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Thatkidsam E-Mail #11

Thatkidsam goes on a trip in his new RV, the VirtualMobile!

Cast (in order of appearance): Thatkidsam, Icreature, Brent, Lawrence, Hotel Owner

Places: Masdiktaht Jet, VirtualMobile, Cubeland (easter egg)

Computer: Sega Dreamcast

Date: March 13th, 2005

Lines: 38


THATKIDSAM: {Inserts the E-Mail disc} When does the email come, I say, when does the email come! {Guitar chord}

Dear Sam
Do you REALLY like muffins? Emr,
REALLY REALLY love muffins?

-Kerrigan, not from beyond the internet

THATKIDSAM: No, Kerri! I hate muffins! It's just an application extention! Now, will you please stand by as I bonk you? Prepare to be Bonk'd! {Reaches for a secret button on the controller as Icreature dives in slow motion to the Dreamcast}

{The frame freezes with Thatkidsam pressing the button and Icreature unplugging the Dreamcast cord at the same time. The animation continues and the screen goes blank.}

ICREATURE: (Now, let's save this email and remember something!)

THATKIDSAM: Remember what? {A very long time passes} Oh! I'm late for my vacation! Quick, into the VirtualMobile! {Cricket noises} ...Fine, that new RV I got.

{Text displays the message "About 2 seconds later..."}

{Thatkidsam is lying face down, his head impaled on The Stick.}

THATKIDSAM: Ugh... I'm so sick of this happening... Maybe I should use a parachute next time.

{A red and black RV drives up to Thatkidsam and beeps. Icreature gets out and pulls Thatkidsam off the stick and fills the hole in his head with gel.}

ICREATURE: (Okay, I have the RV. Get in.)

{Thatkidsam enters the RV and explains how it works.}

THATKIDSAM: I designed this RV with my friend here, Brent. {A very tall, black-haired version of Strong Sad walks in, carrying a drill.} Hey, Brent!

BRENT: Hey, Sam.

THATKIDSAM: Anyway, we're going to Cubeland for Spring Break this year. This baby will help us get there faster! It has a- AGH! {The bus shakes violently.} What happen!?

BRENT: Someone set up us the bomb! We get signal!


BRENT: Main screen turn on. {Lawrence appears on a screen near the two}


LAWRENCE: How are you gentlemen! All your base are belong to us. You are on the way to destruction.

THATKIDSAM: What you say!?

LAWRENCE: You have no chance to survive make your time. Ha ha ha.

{Thatkidsam kneels over and starts crying. Then, he gets back up.}

THATKIDSAM: Man, that was lame... And can't we just launch the Electro-Rings?

BRENT: Yeah, we should have done that a while ago. {Presses a button}

{Cut to outside the RV. Lawrence's helicopter is directly above it, and is launching gyro-bombs at it. A cannon suddenly pops out the top of the RV, and fires yellow rings everywhere. They hit the copter and take it down.}

LAWRENCE: I'll get you someday! I do not admit defeat! {Connection is lost}

THATKIDSAM: Well, that was easy. Now, let's just sit back and enjoy the ride...

{A Dreamcast swirl unrolls a message reading "Click Here to E-Mail Thatkidsam @ thatkidsam@thatkidsam.muffin".}

Easter Eggs

  • Click on Brent to see their stay in Cubeland.

HOTEL OWNER: I'm sorry, but you don't have any reservations.

BRENT: Oh, really?

HOTEL OWNER: Well, you might, but someone ate all of our computer that we store our reservation notices in.

ICREATURE: {Notices everyone staring at him as he shuts off his laser} Um... What? That's terrible! I can't believe someone ate the computer! It wasn't me, I swear!

THATKIDSAM: It's bad enough that you stopped my deletion of this email!

Fun Facts

  • Icreature stopped the deletion of onethousandthreehundredthirtysevenness, too.
  • Thatkidsam impaled his head on The Stick in ebay.
  • Near the middle of the email, the characters were acting out the intro movie from Zero Wing.
  • The Electro-Rings are a weapon from Air Zonk, resembling a charged-up form of one of the dropped weapons.

Author's Comments

  • Rating: B-
  • You can see that I've seen the All Your Base thing about sixteen times, and I've memorized it (except for the pictures at the end). I like making tons of references to video games and online flash movies. Anyway, Brent is kind of an important character in the long run, and I wanted to have Thatkidsam's brother come in, so he debuted here.