(even if you aren't vegan)
Short email, long story.
Lines: 21
Cast (in order of appearance): Ekul, C11, Kyves, Nad, Darlinite, Constantonire
EKUL: SSEUG TAHW? On? ho llew...
I was just in the future wait I mean
I'm from the future and I'm sending this from another galaxy
Because I accidently hit and destroyed the sun so anydangway
Could you go and get Cul's Ipod. Oh and the reason
You're using an Ipod was because on this email C11
Destroys your computer
Your pal,
Stinkolad (the 20X6 version of Limoman)
EKUL: {Typing} Cul doesn't have an I-pod. And C11 can't destroy my computer because he is my computer. And the sun will have been replaced because in 205X they preserved it in a galaxy other than this. Unless you mean you hit the replacement. The replacement does not grow. Dragons live in it and keep it the same size and draw energy from it. Sorry this has to be a prank email.
EKUL: I'd better answer another. It doesn't satisfy my Email hunger.
Dear Ekul,
Great, somehow Darlinite escaped, and is continuing to blow up everything, and has messed up time! She escapes with some sorta time mchine, and we don't know where to find her!
PS. She might come to your time zone, or even earlier!
EKUL: What is her problem? Why can't she just bide her time? Fine, then! I'll do your dirty work again, lazy person! My question for you is, why don't YOU do it? It's not like your incapable! Unless you need my help because I'm a Time Master? Maybe.
{Ekul walks over to the Trash Can. He types into it.
EKUL: {Typed, not spoken} Teleport near lifepod in 5005.
{The Trash Can appears in space. Darlinite's pod suddenly dissapears, Ekul goes in that direction, then sprays mud out of the Trash Can. It splatters against the cloaked ship. Ekul types coordinates into the trash can. Cut to the inside of a ship. Darlinite, Constantonire and the third person, which is revealed to be Nad. The trio get into a gigantic time machine.}
EKUL: {Typing} Track and follow.
{The large time machine starts to get surges of electricity, all over the edges. Then it slowly starts to diminish. The Trash Can disapears fast in comparison.}
KYVES: This'll be easy!
{Suddenly, Ekul is blown back by the screen blows a spark. He hits the wall and is knocked out.}
{Kyves runs to him, then takes his pulse}
KYVES: Alive.
{Kyves runs to the controls. He attemps to type something in, but then he's blown sky high.}
{C11 drives over to the Trash Can, and inserts a thing into the Trash Can. Cut to the evil trio. Nad is onscreen.}
DARLINITE: Ha ha ha... now we will rule the-
{Suddenly the machine starts to spark.}
CONSTANTONIRE: W-what's happening?
NAD: I told you you should have tooken mine! Quick! Get out!
DARLINITE: B-but the secret machine-
CONSTANTONIRE: We must get out!!
{Cut back to the Trash Can. Ekul is staring at the screen}
EKUL: Chrono-intreferance... The trash Can was too close to their junky thing. That machine is unstable. C11, bring the email back up.
C11: Dorp borp.
EKUL: Shoot. Now I have to get a new computer! No, wait... I could install linux onto C11... That would make C11 practically virus-free... perfect!
{C11:"Email Ekul"}
Easter Eggs
Fun facts