(even if you aren't vegan)
User:Ekul/Email/Fan Email
Count X tries to send penguins to Ekul's universe.
EKUL: One two three... Something... Eee...
Dear Mr. Penguin and Zyves,
I am trying to send penguins to your universe
via teleporter. Any help would be grateful,
and would greatly help your species.
Yours Sincerely,
Count X, the elusive.
EKUL: Mr. Penguin? That hurts my feelings. Ekul, fool. {Shouting} Ekul! The king of, king of {Stops shouting}, of, of, wow. I just noticed. I'm not the king of anywhere. I think. I probably have been, but you know how it is, with being so awesome and such, you forgot your monarchyness. Well, back to the Email. You spelt Kyves wrong. Zyves would be like, a giant brain's enemy. Or something. {Typing} Anyway, how do think I could help? And who says my species needs help? I have clones. Who doesn't have clones nowadays? It's like not having an icecream sandwich on Blursday. How are you being elusive by telling me all your plans and your idendity. You don't see BRICK_MAN revealing his true identity, do you?
BRICK_MAN: {Offscreen} Everyone knows I'm Dinoshaur. Except the people who don't know I exist.
EKUL: {Typing} Well, instead of pointing my attension to the main part of this Email, I'll have it about how you spelt Kyves name wrong.
KYVES: {Angrily} Someone spelt my name wrong? {Zoom in on Kyves' face, which turns black. His eyes are red.} Then we shall have a duel, on top of duel mountain!
{Scene cuts to Ekul's roof, with a sign saying "Dool Mowntan". Pom Pom is having a fight with Strong Mad, Pom Pom is armed with a knife, and Strong Mad is armed with Homestar. Ekul and Zyves come on.}
KYVES: I told Count X to meet us at Duel Mountain, where we will-
EKUL: {Interrupting} Er, no you didn't.
KYVES: Oh yeah. Thanks for reminding me. Pom Pom, I need to send an Email.
{Pom Pom bubbles angrily at Kyves, and then hands him his Pom Pilot.}
KYVES: Yeah, this'll show him, I'm not abbreviating anything, so it'll take him twice as long to read. I'm so evil!
{Ekul rolls his eyes as Kyves hands Pom Pom back his Pom Pilot.}
KYVES: I also sent it in bad grammer German, so when he reads it, he won't know what's going on. Tee hee.
{Strong Mad falls and lands in a flower patch.}
DINOSHAUR: No! My award winning mango trees! You wrecked them! {He attacks Strong Mad}
EKUL: I better break that up. Or I could just fix the trees... {He smiles} Or I could make sure Dinoshaur wins that fight.
{Cut back to Ekul's roof. Count X suddenly appears.}
COUNT X: Yes! The teleporter works!
{Kyves jumps on Count X, suprised, Count X falls on top of Ekul.}
EKUL: Uh, Kyves?
EKUL: Get your arch nemesis off me.
KYVES: Oh, sorry. {Kyves jumps down}
{Cut to a bench nearby. Strong Bad, The Cheat and Bubs are sitting on it. Strong Bad is eating popcorn.}
STRONG BAD: Ah, pure entertainment. What do you think, Bubs?
BUBS: True, true. Y'know something, how about some free popco- Wait a minute, Strong Bad, where'd you get that popcorn? {Bubs edges closer to Strong Bad.}
STRONG BAD: Uh, uh, um... {Shouting} Run The Cheat!
{Strong Bad and The Cheat run away. Cut back to Ekul's roof. Only Ekul and Kyves are there.}
KYVES: Wow, I'm glad that's over. If anyone watching didn't see that, they'd sure have missed out on a lot.
EKUL: Yes. They sure would have.
{Ekul and Kyves turn to face the screen.}
{The paper comes back down and pleads you to email Ekul}
Easter Eggs
- Click on Ekul's or Kyves' eyes to make them turn bright green.
Fun facts
- This is the first fan Email, and it was made by Dinoshaur