(even if you aren't vegan)
Ekul: Ah ah ah, oh oh oh, heh heh heh haaaa.
Dear Ekul Is it hard to flip someone off with wings? Very crapfully: Phylo D
Ekul: No, because I don't flip people off, and I never have. MANIAC'D!
Is that blue diamond kinda thing on your forehead the source of all your super powers? Or is it merely decorative? Aaron C.
Ekul: I don't HAVE a blue diamond thing, but if I did, it would be a kyber chrystal. No. Just kidding. You need to send people better emails! MANIAC'D!
dear ekul i want to be a graduate of Crazy Go Nuts University, just like you. Please let me know how i can accomplish this goal. thank you. Margo
Ekul: I didn't go to Crazy Go Nuts University! So MANIAC'D. Sheesh. That was short. Ok, maybe I should look at this email differently. DO OVER!
(Ekul brings the email up again. He then edits it.)
dear ekul i want to be a graduate of Lukatian University. Please let me know how i can accomplish this goal. thank you. Margo
Ekul: Much better! Now, how can you become a graduate of Lukatia's University?
(Pan out. Ekul types something in the Trash Can)
Trash Can: (Singing nasaly, and annoyingly) I know a song that get on everybody's nerves...
(Cut to the Trash Can materializing. The three get out. You can still hear the Trash Can.)
Ekul: Next time, we're flying. Anyway... This is the fabulous building!
(Zoom out to see a gigantic schoolground.)
Ekul: (Offscreen) Remember, go to college and get good grades! Remember.
(Zoom in extermely quickly)
(Cut back inside the Trash Can. C11 puts a projection on the wall that says "Email Ekul".)
Easter Eggs
Fun facts