(even if you aren't vegan)
Ekul: Kool tuo! Eht retsnom! Er'yeht ereh!
Dear Ekul, Thanks for giving me back my body in that action-packed adventure that we had to cut because of our low budgets. What a shame. Anyway, if you had a video game starring You and other people you know, what would it be like? Not a ghost anymore, Chwoka
Ekul: (reads aloud) Yeah it's a shame. Remember that? It was great.
(Chwoka is floating inside a glass tube that could hold a full sized human)
Ekul: Ok, Kyves! DEFINIFY!
(Cut back to the Ekul an the Email)
Ekul: So, you want me to make a videro game? Consider it accounted for! C11, bring up the video game programmer.
C11: Swwr kor dok.
Ekul: (Typing Aloud) First of all...
(Cut to NES style grafics)
Ekul: (Voiceover) I would be in a NES thing, where you basically ran across the screen in a platformer, and you could only jump for some reason. You would jump, like, four times your regular height. And maybe have some sort of lame attack that would kill most enemies immediately.
(As he talks, a tacky pixely penguin appears. He runs forward, and jumps rediculously high. He swings his sword, making a beam come out the end.)
Ekul: (Voiceover) And then there'd be the not-worked-on-hard-enough-enemies. The entry-level enemies would be your size with no arms and just kind of amble foreward, changing directions when they hit walls and walking right off pits.
(Pixel-Ekul runs and jumps over a wall. An orange enemy walks onscreen. It looks like a thumb with an eye for a nail and legs. Ekul jumps over it. It hits the wall. Ekul walks foreward to see a pit. He jumps and the enemy passes under him right into the pit.)
Ekul: (Voiceover) And the final boss of the level would either be a strange mutated animal or a robot of some type that the programmers didn't take too long animating
(Pixel Ekul jumps over the pit, and a badly animated snail with arms shoots beams from it's eyes. Ekul Jumps over it, then shoots it in the mouth. He does this over and over again. Finally the boss dissapears spontaniously.)
Ekul: (Voiceover) And then one of the characters would be there at the end of each level to congradulate me.
(Pixel C11 rolls over. C11 has a talk bubble that says "congladuration made it you again".)
Ekul: (Voiceover) And people who have strange accents or that don't talk english would magiacally talk like everyone else, but with bad grammer and spelling. Then on some levels you could be another character with the same scheme, but with different color and patterns.
(Pixel Kyves walks on. He looks a lot like Ekul. He shoots a beam out of his swords.)
Ekul: (Voiceover) He'd shoot differently and jump differently, but would be pretty much the same. Then there'd be the text based adventure games.
(Cut to Peasents quest style graphics. Ekul is pixelated, but looks a lot better. He's standing in a future looking place.)
Ekul: (Voiceover) You'd have to do pointless stuff like, "Search janitorial closet"
(The text box fills in. The door opens even though the character does nothing to interact. A command box comes up)
Narrator: In the closet there is a broom, an outfit and a trash vaporizer.
Ekul: (Voiceover) And you'd get pointless stuff that has an impact later on.
(The typer puts "Get Broom")
Narrator: You get the broom. It is a stick with some kind of material on the end.
Typed: Get outfit
Narrator: Somebody might need this. You take it anyway.
Typed: Get vaporizer.
Narrorator: You can now vaporize people and things. Just type "Zap"
Ekul: (Voiceover) And you'd meet your friends, but they'd steer your boat. And another would give you information, and maybe give you stuff. Along with that, there'd be the futuristic one and the one that takes place in the early ninteen-hundreds. Next, there'd be the trading card style.
(Cut to a slightly-pixelated card game. It basically shows cards and people pressing certain options on a menu.)
Ekul: (Voiceover) Ugh. Apparentally you'd collect cards and play the game with computers as good as you could with humans. I'm not even going to really explain this. Then there's the RPG!
(A tacky 3-D Ekul runs around. A message pops up that says "oh no you are been attackd" The screen swirls, then it shows Ekul, C11 and Kyves standing facing three enemies. Ekul hits one with his sword.)
Ekul: (Voiceover) You'd have these back and forth turn based things. Strange, but fun. Lastly, there's First Person Shooter.
(A wing with a gun is all that is shown. It runs around a maze, shooting at people, who fall down. Every person that is shot, a message appears in the corner that says "You've fragged # people" (Number varies))
(Cut back to Ekul at C11)
Ekul: There's also racing and sports games, but those are pretty much self explainatory. Well, that's it. Me? I'm gonna go play those games.
(Ekul leaves. C11 projects the "Email Ekul" thing again.)
Easter Eggs
Click on "those games" to Play the NES game.
Fun facts