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Thatkidsam.muffin/stinkoman k

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Thatkidsam Email #56

Part #2 in Finding Stinko

ThatkidSamus is fired and must try out for many different anime shows, including Stinkoman K 20X6.

Cast (in order of appearance): Icreature, ThatkidSamus, Empress Regibliss, Mr. Bossdude, Ultrafashions Ninja, Uchiha Saskuke, Stinkoman

Places: Gruffy Guff Mushrooms Blimp, MMO-RPG, Ultrafashions

Computer: Playstation 832

Date: July 21, 2005

Lines: 88


{Icreature is watching TV. After a few seconds, he realizes the camera is filming and faces the camera, floating off the couch.}

ICREATURE: What? Oh, you want another email? Well, even I know I can't do an email every seven emails. It's time for a crappy Spacewarrior episode! So... Go away. Cue cut to the future.

{Cut to ThatkidSamus checking email.}

THATKIDSAMUS: Eeeeemail is more annooooying than a Spiris that's stuck in your back!

Attention ThatkidSamus
You've done a great job on Spacewarrior 7838.
However, you're fired.
You have made Spacewarrior Broadcasting in the
pink... As in, PINK SLIP FOR YOU!!

-Spacewarrior Broadcasting

THATKIDSAMUS: {Starts speaking in a higher tone of voice after reading "you're fired".} AAAAAAAAAAH!!! I've been... Fired? Surely there's a way to regain my- How did I- What did I do!? WHY DID HE-

{Empress Regibliss appears on the side of the screen.}

EMPRESS REGIBLISS: It's simply because we don't need a child anymore. Child stars aren't popular these days, and being popular is all that matters nowdays.

THATKIDSAMUS: But, I'm not a child! Children are small and short and-

EMPRESS REGIBLISS: {Sigh} Only children would deny being a kid when their name is ThatkidSamus. Kids are children.

THATKIDSAMUS: Wait a minute... You're not my boss! You're my... Annoying teacher!

{An extremely fat man waddles onto the screen.}

MR. BOSSDUDE: That's right! She IS your annoying teacher... And also the only staff in my Firing Department! She fires whoever she thinks needs to be fired.

THATKIDSAMUS: Crap. So... Why are you in my house, and why did you just suddenly appear here?

MR. BOSSDUDE: I'm not authorized to tell you that. That would be an extreme breaking of the fourth wall... And moral laws.

THATKIDSAMUS: Wouldn't it be better if the fourth wall WAS broken? I don't think the audience can see.

{Cut to an image of a brick wall direcly in front of the screen, obscuring everything on the screen. Then, after a few seconds, cut back to ThatkidSamus' room.}

THATKIDSAMUS: See? That's why it must be broken!

EMPRESS REGIBLISS: That was extremely lame, and that's why we don't need you on the show! Now get out and find some work on some run-down sitcom about a little dog and his tissue box... In space! And maybe possibly about a tree with the initials "ST" on its trunk! And maybe on some stupid Japanese-type cartoon with some kind of fat panda-

MR. BOSSDUDE: That's quite enough, Regibliss. Come with me.

{Both intruders exit the screen.}

THATKIDSAMUS: Well, that really sucks. Crapitty crappy crapfully crap. I'm off to go see where I can get a job. {Leaves}

{Cut to a large building labeled "UltraFashions - Now Featuring Conveniently Placed Anime Job-Getting Showdown!" ThatkidSamus walks in. He first tries out at the "Stupid Novelty Crazy Frog Tryouts" studio.}

ULTRAFASHIONS NINJA: Hello, and welcome to the Crazy Frog Tryouts! Would you like to try out for the huge anime battle scene?

THATKIDSAMUS: Wait a minute... This is one of those stupid Crazy Frog things! No way, if you're trying to bring back that stupid commercial, count me out! You guys'll never prosper.

ULTRAFASHIONS NINJA: But... Would you at least like to get our Crazy Frog ringtone? It's more annoying, and has FOUR kids making the engine noises!


ULTRAFASHIONS NINJA: Well, if you don't want to be one of the richest men alive, it's fine with me!

THATKIDSAMUS: I'd rather not be involved with something this annoying. Well, onto the next place...

{Cut to the place having tryouts for Naruto, a popular real-life anime franchise.}

ULTRAFASHIONS NINJA: {Speaks Japanese, but has subtitles} How are you doing? Would you like to try out for the position of Shinten-Rekkuu-Zankou-Senpuu-Messai-Shinbatsu-Kassatsu-Geki Hi-Ougi? His name is supposed to mean Shaking-Heaven -Ripping-Sky-Slashing-Light-Spinning-Wind-Perishing-Crush-Divine-Punishment-Separate-Kill Strike! Isn't that cool?

THATKIDSAMUS: Ooh, Naruto! My ancestors said this was a great show. I'll try!

