(even if you aren't vegan)
Thatkidsam.muffin/electric stuff mk2
Thatkidsam E-Mail #39
Thatkidsam attempts to polish the old by removing the bad taste electric stuff put in out mouths.
Cast (in order of appearance): Thatkidsam, Ekul, Pop tire, Brent
Places: Masdiktaht Jet, Annual Hick Convention '03
Computer: Sega Dreamcast
Date: April 23rd, 2005
Lines: 59
THATKIDSAM: I've got a lot planned for today! I had three pots of coffee, and now I can check plenty of emails.
THATKIDSAM: WHAT!? My inbox is empty!? I'll see about that!
{Thatkidsam opens up Talk:thatkidsam.muffin.}
Man, these emails used to be good. --Ekul
Yeah. They suck now. --Pop tire
Let's do something about it. --Ekul
THATKIDSAM: Oh, man... Yeah, I have to admit, some of my current emails are blowing right now. I guess I will have to re-do that crappy email. Let's pull it back up...
Dear Shim-Sham-Sam,What would you look like
Jamie Ruskel
as old timey
THATKIDSAM: {Doesn't read the email out loud} Ugh! I'm not answering that. Something tells me I still can't make it funny. Let's pull out that other really crappy one that happened before Ekul put me in a coma. Ah, the money I got from that lawsuit... Good times...
Dear That Non-Adult Sam,
I have a theory that everyone has had one day that pretty much sums up
their life so far. What's yours?
THATKIDSAM: {Skims over the email} Non... Theory... Sums... What's... Einoo... Well, good question, Einoo! What are you? I bet you're some kinda Sterrance clone! Wow... That'd be weird. So, you want me to tell you about the day of doom, eh? Well, seeing the Pong Movie was a pretty cool day, but you've already seen that. And I wouldn't want Ekul to not watch this, would I? Well, I have another thing I want to show you. It's the Annual Hick Convention '03! It summarizes all of the misery in my life and multiplies it by three. Yup. Want a scientific formula? You can't have it.
{Cut to the Hick Convention. Thatkidsam is sitting in a corner while several drunken hicks sing karaoke off-beat.}
THATKIDSAM: Why did you force me to come to this hick convention, Brent!? It's just a bunch of fat guys in pink leotards with tight fanny packs and hairy legs and huge straw hats eating cheese cubes getting drunk!
BRENT: You must celebrate your Southern heritage by going to these conventions, you know.
THATKIDSAM: I'd rather be at E3 sampling those crappy Disney Interactive games than be here! And as far as I'm concerned, I'm half German!
BRENT: Oh, come on... We'll all get drunk, stagger around, shoot a couple of guys with shotguns, and not take showers for a whole month! Doesn't that sound fun?
THATKIDSAM: Sounds about as fun as watching paint dry.
BRENT: Oh, you want to see that? There's an exhibit over there. {Points to the right}
{Some hicks are watching paint dry.}
HICK #1: Come on, blue! Dry! Dry faster, hyuck!
HICK #2: Oh, red will dry much faster than blue! It has more pyrocrygaughenetic molecules than blue!
{The music stops.}
HICK LEADER: What!? Signs of intellectualism!? That isn't Southern! Get 'im, boys!
{The camera blacks out and a gunshot is heard. Cut to some hicks trying to sing.}
HICKS: Sweet. Sweet home Alabama... Where all the... Skies... Are... Blue... {A hick falls over} Sweet... {The rest fall over}
HICK LEADER: Okay, folks, there go the rest of our conscious people... We'll be needing some more karaoke people in just a second. So, we will search our area with our shotgun-equipped pickup trucks. Begin the search!
{Tons of pickup trucks start swarming the area.}
THATKIDSAM: (Come on... Don't notice me... I don't want to be here...)
{Alarms sound, and Thatkidsam is pushed up to the mike.}
HICK LEADER: Now, the next song is "The Greatest Hick Of All - The Song Of Hicks - The Hicky American National Anthem"! And our karaoke person will be expected to sing completely in tune without a lyric sheet.
THATKIDSAM: But- Those guys on the floor were singing very out of tune! And they were off-beat!
HICK LEADER: You will sing our national anthem, and you will sing it right!
{Thatkidsam starts sweating, and a spotlight goes onto him. Music starts playing.}
THATKIDSAM: I am a hick
A super-Southern hick
I drive all day
In a pickup truck
My distinct accent
My pink leotard
My large straw hat
Are the symbols of a hick!
We all want to be hicks
And drink like The Man
And wear the sparkliest leotard
But the only way to be
The best hick of all
Is to wear a tight fanny pack!
{The crowd roars with excitement.}
HICK LEADER: That was the best song ever, despite all of the wrong lyrics. We will adopt it as our new Hicky National Anthem! Yeah!
HICK #2: Yeah, okay. But what are we going to do with the old one?
HICK LEADER: Make it the actual national anthem.
{Cut back to the Dreamcast.}
THATKIDSAM: Ugh... Just seeing those guys in sparkly pink leotards and tight fanny packs that are almost covered by the fat is sickening. Seriously, you don't want to see it.
{A Dreamcast swirl unrolls a message reading "Click Here to E-Mail Thatkidsam @ thatkidsam@thatkidsam.muffin".}
Easter Eggs
- Click on the TV when Thatkidsam mentions "some kinda Sterrance clone" to see an evil Sterrance.
- Click on see it to see a picture of The Greatest Hick of All, with the sparkliest leotard and the most body fat.
- Click on the fat to see the "mathematical formula" Thatkidsam mentioned.
Misery (Brent) Misery (Self) Misery (Lawrence) Misery (Retards) + Misery (Other) ------------------- A Lotta Misery A Lotta Misery X 3 ------------------- Misery (Hick Convention)
Fun Facts
- Ekul putting me in a coma is a reference to behind the scenes where he (lying) said he put me in a coma for eight days.
- E3 is a real convention, where lots of game companies show off their games and previews.
- Disney Interactive is a real company, known for their less-than-stellar liscensed games.
Author's Comments
- Rating: B+
- Man, I had just gone to a hick convention in real life, and it wasn't half bad, but I wanted to make fun of it here. And those sparkly pink leotard guys with fanny packs and 100% body fat tainted my thoughts the moment I thought them up.
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