(even if you aren't vegan)
Ekul forgets to capitalize
Lines: 19
Cast: Ekul, Trash Can, Homsar
Ekul: 00j t'nac gnirb em nwod!
Dear ekul, how do you do it . teach me some of your trick's. With crap, T.J.
Ekul: (Stops at "ekul") And another made a fatal mistake... (Continues reading.) Man! (Types aloud) I notice you capitalized YOUR OWN name, teej, but not mine. What? Do you think you're some kind of... I don't know... powerful politcal figure? That space... that crap ending... Hrgph.... And what do you mean "Teach me some of your trick's", Canidate Teej? Teach you about my trick's what? Their awesomeness? Their talentful whatnot? I mean, seriously gov teej-
Trash Can: Warning: electrical fuse broken.
Ekul: Huh? Oh well. So you know teej-
(Ekul, not having one of his wings on the keyboard, to ground the electricity, gets fried suddenly, and sent back, smoking in the wall. Sparks come out of the screen)
Ekul: Oh, great. Now my Trash Can is probably broken again. Grrr.... System check!
Trash Can: (Microsoft Sam voice) Initializing back-up voice. (Metallic sounding voice (Although still sounding human)) Hi. I bet you didn't know I had a voice system.
Ekul: Whoa! Why didn't you use this earlier?
Trash Can: Well, I was going to play it on you on April fools, but you didn't check your Emails at the right moment...
Ekul: Status Report
Trash Can: Well, you can't use my Email system anymore, And in the system there may be some stange errors, but I don't think they will be major.
Ekul: Say hello to a new computer, I guess... (Mumbling) First the paper and now this...
(Homsar comes in with that special shirt)
Easter Eggs
Fun Facts