(even if you aren't vegan)
Ekul tries to run a piratey taxi service.
Lines: 28
Cast: Ekul, Lookout guy, pilot, homsar
Ekul: Era uoy gnitteg derit fo siht? Oot dab.
Dear Ekul,
You should run a taxi cab service!
Ekul: (Reads aloud) Ooh! It's from that kid! And now he is in a power suite! I want a room like that! (Types aloud) No thanks. I recently got an example showing device someplace not Strong Bad. It would go like this, basically.
(Ekul is on a pirate ship. A nearby pirate looks down at him from the lookout)
Lookout guy: Someone is yelling "taxi"
Ekul: Well, increase taxes in that area and rob them.
Lookout guy: No no no. Taxi means we transport them. Another words, we take people who don't have a means of transportation.
Ekul: Oh!
(Cut back to Ekul at the computer.)
Ekul: Well, that changes everything! This might be a little better.
(Ekul is back in the pirate ship. The lookout from the previous scene is back, and looks down at him.)
Lookout Guy: Someone is yelling "taxi"
Ekul: Full speed to that area!
(The sails fold flat, and a pair of jet engines retract out of the back.)
Ekul: No! I mean-
Pilot: Ludicrous speed it is!
(Ekul is blown back. They suddenly get there. Ekul goes flying forward. He hits a chestnut tree.)
Ekul: Eh- Are we therE?
Pilot: Yup. We circled the globe awhile.
(Ekul falls over.)
Ekul: (Voiceover.) In the case of that happening, I would take a five minute break to recover. When I do, we take the guy aboard our ship. Then we mug him, and leave him in Alaska. Or tundraland.
(Cut back to the Computer room.)
Ekul: So, that's what happens. See you later, Aran- I mean Samus.
(Homsar comes in with that special shirt)
Easter Eggs
Fun facts