(even if you aren't vegan)
(The background is different again. They are in some kind of room, with bluish white walls.)
Ekul: Ni liame flog, I tohs owt selgae!
Ekul: Is there anyway to get you to do the limbo? --mk5dude
Ekul: (reads aloud, then types aloud) Um, unless I'm in Hawaii, no. But if you really want me to, sure. I'll go. (Not typing) You ready C11?
C11: Ree, rouw.
Ekul: Good! Hey, Kyves!
(Pan out. They are in a seemingly regular house. Kyves runs in.)
Kyves: Queak?
Ekul: Ready to migrate again, this time to Hawaii?
Kyves: (Skeptically) Geak weak kreak theak Yeak Creak?
Ekul: Nope. We're going by boat.
Kyves: (Does a victory jig) SQUEAK!
Ekul: (Boredly without taking a breath) Yeah, yeah, that's nice. Let's go.
(Ekul, Kyves and C11 leave the room. Cut to a small pirate ship with masts and an iron hull. Jet thrusters are on either side. The terrific trio are on the open deck.)
Ekul: (yelling into a walkie-talkie for the operators below) Retract masts! Activate canopy! Activate engines!
(The masts pull into the ship. A clear coating pulls over the open deck of the ship.)
Ekul: Who said planes were faster than boats?
(The engines start suddenly with a roar, as soon as Ekul stops talking and blasts off. The speeding commenses. The ship roars across the ocean. It only takes four hours to get from Antarctica to Hawaii. Of course, it doesn't show those hours. The screen shows a map with a dot for the ship. The dot speeds from the tip of Antarctica to Hawaii. Cut to the trio.)
Ekul: Man, that was a fun tournament in Make-your-own-stuff Rock paper scissors! Remember that one time where I was all like (Deep, somewhat piratey voice) Plamsinator. (regular voice)Oh Oh! And remember when C11 was like, (immitating C11) "Beep, dorr bop!"
(The three break out laughing. They walk off the boarding plank and onto land. A hawaiian guy is waiting for them.)
Hawaiian Guy: Aloha, malahini! This is Hawaii! Right now... (Gasps) It's a penguin, a duck and a dog!
C11: BEEP! Grrrrr....
Hawaiian: You three aren't allowed, alien animals and that duck! Guards! Come!
(About twenty guards run up.)
Hawaiian: Throw them into (dramatic music. Voice is deep, echoy and warbly now.) MOUNT KILIMARI!
(Guards surround them. They pick up the three of them.)
Ekul: This doesn't bode well.
(Cut to the three suspended inside the volcano by ropes.)
Kyves: Seak theaken weako?
C11: Beep.
Ekul: Yeah?
Kyves: Eaki theak sleakist aweak, deak eaki ceak fleak.
Ekul: Yeah, and I think I can reach it. C11 is in a wierd position, but he can make it too. Can we all cut the bonds?
C11: Dorr knocko.
Kyves: Squeak.
(Ekul bites the rope around his sholders and neck, then he grabs onto the rope and swings to a rock with a cave near it. He tugs on the rope, then stows it in his cloak. C11 dispatches a buzzsaw, then cuts the rope. Small rocket boosters allow him to stay in the air long enough to shoot a hookshot to a small piece of soft rock. He pulls himself over. Kyves shoots his swords out of his wings, then flies over to where Ekul and C11 are.)
Ekul: Now all we have to do is walk into theis cave and see if we can leave, get back to the boat, and go home! Just as long as the volcano-
(Rumbling starts occuring.)
Ekul: I hate it when the one in one hundred chance that wrong when I infer I'm going to infer that the worst won't happen.
Kyves: Queak?
C11: Grr, bop boop dork.
(The three start running down the cave. Lava starts to pour into the cave, ankle high. It has not reached the trio at all, though. Ekul turns a corner and almost falls into a gap of lava.)
Kyves: Greako.
(Kyves pushes off the ground and flies across the gap. C11 hookshots across, because of the lucky chance there was a pumace-type material there. Ekul uses his new rope to lasso a stalagmite, then swing across. The gap, however was a big delay in time. The ankle deep lava suddenly receded, then burst back as a wall of lava. The three ran dramitcally just an inch slower than the wall, then just as the lava almost burned them, they jumped out of the exit, and jumped to the side of the hole, the lava bursting out of their exit. C11 rolls off, then finds a smooth, tobagen-like rock. The three get on it, then it slides down the mountain. They slide until they get to a highway. They almost hit a driver, who pulls over.)
Driver: What are you doing, freakin' idiot?
Ekul: Borrowing your car!
(Ekul runs to the car. The driver tries to get there first, but C11 shoots him with a tazer in the leg. The three get into the car. They drive all the way to the boat. They ramp off the deck, then dive out of the sunroof onto the deck of the ship.)
Ekul: (Yelling into walkie talkie) Retract masts! Activate canopy! Initiate engines!
(The ship rockets off. C11 puts a projection on the door to down below that says "Email Ekul".)
Easter Eggs
Fun facts