(even if you aren't vegan)
Ekul: Ah ah ah, oh oh oh, heh heh heh haaaa.
What would you do if a little animal came up to you. crapfully yours, Ashley and Anthony
Ekul: You want to give credit to someone else? Riiiight... One of you is a lier. Now, you already've seen that. I fight with it, then I become friends with it. And another thing! NO MORE NEW CHARCTERS! I've made two, and I'm not showing any more.
(Pan out)
Kyves: (Angrily) HEak kleak weak kreak.
Ekul: Oh. Right. You're taller than I am. A little animal. Oh well. I don't want any more characters. But It's not really a question though, as there's an abscense of question marks in there.
Kyves: Heak weaki eako theaken emeak?
Ekul: S'good question. is there anything we could do to make this email not a wreck?
Kyves: Heak squeaken weak!
Ekul: Yeah! We can explore your emptimology or whatever!
(Cut to a room with only Kyves in it and spotlight on him.)
Ekul: (VOice over) Kyves is a cool rubber duck with wings and swords in each wing. He has an aviator's coat and a pair of goggles on.
(Zoom in on aviator's jacket, then on goggles)
Ekul: (VOice over) His beak is pretty long, and it can stretch.
(Zoom in on the head, and the beak stretches out, then turns back)
Ekul: (VOice over) He is the directer of the Aviation navy (Where the planes are considered part of the boatanical navy, not the fleet)
(Cut to a fleet of airplanes and aircraft carriers.)
Ekul: (VOice over) Kyves is my one of my two best living friends, and four best friends. Please applaud for this guy.
(Applause and Kyves does a jig. Cut back to Ekul.)
Ekul: So you see, He's cool. Good bye.
(Ekul leaves. C11 beeps. He puts a projection on the wall that says "Email Ekul".)
Easter Eggs
Fun facts