(even if you aren't vegan)
Thatkidsam.muffin/pong movie
Thatkidsam E-Mail #19
A trilogy of events based on Thatkidsam's adventures at Fashionmore.
Cast (in order of appearance): Thatkidsam, Gunhaver, Ripberger, Flashfight, Blue Laser Minion, The Pong Movie Cast, Icreature, KristIcreature, Bubs
Places: Masdiktaht Jet, Fashionmore
Computer: Sega Dreamcast
Date: March 28th, 2005
Lines: 52
THATKIDSAM: Man, it's been a while, DC! {Inserts the E-Mail disc} And if I was made of email...
Dear Thatkidsam,
Albin J. (from Maryland)
How you doin'? I have three quick questions...
1. What's the best thing you've ever seen?
2. What's the best thing you've ever done?
3. What's the best thing you've ever eaten?
{Reads "doin'" as "doin" (pronounced like "boing") and "Albin J." as "Albino Jay".}
THATKIDSAM: Well, o white-skinned one, it so happens that all three of those categories you presented me with fall on the exact same day and place! You might know it as... Fashionmore, on March 28th, 2003! {A picture of Fashionmore pops up on the screen.} You see, I had just gone to see the popular new movie brought to me by VG Movie Pictures, who also brought us Tetris: The Movie and Plaque Attack: The Movie! {Stops typing} Wanna see? Go ahead.
{Cut to Thatkidsam walking into a theater. There is a preview going on.}
SPOKESMAN: Now coming to theaters March 32nd: Cheat Commandos: The Movie!
GUNHAVER: So, you say that Blue Laser is trying to destroy the world for the 33rd time?
RIPBERGER: {Muffled noise}
FLASHFIGHT: Watch out! They have a new weapon- the DARK BLUE LASER!
BLUE LASER MINION: Now availble from Cheap As Free. For use against Cheat Commandos.
SPOKESMAN: You've heard it! Not available in any theaters until March 33rd.
VOICE: Somebody start the movie!
SPOKESMAN: And now, our feature pesentation...
SPOKESMAN: ...Has been cut short by previews. Have fun watching the the last minute of Pong: The Movie. Just to let you know, our motion picture features Ping and Pong, rivals.
{The screen immidiately cuts to the movie.}
PING'S GIRLFRIEND: I don't want to lose you! Don't go to that Space Tennis game!
PING: You won't lose me. I'll win against the odds of that Pong!
{Ping's Girlfriend looks sad.}
{Cut to Ping being strapped into a spaceship shaped like a vertical line.}
PING: I'll win this one for Ping's Girlfriend! ...I mean, my girlfriend. Whatever her name is.
{The ship takes off. It stops in space, opposite of another line-ship. Cut to inside the other ship.}
PONG: Bwahaha! That giant trophy is as good as mine! Ping, prepare to have your ship smashed into millions of tiny pieces!
PING: I'll win! {Starts steering, trying to hit the ball with his ship}
{Cut to an overhead view of the two spaceships. They steer to hit the ball, and Pong keeps scoring points.}
PING: Oh no, I'm losing.
PONG: Yay, I'm winning.
PING: Wait a minute... {Picks up a piece of paper and reads it, then looks directly at the camera} This is an underdog story, so don't I immidiately win? {The camera nods.} Good.
{Cut to an overhead view of the two spaceships. The scores are in the corners, and Ping's immidiately changes to 99. Giant fireworks explode next to Ping's ship.}
PING: Yay.
{A bunch of unreadable credits fly by as several bleeps and bloops play as the theme song.}
THATKIDSAM: Man, that was the best movie EVER! {Stretches} Now, I gotta go check where Icreature is. {Walks out, holding a blowtorch}
{Cut to Club Igooddinners. Icreature is on a date with KristIcreature.}
{Thatkidsam runs in and sets fire to the club.}
ICREATURE: {Turns on his laser and demolishes the flames} (HA!)
{Thatkidsam keeps attempting to torch the building, but Icreature keeps putting it out.}
THATKIDSAM: Man, this is boring. I give up. {Drops blowtorch and Icreature incinerates it}
{Cut to Bubs' Concession Stand, which has apparently moved to the mall.}
BUBS: What can I get for ya, Fatkidsam?
THATKIDSAM: I want all of your DS cards!
BUBS: DS? Since when do you like any cool systems?
THATKIDSAM: Just hand them over! {Bubs forks them over, and Thatkidsam devours them.} Mmmm, saltine crackers.
{A Dreamcast swirl unrolls a message reading "Click Here to E-Mail Thatkidsam @ thatkidsam@thatkidsam.muffin".}
Easter Eggs
- Click on Bubs to see an advertisement for DSaltines:
{A box of "DSaltines" is displayed on the screen.}
SPOKESMAN: New DSaltines! They look exactly like a DS card, but they're salted! Now available in electric versions, crunchy versions, and WarioWare: Touched versions!
Fun Facts
- This email's intro is a reference to the song Strong Bad was singing in mile.
- March 32nd and March 33rd are obviously non-existent.
- If you pause when the credits are flying by, you can see that it is just "Fry E. UpDan" repeated numerous times.
- That is another Dan reference.
- This is the second time Icreature has been on a date with KristIcreature (the first being in wardrobe). It appears that the breakup pictured in clip show and replayed in gossip never happened.
- WarioWare: Touched! is a real game.
Author's Comments
- Rating: B+
- You'll notice that this was a week and a day after the last email. I had given up after the horrible results of "electric stuff", so I came back after Other Character Email The Poopsmith had proven a challenge. I got the idea for PONG: THE MOVIE from an extra short in a LegendaryFrog movie, "One Ring to Rule Them All 3". It had a preview for "Tetris: The Movie", so why not Pong?
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