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Thatkidsam.muffin/trapper & keeper

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Thatkidsam E-Mail #16

Has Thatkidsam finished Trapper & Keeper? Stay tuned to find out!

Cast (in order of appearance): Thatkidsam, Icreature, Brent, Lawrence, The Trapper & Keeper Guys

Places: Masdiktaht Jet

Computer: Sega Dreamcast

Date: March 19th, 2005

Lines: 29


THATKIDSAM: When the acid came, there was one thing I didn't want to throw in... That was E-MAIL!

Hey Thatkidsam,
You've put off Trapper & Keeper far too long. Please make it?

Your Secret Hata

{Pronounces "Your Secret Hata" as "Your Secret Hat...Uh."}

THATKIDSAM: Well, I've got Icreature in a place where he can't eat anything.

{Cut to Icreature in a large cage next to a lot of crates.}

ICREATURE: (Um, hello? This air tastes like dust! And I'm going to throw up from air sickness.)

{Cut back to Thatkidsam answering the email.}

THATKIDSAM: So... Maybe I should quit making that Spacewarrior 7838 episode and finish Trapper & Keeper! {Holds up an unreadable DVD case and tosses it in the trash} Well, Dreamcast, let's make this game! {Inserts a disc labeled RPG Toolkit 2.20b and turns it on} Brent, you should help me with my graphics!

BRENT: {Suddenly peeks from behind the wall} Since when do I live in your house!?

{A reel of film negatives scroll by, showing the two at work. Each scene is animated. The first reel shows Thatkidsam programming. The next shows Brent reading a "Microsoft Paint For Dummies" book. The next shows Lawrence holding some dynamite. The next shows Thatkidsam buying a new hard drive. The next shows Brent reading a "What Other To Use Than Paint For Dummies" book. The next shows Thatkidsam making a flash movie. The next shows both Thatkidsam and Brent drinking barrels of coffee.}

THATKIDSAM: Well, it took several months, but Trapper & Keeper is finally done! Let's take a look... {Thatkidsam inserts the Trapper & Keeper disc and turns it on.}

{A logo for "Pixelated Studios" appears. The title screen appears, and Thatkidsam starts to control Runes, one of the Trapper & Keeper Guys.}

THATKIDSAM: Hm, you weren't supposed to start out in a desert... And there wasn't supposed to be water in this desert area... OH MY GOD!!!

{A random battle occurs. A strange, purplish-orange tetris block appears on the left side of the screen. Thatkidsam frantically tries to control it, but the graphics shift around and everything is glitched. The Dreamcast starts to darken and smoke, and just as it is about to explode, it coughs up the disc and the screen freezes.}

THATKIDSAM: Phew! That was one heck of a game! At least my Dreamcast didn't explode.

BRENT: I say we sell it to the masses!


{A Dreamcast swirl unrolls a message reading "Click Here to E-Mail Thatkidsam @ thatkidsam@thatkidsam.muffin".}

Easter Eggs

  • If you wait a while, the swirl will start to smoke, too.
  • If you click on explode, you can play the glitched Trapper & Keeper game!

Fun Facts

  • The glitched tetris block is a reference to the very famous Pokemon glitch, Missingno.
  • The "Spacewarrior 7838 episode" Thatkidsam said he was working on is probably a reference to the Not Quite Email, Spacewarrior 7838: Dread of the Spirii which never saw the light of day, but stayed up from March 11th to March 19th.
  • RPG Toolkit is a real program used for the development of RPG games.

Author's Comments

  • Rating: C
  • I was actually programming Trapper & Keeper one day, with unoriginal sprites (I used Chrono Trigger sprites that time) and it was SO glitched. One time, I ran into an enemy called "RCkemqposzz" that was invisible, but I could see it when it attacked... It glowed red in the shape of a tetris block, which was the default attack animation for RPG Toolkit. Of course, that was last summer, but I remembered it and decided to make it into an email.