach Z and Bubs in there, although you're nothing more than background objects. "With hair." How descriptive. Anyway, now here's a "thirty second solo." How descriptive again.
THATKIDSAM: Well, it's not like I'd put a song sheet on there or something...
JOSHUA: Yeah, I know. It's just that when you try to imagine this as an actual toon... it doesn't work out. Not that it's supposed to. And then comes some more stereotypical hippie stuff... Now I wasn't alive during this time period either, so this is pretty much how I'd picture it as well.
THATKIDSAM: Ugh... This email was painful for the reader and the writer. Thank crap it's over.
JOSHUA: Yep. One final attempt at humor... and then it's over. Short, but unfortunately that's a good thing.
THATKIDSAM: May this email rest in peace... Or not. At least it's dead.
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