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Thatkidsam E-Mail #2

Thatkidsam shows us his sandwich simulation, SimSandwich.

Cast (in order of appearance): Thatkidsam, Bonk, Icreature, The Trapper & Keeper Guys (easter egg)

Places: Masdiktaht Jet

Computer: Turbo Grafx

Date: March 10th, 2005

Lines: 27


THATKIDSAM: {Inserts an E-Mail card into the Turbo Grafx and turns it on} Checkin' email, let's take it twice! Eciwt ti ekat s'tel, liame 'nikcehc!

What would a Thatkidsam sandwich be like?


THATKIDSAM: A Thatkidsam sandwich? Well, I knew this game I made would come in handy for something... {Cut to a Turbo Grafx game card labeled "SimSandwich" with spotlights on it.} Dun dun DUN! It's SimSandwich, the most high-tech sandwich simulator in the WORLD! And, best of all, it features everyone's favorite big-headed caveman, Bonk!

{Thatkidsam rips out the E-Mail Card from the Turbo Grafx, leaving an orange screen with a buzzing sound. He then slides in the SimSandwich card. A strange title screen appears with sprites of Bonk with a chef hat swarming everywhere.}

THATKIDSAM: Well, this is easy. {Title screen disappears and displays a large, empty sandwich} Well, for a Thatkidsam sandwich, we'd just... Put a Thatkidsam sprite in a sandwich! {Thatkidsam's battle sprite appears between the pieces of bread.} Or, for a Thatkidsam's Favorite Sandwich, we could get rid of me {The sprite disappears}, replace the bread with mushroom heads {The bread is replaced with the round tops of mushrooms}, put a scrambled egg in there {A bunch of scrambled eggs appear}, and put a bunch of tender, juicy bison meat in there! {An "Image not found" message appears} Mmm, that's gonna be good... I'm gonna go make myself one.

{Thatkidsam gets up from the Turbo Grafx. The camera zooms out to show the contents of Thatkidsam's den.}

THATKIDSAM: So cool a sandwich... {Opens the can of mushrooms} AAAH! {Icreature pops out from the can and makes distorted noises} Icreature!? Stop hiding in the mushroom jar! Why don't you sleep in the crisper drawer? It's free! Quit eating all of my beloved tops! I need some more mushrooms for my sandwich!

ICREATURE: (Ate 'em all. Oh, and how is your game Trapper & Keeper doing?)

THATKIDSAM: Ugh, stop changing the subject! Get me some mushrooms from Bubs' after this. Anyway, ever since you ate my external hard drive which I stored the programming data...

ICREATURE: (There was nothing good to eat!)

THATKIDSAM: Everything has been stopped. Sorry, but unless you cough it up, it's on haitus.

{Several Turbo Grafx U-Cards line up at the top of the screen displaying the message "Click Here to E-Mail Thatkidsam @ thatkidsam@thatkidsam.muffin"}

Easter Eggs

  • Click on Icreature to make him morph into a hard drive and cough it up.
    • After that, click on the hard drive to see some sprites for The Trapper & Keeper Guys!

Fun Facts

  • Thatkidsam's den, according to this email, contains:
    • A Sony KLVL23M1S Silver TV
    • A couch shaped like a Sega Saturn that he sat in the disc holder of
    • Some neglected systems
    • A statue of Bonk
    • An 8-Bit poster of a young Thatkidsam and Icreature
    • A shelf full of cartridges
    • A trash can labeled "Overhyped Systems" with a PlayStation 2, a Gamecube, and an X-Box sticking out of it
  • "SimSandwich" was mentioned in an episode of The Simpsons, where the developer of a virtual doctor was "from the creators of SimSandwich".
  • The Cheat also sleeps in the crisper drawer.
  • The orange screen Thatkidsam gets when he takes out the card is misplaced- It happens when you turn on the system without inserting the card all the way. In fact, it is impossible to take a U-Card out of the Turbo Grafx while it is on- There is a guard for the card that slides into place when the system is on.

Author's Comments

  • Rating: B
  • At this point, I started reading other people's emails to get me some ideas (I don't mean I started looking for jokes to rip off!). The last email was bad, so I tried to make this email much better. Short but sweet, and it introduced the mushroom sandwich gag.

Creator Commentary

THATKIDSAM:' Hey! It's Thatkidsam and our special guest commentator, Color Printer!

COLOR PRINTER: Great to be here, Sam. Big fan of your e-mails, especially this one.

THATKIDSAM: Yeah, this email was pretty fun to make. I mean, for one of those early ones I made. {Shudders}

COLOR PRINTER: Yeah, those were kind of creepy. Anyways, how did you think of the idea for a virtual sandwich?

THATKIDSAM: It was a big jumble of a lot of things. "SimSandwich" came from The Simpsons, the email "What would a Thatkidsam sandwich be" came from this old Nickelodeon magazine I had. The virtual sandwich itself was orgininal... I think. Y'know, sometimes I accidentally rip something off. So just tell me if that happens to you, 'kay?

COLOR PRINTER: Uh, yeah...I kinda...sorta...ripped the Pacman movie e-mail off your Pong movie.

THATKIDSAM: It's okay. ...Heh. I based Icreature popping out of the can off of one of those cool snake-in-a-nuts-cans. Those things are cool.

COLOR PRINTER: That sandwich sure is looking good.

THATKIDSAM: Heh. I'm going to try one of those someday... And probably choke. I'm a bison fan myself.

COLOR PRINTER: You took the cartridge out earilier while the console was still on. Are you sure you should you do that?

THATKIDSAM: I can't imagine it's that good for the system. {Laughs} Well, I don't even think it's possible in the real world, what with the little plastic slidy things that stop it from being pulled out. But I could always cut it in half, then take out one of the halves, but why would I do that?

COLOR PRINTER: Most likely cause you would ruin the system. Or the game. {pause} What if someone ACTUALLY created that simulator?

THATKIDSAM: I wouldn't buy it. {Chuckles}

COLOR PRINTER: By the way, how is Trapper and Keeper going?

THATKIDSAM: Heh. It's been on hiatus for so long, it turned into an inside joke with my friends and I finally made an email about it. I'll upload the real game someday, glitches and more. ...Okay, that was Thatkidsam and Color Printer. Always remember: Don't shoot 'til you see the whites of their eyes!