(even if you aren't vegan)
Ekul fixes a mistake of the past
Lines 50
Cast:Ekul, C11, Kyves, Ekul, C11, Kyves, Stan Robot
Ekul: Na rehto liame.
Dear Ekul,
Hey, remember that time you blew up Norhtwest Oregon? Yeah. I lived there. Well, at least I got to see what hell (the place) is like, and that there is no heaven. Infact, Satan's a pretty cool guy.What's that? Oh. His real name is Stan. They made a typo in the bible, ALOT! Anyway, you should check it out. But it's a little warm, considering they moved to the sun.
Signing off,
Ekul: (Says "Dead" instead of Chwoka) Uh oh. It looks like Satan's goons are impersonating Chwoka to try to get me to do bad stuff, then commit suicide. That is bad. So I will have to save Chwoka. Hey Kyves! We get to migrate again!
(Pan out. Kyves does a jig. Ekul types some stuff in.)
Ekul: Oh BLAST! Not again!
Trash Can: WARNING! ERROR: Your coffee is ready!
Ekul: What? I don't drink coffee!
Trash Can: WARN- Five eight zero zero nine eight five four ten six teen teen ten nine eight seven six five four three two one, have a nice day.
Ekul: This is... Not good. Ominous.
Trash Can: Please wait. Assessing.
Ekul: What the...!?
Trash Can: Covering up electronics.
(Panels close up. Anything that is electronic a sheet of metal covers it. C11 beeps rapidly and manages to get into the central cylender's wire area)
Trash Can: Deploying...
(Nozzles come out of the ceiling. They spin around.)
(Kyves runs for the door, but the door closes. Ketchup sprays out of a nozzel. Marshmellow paste gushes out of another. Pop comes out of yet another. The last one sprays confetti. The room is being bombarded with liquid.)
(Ekul is knocked backwards. Suddenly it all stops. Drains open in the ground. The nozzels turn into vacuums, sucking stuff off the wall. Compartments open back up. C11 rolls out, hacking probe outstreched)
Ekul: Good robot!
C11: Beep dor!
Kyves: Squeakity squeakin?
C11: Dop korp.
Ekul: Yes!
(Ekul, Kyves and C11 run out to see that they are in the hallway of City Hall. Ekul and Kyves run out of the room and down the hall in the opposite direction. Ekul runs in. The device is at ten seconds. The mayor looks at them strangely.)
Mayor: Decide to share my fate?
Ekul: I'll show you YOUR FATE!
(C11 puts a terminal into the bomb. It turns off at .01 seconds.)
Mayor: NO! YOU! I will take over the town, and my Zombie bomb won't be deactivated next time!
Ekul: Wait... That isn't nuclear?
Mayor: No. I wanted to be "King Stan"! I wanted to make all the residents to follow me to the death!
Ekul: That might be easier than you'd think!
(Ekul swings his sword at him, cutting his arm off. It is robotic.)
MAyor: Ha ha ha. This body is but a shell!
Ekul: YOU'LL be a shell when I'm done with-
(Kyves stabs the robot with his sword, and then turns on the electricity. It starts to spark.)
Mayor: Self... Destruct... Activa- (Kyves cuts his fuel cells out) te... My.. Explosion... will take out... City hall... go..od b..y..e s- ten nine...
(Ekul, Kyves, (Who squeaks frantically) and C11 head for the Trash can.)
(Everybody safely makes it out. The Trash Can fades as City Hall explodes.)
Ekul: Well, there we go-
Trash Can: Your coffee is done.
(C11 beeps. He puts a projection on the wall that says "Email Ekul".)
Easter Eggs
Fun facts