(even if you aren't vegan)
(Ekul is back in the Trash Can)
Ekul: Liame sdeen ot eb repaehc.
Dear Ekul, Congrats. You blew up Stan's evil twin, along with the sun. The world should black out in 5 minutes or so. But, anyway, I'm stuck between life and death, floating around on Earth. By the way, I'm floating around The Trash Can right now. Really sweet place. Please don't destroy me. Float on, Chwoka
Ekul: (Reads aloud) I do believe you have just complimented me. So thank you. But you're saying that Robo-Stan had a remote control on some kinda sun? Which one?
C11:(Beeping, while words appear in a text box) I believe Chwoka is trying to tell you is that Terra's sun is going to dissapear. That, however will only affect Lukatia, since-
Ekul: Don't tell me what I already know. I mean EVERYBODY knows that the Trash Can is in a different dimension, not affected by anything in another dimension. But if you remember, half of Lukatia was transported to FCUSA, and a vortex was left, making evacuation-
C11: (Text box) Chwoka wants you to perserve the human species, and other Terran life forms.
Ekul: But they're annoying...
C11: (Text box) MOST of them are. Remember Thomas Edison? Einstien? Galilio? Moses? George... Lucas?
Ekul: You've got a point, there C11. And what about other Penguins?
Kyves: (Offscreen) Squeakity ceak?
Ekul: Oh. That's right. How DO we stop a sun from blacking out?
Kyves: Enceak cleak. Ceakity queak squeak.
C11: (Text box) Yeah! And if we're right, we can test Terra's heat patterns ten days ago, and now.
Kyves: Eaki squeak.
C11: (Text Box) Ok, fine. YOU'RE right.
Ekul: Let's try it then.
(Ekul types something in on C11, and this screen pops up.)
Sun's heat Magnitude ten days ago: "Heat has not changed in the past month" Sun's heat Magnitude.... Loading...
Kyves: Eak neak...
Sun's core heat Magnitude ten days ago: "Heat has not changed in the past month" Sun's core heat Magnitude "Heat has dropped five hundred degrees.
Ekul: YES!
C11: (Text box) How does this constitute as a good thing?
Ekul: Penguins shall take over the globe!
C11: (Text box) I keep forgetting that you're right, Terran creatures ARE annoying.
Ekul: No, I just meant humans. Not birds. BIRD POWER!
(Ekul and Kyves high five.)
C11: (Text Box) The human species are in danger. We must stop the Sun's cooling. As Kyves suspected, there is a frigerator that is ten degrees kelvin that is cooling the sun.
Ekul: But, wait! IT's as cool as it will stay and not shatter! Just take the penguin's Liquid helium gun and aim it at the sun. Patch me to Lukatia weapon Control.
Trebort: Hello? Trebort here.
Ekul: It's Ekul! Shoot our Helium gun at the sun.
Trebort: Ekul! Why the gun? It can't freeze the sun.
Ekul: Exactly the opposite of our aim. Fire!
Trebort: The countdown... Ten, nine.... EIGHT! (A sound of a gun firing is heard.)
C11: (Text box) It worked!
Ekul: Yes! Now all we have to do is build a definifier for Chwoka to save him.
(They all leave. Homsar waddles in with a shirt that says "Email Ekul.)
Easter Eggs
Fun facts
- Homsar's special shirt's first appearence since "Superiors".
- "Float on" is a reference to the song of the same name.