{The screen fades out, then fades in. ThatkidSamus isn't wearing armor anymore; Instead, he's wearing a ninja suit similar to the Ultrafashions Ninja uniform.}

ULTRAFASHIONS NINJA: Now, in this scene, you must channel your Chakra to defend against Uchiha Sasuke's Chidori.

THATKIDSAMUS: Chakra? Uchiha Sasuke? Chidori!?

{A character, supposedly Uchiha Sasuke, forms a large ball of energy around his hand and plunges it into ThatkidSamus, knocking him down.}

THATKIDSAMUS: Ugh... Why'd you have to... {Collapses and falls unconscious}

ULTRAFASHIONS NINJA: He didn't channel his Chakra fast enough. Thank Chiztanori-Haku-Kassantsu-Norihatu we weren't using the real Chidori attack.

UCHIHA SASUKE: {Also speaking in Japanese} {Sigh} This is the fifth actor we've destroyed.

ULTRAFASHIONS NINJA: Give him the legendary healing power, he'll be up in a while.

{The screen fades out and fades in again. He is now in front of the Stinkoman K 20X6 booth.}

THATKIDSAMUS: Okay... This is the last one I'm trying out at, then I'm going to therapy. Ugh... I'm not sure I can handle Asian techniques.

ULTRAFASHIONS NINJA: Would you like to-

THATKIDSAMUS: Can it. I'm trying out. Give me the costume and the script.

ULTRAFASHIONS NINJA: Finally, someone who knows the drill! I like your attitude. Now dress up in this 20X6 Coach Z costume.

THATKIDSAMUS: Shouldn't you be calling him some stupid unofficial name? Like, "Trainer Z"? Or "Coach X"?

ULTRAFASHIONS NINJA: Good idea! I'll call him "20X6 Coach Z." Like it?

THATKIDSAMUS: ...Yeah... (Weirdo.)

{Yet again, the screen fades out then fades in.}

STINKOMAN: Hey, Coachman! I seriously want to ask you for a challenge for red buttoning me so badly!!

20X6 COACH Z (THATKIDSAMUS): Heh heh heh heh... I accept your challenge, Stinkyman!

STINKOMAN: That's totally mean! I mean, meaner than what you did to 20X6 Homestar Runner!

20X6 COACH Z (THATKIDSAMUS): (Wow, these scripts are outdated... He was called 1-Up for a while now...) RED BUTTON OF DEATH!!! {Presses a blue button on a machine next to him.}

{A bolt of blue lightning zaps Stinkoman and he disappears.}

ULTRAFASHIONS NINJA: CUT! Why'd you do that? Idiot, you were supposed to press the RED button, not the blue one! Now he's gone somewhere... Why the heck did you have to do that? Now you have to be Stinkoman until we find him.

THATKIDSAMUS: YES! Starring role!

ULTRAFASHIONS NINJA: We aren't paying you.


{Omni runs across the screen, leaving a banner with the message "Click Here to E-Mail Thatkidsam @ thatkidsam@thatkidsam.muffin".}

Easter Eggs

  • Click on the machine ThatkidSamus blue buttoned to see a poster for "Crazy Frog: Anime Edition".
It's the latest craze!!!!
Watch the frog enter an
action-packed fight with
the bounty hunter that attempted
to kill him, and watch him escape
his captors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Click on ThatkidSamus to see where Stinknoman was teleported to.

{Cut to a very cold place, right outside a large, menacing-looking boat. Stinkoman appears on the ice.}

STINKOMAN: Man, it's cold! It's like it's SO cold. WAAAAUGH! That boat looks like it's full of BIG challenges! I'm going to go challenge it! HEY, BOAT! ARE YOU ASKING FOR A CHALLENGE?

{The boat's guns rotate and start firing at the ground around Stinkoman. He runs away.}

STINKOMAN: WAAAAAAUGH!! That thing is trying to HIT me! That's a tough challenge! {He gets shot and falls over.}

{Dun dun dun!}

Fun Facts

  • Empress Regibliss' ranting about the shows ThatkidSamus could work on includes a vague description of "Space Tree", a somewhat popular flash cartoon about Space Tree, the Space Tree, in Space!
  • Crazy Frog is an extremely annoying animation popular in England, starring a cartoon frog driving an imaginary motorcycle.
  • Naruto is a popular anime show.
  • The "Red Button" is from Stinkoman 20X6.
  • The acky 20X6 Coach Z name is making fun of how almost every E-mail thread has a weird name for him.

Author's Comments

  • Rating: B+
  • This was considerably better than videlectrix, because it didn't rant as much... Except for Emperor Regibliss, but that's in character. This was also the first time I mentioned Naruto in a meaningful way, and that will get important later. Also, it's the start of a plot!