(even if you aren't vegan)
Ekul fights a duck
Cast:Ekul, C11, Kyves
Ekul: No rouy kram, teg tes...
C11: Beebeep bop.
Ekul: OG!
Dear Eeeek Ul,
If you made a what would you do with a rubber duck with wings
that guy
Ekul: (Pronounces Eeeeek Ul as "EEEK! Ool") Maybe I should answer this! (Typing aloud) Finish your sentenses, and make sense. I don't know what a "What would you do with a rubber duck with wings" is, nor do I know what you intended to end the sentense with. Do you want to ask me what would I do with it? Do you want me to tell you how I would handle it? Algdono.. (Pronouces it as "I don't know...")
C11: Beep blorp.
Ekul: Yeah, I guess I should. (Typing Aloud) So maybe I should answer this differently. Do you want to ask me what would I do if I were attacked by a rubber duck with wings? Ah!
(Cut to Ekul at a pond. A rubber duck jumps out of the pond.)
Duck: Squeak.
Duck: Squeak!!!
(Ekul runs at the duck, lightsaber drawn. The duck smirked, then fluffed it's wings. Swords came out of both wings.)
Ekul: Augh! It's got swords!
(Ekul began fighting with it. It manages to swipe and graze Ekul's left wing.)
Ekul: AAAARRRRGGGLLBBLBLBLL! That hurt! That thing is electrified!
(Ekul swings his sword at the avion, and manages to hit his left wing.)
(Ekul and the duck continue fighting. Swords clash over and over. Noises keep on sounding. The battle goes on and on and on. It goe on so long it's almost half as long as the fight scenes in Dragon Ball Z! Ok, maybe not THAT long. Ekul finally strikes it down. It falls. It looks up at Ekul.)
Duck: Squeak.
Ekul: Whoa! Don't tell me your freakin' life story! What's your name, eh?
Duck: Squeak.
Ekul: Oh, cool! Nice to meet you, Kyves. Want to be my partner?
Duck: Squeak.
Ekul: Oh, look! The sunset! Let's go!
(Credits roll. At the end, "Email Ekul" pops up..)
Easter Eggs
Fun facts