(even if you aren't vegan)
Young Ekul?
Lines: 92
Cast (in order of appearance):Ekul, C11, Kyves, guard, young Ekul
Dear Ekul,
I've noiced that infant penguins are weird looking. Were you wierd looking when you were a penguin infant? And when did you get those glasses and turn purple?
Your buddy,
Ekul: Err... you could theororetically do it, but I'd have to break the first law of time. But before we get that out of the way, that was a theoretical image of me. I DEFINITELY have blue skin. And I've have those glasses since I was O.. err... born. But you guys wouldn't know how I looked five thousand... days ago.
C11: Keep kop?
Ekul: Yeah, I'm alright.
C11: Derr bop.
Kyves: Yeah! We wouldn't mind it!
Ekul: But... I'd be left out...
Kyves: It's alright, you'll experience it in the past.
(Kyves sets coordinates)
Kyves: Before we go, I want to know... how old are you
Ekul: Fourteen...
Kyves: No. I mean how old are you adding all the time traveling in?
(Ekul just grins evilly. He walks away, down the hall, into his quarters.)
Kyves: Is this a good or bad sign?
C11: Kop.
Kyves: I hope you're right.
Trash Can: How many Star Trek episodes would you like to watch?
Kyves: Just shut up and go to 1993.
Trash Can: You are now going to watch episodes one through nineteen ninety three!
C11: Dorrrrrp....
(Kyves kicks it. The screen shows Lukatia: 1993.)
Kyves: Wow! I didn't know that worked!
(Kyves and C11 get out of the Trash Can.)
Kyves: Guardman!
(A guard walks over.)
Guard: What is it?
C11: Kop kipe dor?
Guard: I can only hope you don't attack him. For your sake.
(A little blue fuzzy ball waddles in)
Kyves: I didn't know penguins were this cute when they were young! How old are you?
Young Ekul: From my birth? Somewhere around 21728 hours old.
Kyves: Err...
Ekul: Yeah! Math skills are something I've had for thousands and thousands of years!
Kyves: YEARS?
Ekul: Did I say years? Eh heh... I meant, um... since I was born!
(Ekul starts waddling away.)
Kyves: WAIT! Tell me what you-
(Ekul starts jumping like yoda away.)
Kyves: Wait!
(Kyves runs after young Ekul. Ekul jumps into his Trash Can. The lid closes. Kyves unlocks it and goes into it.)
Ekul: HOW'D YOU...? Err... Scramble!
(Ekul hits something on the Trash Can. He starts running. They run into an airlock on the moon. Ekul is in a space suit, bounding on the moon. C11 just getsd out, but Kyves puts a space suit on. The chase is on. They bound through the moon.)
Ekul: You'll never catch me, duck!
(An airlock is visible ahead. Ekul throws something at the button, and the door opens. A hallway of an airlock, so that the chase could contiue. Kyves and Ekul retract their helmets, but don't throw them down. A door is visible ahead. Ekul throws something at it. It opens, and they run into a dock.)
Kyves: Oh great! Now we're going through a dock! Try not to lose him!
(C11 jets from pier to pier, Kyves flies underneath the dock, manuevering carefully. Ekul bounds all over the place. He jumps onto a boat. He climbs up the lookout tower. Kyves flies, up and C11 waits for him to fly down.)
Ekul: It's over Ducky, I have the-
Kyves: Dude! You say that too much!
(Ekul takes out Okul's old sword and his green lightsaber.)
Ekul: Now... I am not going to kill you. I'm set on stun. If I win, you walk away. If you win, I'm yours... if you can catch me! If I run, you still have to catch me? Deal?
Kyves: Accord!
(Kyves shoots out his two electric swords.)
Kyves: I think I have the advantage!
Ekul: Why?
Kyves: I've known you longer than you've known me!
Ekul: I think not! You don't know how long I've known you!
Kyves: I think I do!
(Kyves and Ekul sword fight on the lookouts tower. Eventually, they cut it off and it falls onto the deck below. They are now standing on the mast. Eventually, Kyves hits Ekul's wing, and it becomes shocked.)
Ekul: Oww... Why'd you stun my hand?
Kyves:I've known you since we met, years in the future!
Ekul: So! We meet in the future!
(Ekul jumps off the mast and goes through the doors that lead inside the galley of the ship, but instead he comes out into a hovercraft, above a lava pit. A plank is out, as if an it was an execution, but nobody is there. C11 shoots a stun after Ekul, who holds both his swords out. Kyves chases Ekul with his outstretched too. A few robots come out)
Robots: You will now be pushed into the lava.
Ekul: Uh oh!
(Suddenly, Kyves, Ekul and C11 are all fighting together to save their lives)
Ekul: What! Trash Can, Why are the robots still in here?
(Ekul knocks one into the lava. Kyves chops one, the battle rages. Finnally, there's one left. Kyves knocks it off, but it grabs one of his legs. He falls towards the lava. Ekul force grabs him, and throws him back onto the platform.)
Kyves: You saved me! I will leave you alone if you want.
Ekul: No... Stay. Teach me as I taught you!
C11: Korp?
Kyves: I'll be back in ten years. Or rather, ten seconds if you step out of the Trash Can.
C11: beep.
Kyves:Now, Ekul. When we last met, I was but the learner and you were the master. However, now I am the master and you are the learner!
(C11 steps out of the Trash Can. It dissapears, then reappears. Kyves steps out, not looking any older.)
Kyves: Whew! That was a long decade!
(Kyves and C11 step inside the Trash Can)
Ekul: You taught me! Thanks!
(C11: "Email Ekul")
Easter Eggs
Fun facts