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Thatkidsam.muffin/Sega Dreamcast

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Sega Dreamcast

Swirly swirly swirly...
  • The Sega Dreamcast was Sega's last console. It had many great games, but was overshadowed by the PlayStation 2. Thatkidsam thinks the cursor is tedious, so he bought the keyboard for it. It apparently had an e-mail client disc that came in the box. It exploded in program, but Thatkidsam had another lying around, which was slightly faster. Although it was lost in time when Thatkidsam went back in time and destroyed the place where he bought it, Icreature saved the day by travelling to the exact instant the building was destroyed and destroyed the rocket. It was unfortunately and forcefully reposessed by Lawson Credit Industries when they found out about his fake credit card with which he purchased the system. (Emails: 10-20, 22-41)
  • The Dream Swirl: This red Dreamcast swirl appears at the end of every email and unrolls into the message "Click Here to E-Mail Thatkidsam @ thatkidsam@thatkidsam.muffin".