(even if you aren't vegan)
Thatkidsam.muffin/the stick
Thatkidsam E-Mail #23
Where did The Stick come from? Check out this very late Decemberween email!
Cast (in order of appearance): Brent, Icreature, Thatkidsam, The Trapper & Keeper Guys, Dr. Christmas, Archibald, The Angel, The Popular Vote, Kobe
Places: Masdiktaht Jet, Mount Rushmore, The Stick (s)
Computer: Sega Dreamcast
Date: March 31st, 2005
Lines: 40
{Brent and Icreature are hiding outside Thatkidsam's room, where he is sleeping.}
BRENT: {Whispering} Hey, Icreature! Did you lay out the bubble wrap?
BRENT: Let's just wait for him to wake up!
{Thatkidsam's Trapper & Keeper Hologram Clock activates, and the theme song plays. Several Trapper & Keeper sprites start dancing on the ceiling as blue holograms. Thatkidsam gets up and stretches, and then gets up and steps on the bubble wrap. It pops, and he jumps straight through the ceiling.}
THATKIDSAM: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh... {Fades away}
BRENT: Um... He ain't coming back. We shouldn't have done that.
ICREATURE: (Meh, let's leave him hanging on the tail of the plane.)
BRENT: Oh well, who's going to check his email today? We need an email now!
ICREATURE: (Someone said that I would get mad at the Dreamcast and shoot a laser at it. I don't want to waste my laser energy. You do it!)
BRENT: Okay, fine...
{Cut to Brent's room, where Brent is checking email on the DS. He has a box of DSaltines next to him.}
BRENT: I took the email to the butcher shop, and I got some tasty beef! {Eats a DSaltine}
Dear Thatkidsam,
Luke, Eau Claire, WI
I have recently been wondering about the origin of the
stick. Has it always been a good place for hanging out and
making rendezvous? Has you always been impaling yours
head on it?
BRENT: {Pronounces "Luke" as "Ekul... Ekul backwards."} You don't know where The Stick came from? Haven't you read your history books at all? It all started in the year zero, and it is part of the heart-warming tale of Decemberween. You see... {Cut to Mount Rushmore, where Dr. Christmas falls off Mount Rushmore.} After Dr. Christmas fell off Mount Rushmore, something terrible happened.
ARCHIBALD: Oh, no! What was I thinking? Now, the sticks of judgement will rain from the heavens! {Millions of sticks fall from the sky, and Archibald takes cover inside the statue's nose}
BRENT: Then, as the million sticks fell into the ground, everyone got together to vote on how to get rid of the cursed sticks.
{Cut to Archibald, The Angel, The Popular Vote, and Kobe standing near five sticks.}
THE POPULAR VOTE: {The Cheat noises}
THE ANGEL: I say we learn to live with the sticks!
ARCHIBALD: Yeah, let's burn them. {Takes out his BMW lighter and starts burning all the sticks, and all of them are destroyed}
ICREATURE: (So... If all of them were burned, why is there still one in the ground?)
BRENT: That was Thatkidsam's doing.
{Cut to Thatkidsam holding a bag in the night, in The Field where The Stick would be.}
BRENT: Thatkidsam had found my stash of DSaltines, and he wanted to find them later when he actually liked DSaltines. {Cut back to Brent's head as it shakes around} THAT'S WHY I STARTED HIDING THEM!! {Cut back to the field.} Anyway, he is the worst... bury... person... ever, so he neeeded something to cover up his hole. {Thatkidsam buries the box, then looks around. He grabs a stick and jams it into the hole. He then sits down for a couple of seconds, then digs the box back up and eats some, then jams it back into the hole, with part of the stick underground. Cut back to Brent on the DS.} Well, that's really all you need to know... All I'm going to tell you, anyway.
{A Dreamcast swirl unrolls a message reading "Click Here to E-Mail Thatkidsam @ thatkidsam@thatkidsam.muffin".}
Easter Eggs
- Click on going to tell to see where Thatkidsam landed.
{Cut to Thatkidsam, whose head is on the stick once again. He gets up, the stick still in his head.}
THATKIDSAM: Ugh, I'm so sick of this happening! {One of his eyes goes out of focus, and he smacks his head to make them both go back into focus} Hey, a hole in the ground! {Reaches in and finds a dusty, vintage box of DSaltines} Oooh! {Opens it and eats, then chokes} Gack! these are bad for your teeth! And they're real! {Camera zooms in to show Thatkidsam's super-mangled teeth} Boy am I in bad shape...
- Click on to know to see the following scene:
{Archibald and Dr. Christmas are on Mount Rushmore.}
ARCHIBALD: Why do you mistrust me so much, Cornbread!?
DR. CHRISTMAS: It was you that made a spear from my father's wooden leg!
ARCHIBALD: Hey, what else was he going to use it for? Walking? I doubut it. He had his other leg for that... {Whispering} (Those really weren't my lines, were they?)
- Click on anyway to play Virtual Bubble Wrap and pop the rest of the bubble wrap Icreature and Brent left out.
Fun Facts
- The whole Decemberween story is a reference to A Decemberween Pageant.
- Brent "hides his stash" by chucking it out the window in dsaltines.
- One of the sticks Archibald burns is the Big Ol' Tree, featured in different town.
Author's Comments
- Rating: C
- I had just saw the cartoon that inspired this (A Decemberween Pageant) so I wanted to work in the fight on Mount Rushmore, and I also wanted to include the origin of The Stick with the origin of Decemberween. Originally, Thatkidsam was actually supposed to answer this email, and he says "Hey, didn't Strong Bad already answer this one?" Then he watches it on the Dreamcast, then says "Oh. I guess I'll have to tell you."
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