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Thatkidsam.muffin/robot rebellion

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Thatkidsam E-Mail #22

A cool fight email... But this time, it's in present times!

Cast (in order of appearance): Thatkidsam, The Leet, Icreature, Lawrence, Brent

Places: Masdiktaht Jet, The Stick

Computer: Sega Dreamcast

Date: March 31st, 2005

Lines: 35


THATKIDSAM: {Inserts the E-Mail disc} Now, we present... The closest email to come! In one corner, Wardrobe! In the other corner comes a new challenger... Custom Parts!

Dear Thatkidsam
Do you own any robots? Can you show us more of The
Your biggest fan (And probably the one with the least height)


THATKIDSAM: {Pronounces "Ekul," as "Ickle... Ickle what? End your sentence! Where is the end!?"} Um... To answer your question, as of today, I own four perfect robots, and I built them with the help of The Leet! Here they are...

{Cut to The Stick, where metallic replicas of Icreature, Lawrence, Brent, and The Leet are just standing there. Something jumps inside the The Leet statue, then the Brent statue falls over.}

THE LEET: {Angry noises}


ICREATURE: (We gotta get out of here!)

LAWRENCE: Who would have thought Thatkidsam could make a "robot" just by encasing us in metal?

THATKIDSAM: {Comes from the left side of the screen, holding a large thorned whip} Muahaha!! You'll never get out of here!!

ICREATURE: (That's what you think!) {A laser sound is heard, and Icreature burns a hole in his statue.}

THATKIDSAM: Oh, my robots have turned traitorous, eh? {The camera zooms in on his face, and his eyes glow pale yellow} We'll see about that!

ICREATURE: {The camera zooms in on Icreature's "eye", and it glows pale red} (You will regret ever buying me!)

{The rest of the robots explode, and they all come out. In this order, the characters pull out weapons: Brent pulls out a compound bow, Lawrence gets a spear, and The Leet just runs off. Thatkidsam finally lengthens his daggers, and a fight scene commences. Thatkidsam slashes one of Icreature's lasers, and it reflects back to Lawrence, who trips. The camera zooms in on one of Brent's arrows, which is fired at Thatkidsam, but he does a dodge a la The Matrix. It lands on The Stick, which breaks. Icreature fires another laser, this time at Lawrence, but it reflects off his spear and hits Thatkidam square in the chest. He barrels back, then jumps back up. Icreature seperates himself into sixteen pieces and throws each piece at Thatkidsam at a different angle. The frame freezes, except for Thatkidsam, who does an incredibly fast slash-fest on every piece. The frame continues, and the pieces all fall and dissolve into the ground. Thatkidsam stabs the ground twice, and a large brown hand comes up from the Earth to grab Lawrence. Then, the camera zooms in on Brent's mouth.}

BRENT: Hey, Sam! Take this! {Fires an arrow straight at Thatkidsam, who guards against it by forming an X with his daggers}

THATKIDSAM: {The arrow stopped right before his nose, but the arrow is stuck through both of his daggers} This fight makes no sense. {Tries to pull the daggers apart, but they are stuck together by the arrow} Hey!

BRENT: Heheheh...

{Cut back to the Dreamcast.}

THATKIDSAM: {His eyes are still glowing.} Well, that settles it, Ickle. Your mention of robots has driven me and those robots crazy, I hope you're happy!

{A Dreamcast swirl unrolls a message reading "Click Here to E-Mail Thatkidsam @ thatkidsam@thatkidsam.muffin".}

Easter Eggs

  • Click on mention of robots to see a Thatkidsam voodoo doll, with the pin through the two swords and the arrow.

Fun Facts

  • The intro is making a reference to how wardrobe and custom parts were the only 5/5 emails when this email was released.
  • The super-long fight scene is a reference to The Matrix.

Author's Comments

  • Rating: D
  • I didn't like this email as much as a lot of the other ones, but I liked doing the incredibly-long fight scene. And Thatkidsam always seemed evil to me, despite him being a thief on the good side. I incorportated this into this email. I also liked the voodoo doll.