(even if you aren't vegan)
Ekul gets an email about birds, from a bird
Lines: 16
Cast: Ekul, ducks, Homsar
Ekul: Kool! M'i Gniod ti niaga!
dear ekul,
do you ever feed the ducks? personally i think feeding
ron kiwi
the ducks is the greatest thing in the world. what are
your thoughts on this subject?
your friend,
Ekul: (Types aloud) Oh no! CAPITALIZE MY NAME! You look like a nice guy, but you'll die if you don't capitalize my name! I know it for a fact! Hang on!
(Ekul types in ronkiwi@thatoneemailclient.com. He hacks in, and finds his webpage. He accedentally deletes it. He quickly returns to the email.)
Ekul: You were lucky it was just your webpage. Next time it could cost you your pond or your life. I suppose you didn't capitalize anything, so it wasn't as serious. Be careful next time. Now. Onto the ducks. All birds rule, so you're right. Feeding the ducks is the greatest thing in the world. I'll go find one.
(Ekul sends the message, then types something on the central panel. He then leaves. He walks out to a scenic pond.)
Ekul: What a scenic pond! Hey duck!
(A duck floats over.)
Ekul: Ron the kiwi says that feeding the ducks is the greatest thing in the world. I'm inviting you all to lunch.
(Cut to Ekul and a dozen ducks eating Ekul's meal from "Seafood".)
Duck: Quack! Quack quack quack!
(Eveyone bursts out laughing. Homsar comes in with that special shirt)
Easter Eggs
Fun facts