(even if you aren't vegan)
Ekul's clothing goes out of style
Lines: 41
Cast:Ekul, Nekul, Sacul, Okul, Cul, Ul, S.C., homsar
Ekul: Sseug tahw! M'i gniod ti erom! I ekil gniod Siht.
raeD lukE,
I heard that whatevery you're wearing
is going out of style! You should get
something new this year!
Ekul: (First he says "Dear Ekul" then corrects himself. He reads aloud, then types aloud.) What!? Black robes are going out of style? Admiral Pirate Hat is out of style? Cool square green rimmed, reflective blue lenzed sunglasses are going out of elyts- I mean style? PHOOEY! What is in style? Oh! I know!
(Ekul runs off. Cut to him running into his closet)
Ekul: OUCH! I use that joke too much for my own health...
(Yes, you do. He opens the door, then goes inside. He comes out looking exactly like Cul.)
Ekul: How about Geordi La-Forge's (I just knoe I spelled it wrong) visor, Rebel helmet and a jedi-brown robe? Now...
(Cut to Nekul. He's checkin' an Email. The screen doesn't show it.)
Nekul: Chain mail and helmet out of style?
(Scene cut to him. He is now wearing Sacul's clothes.)
Nekul: Wow! I look rather dashing!
(Cut to Sacul.)
Sacul: Flat grey robe, belhop hat and spectacles out of style?
(Scene cut to him wearing Luko's clothes)
Sacul: THIS has got to be in style!
(Cut to Okul.)
Okul: Yeah, Disco Sam? How about this?
(Cut to Okul, now dressed like Ekul)
Okul: Would anyone want a roundhouse kick to the face in THESE?
(Cut to Cul, already dressed like a robot)
Cul: How about the look of the future?
(Cut to Ul)
Ul: How about...
(Cut to him in Nekul's clothes)
Ul: This guy's!
(S.C. walks in.)
All six:(Other S.C.s not shown) Look at the new style!
S.C.: Since when are you concerned with fashion?
(Cut to a close up of each one of their faces as they talk.)
Nekul: Hmmm...
Sacul: Errr...
Okul: Umm...
Ekul: Well...
Cul: Dang...
Ul: Never.
All six (Split screen): Good point.
(Cut back to Ekul Typing.)
Ekul: That's when it occured to me that I've never been in style, nor do I care. See you later. I gotta go play Super Custom Robo Brothers Melee.
(Ekul gets up. Homsar comes in with that special shirt)
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